Thanks, writer!
"Do you know that near where I grew up called Jenks Rd? They used to take us out there in drivers ed. Its this country road that seems normal. When you drive west on it, theres a little dip that blocks your view of the road and then boom its like a roller coaster.
I think it dives like 80 feet.
The first time it scares the shit out of you but then its a fun ride. The story goes that the guy who lives in front of the hump will come out and chase you if you keep going over the hump enough times.
Anyways what I mean to say is that in some ways Jenks Rd is like you. Sometimes theres ups and sometimes theres downs, but damn if it isn't a good road."
Jenks's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/27/2007 22:01 #40768
best email everCategory: :)
08/26/2007 19:31 #40742
It's been a shitty day, peeps.Category: :(
08/25/2007 13:30 #40725
computer for saleOk, this is getting ridiculous.
I bought a new computer in... february?
And the old one has been sitting on my desk next to it since then. I don't use it. I just keep thinking maybe someday I'll want some of the old info/apps off of it.
But it's been 6months now. And I haven't wanted anything.
AND the new line of imacs just came out, which I'm sure made this one devalue like crazy.
So it's time to get off my butt and sell it.
And I don't know where to start. Craigslist? ebay?
But I figured I'd ask here first...
It's in perfect shape. I even have the original box, install CDs and all that stuff. Even the receipt!
iMac G5.
Bought 10/26/04. Paid ~$2200
20" monitor
1.8ghz G5 processor
512mb RAM (upgradable)
160GB hard drive
built-in wireless/bluetooth
24x CD burner
8x DVD burner
It does not have a built-in iSight camera- but I have an external one I can include if you want it.
and it has AppleCare on it, which is still valid.
There is nothing wrong with it. It is not unacceptably slow or anything. And I take good care of my stuff, so it's not scuffed up or anything.
I only upgraded b/c 1: i had a credit at the apple store and 2: I wanted the intel processor.
I will restore the hard drive to the way it came. But I can also upgrade to OS 10.4 if you want.
I'm asking $600, which is about where they're going for on ebay.
I bought a new computer in... february?
And the old one has been sitting on my desk next to it since then. I don't use it. I just keep thinking maybe someday I'll want some of the old info/apps off of it.
But it's been 6months now. And I haven't wanted anything.
AND the new line of imacs just came out, which I'm sure made this one devalue like crazy.
So it's time to get off my butt and sell it.
And I don't know where to start. Craigslist? ebay?
But I figured I'd ask here first...
It's in perfect shape. I even have the original box, install CDs and all that stuff. Even the receipt!
iMac G5.
Bought 10/26/04. Paid ~$2200
20" monitor
1.8ghz G5 processor
512mb RAM (upgradable)
160GB hard drive
built-in wireless/bluetooth
24x CD burner
8x DVD burner
It does not have a built-in iSight camera- but I have an external one I can include if you want it.
and it has AppleCare on it, which is still valid.
There is nothing wrong with it. It is not unacceptably slow or anything. And I take good care of my stuff, so it's not scuffed up or anything.
I only upgraded b/c 1: i had a credit at the apple store and 2: I wanted the intel processor.
I will restore the hard drive to the way it came. But I can also upgrade to OS 10.4 if you want.
I'm asking $600, which is about where they're going for on ebay.
lilho - 08/27/07 11:51
is it toally stupid that i am marching off to the apple store right now to buy a macbook? i just really feel like i need something mobile... besides, (e:imk2) really wants it right??? i dont want to "steal" it from her.
is it toally stupid that i am marching off to the apple store right now to buy a macbook? i just really feel like i need something mobile... besides, (e:imk2) really wants it right??? i dont want to "steal" it from her.
imk2 - 08/25/07 22:16
im first.
im first.
mrmike - 08/25/07 15:23
If I had 600, I'd be all over it. Would you do installments?
If I had 600, I'd be all over it. Would you do installments?
08/25/2007 10:51 #40721
Random giggle...So....
I'm not working today. Which means I can sleep in. Which means I can stay out late the night before.
So, I was looking for something to do. Started calling friends.
One girl said "I'm at the casino with the king of the douchebags".
Then later I got a message that said "uhhhhh. The douchebaggery has begun!"
In the meantime I was talking to a (cute!) friend, and we were trying to figure out what to do, but we are both very indecisive, so it was super painful. We finally decided that we should at least eat. But he didn't really feel like eating in. But I really didn't feel like your usual take-out fare- pizza/wings/subs. So we finally had a brilliant idea: WEGMAN'S! So he picked me up, and we went to wegman's. And it was fun.
But to get back to my story...
So one friend made the douchebag comment. Which I mentioned to the other guy. He said "" I figured he was joking. But, it's a real site. Sort of funny, but sort of taking a somewhat funny idea WAY too far. It's mostly a bunch of people posting pictures like this:

and making fun of them. Apparently there's a whole new 'douchebag' vocablulary that I was unaware of. Including the obvious ('bag) and the derivative ('baguette), and then going on into scrote, scrotology, scrotologist, grieco, bleeth, lobster, etc etc.
But anyway, so I told her about it, and her reply, which I think is priceless:
You mean
aaaah, hahaha.
I'm not working today. Which means I can sleep in. Which means I can stay out late the night before.
So, I was looking for something to do. Started calling friends.
One girl said "I'm at the casino with the king of the douchebags".
Then later I got a message that said "uhhhhh. The douchebaggery has begun!"
In the meantime I was talking to a (cute!) friend, and we were trying to figure out what to do, but we are both very indecisive, so it was super painful. We finally decided that we should at least eat. But he didn't really feel like eating in. But I really didn't feel like your usual take-out fare- pizza/wings/subs. So we finally had a brilliant idea: WEGMAN'S! So he picked me up, and we went to wegman's. And it was fun.
But to get back to my story...
So one friend made the douchebag comment. Which I mentioned to the other guy. He said "" I figured he was joking. But, it's a real site. Sort of funny, but sort of taking a somewhat funny idea WAY too far. It's mostly a bunch of people posting pictures like this:

and making fun of them. Apparently there's a whole new 'douchebag' vocablulary that I was unaware of. Including the obvious ('bag) and the derivative ('baguette), and then going on into scrote, scrotology, scrotologist, grieco, bleeth, lobster, etc etc.
But anyway, so I told her about it, and her reply, which I think is priceless:
You mean
aaaah, hahaha.
uncutsaniflush - 08/25/07 22:16
I don't think that those chicks are hot. I think being a sexy hot woman is a bit more complicated than having a breast falling out of a dress or a top.
Oh, wait. I'm sorry you said "chick" not "woman" My apologies. That being said, I don't think that chicks with their beasts falling out of their tops and dresses are hot. But that is just me. Your mileage may vary.
I don't think that those chicks are hot. I think being a sexy hot woman is a bit more complicated than having a breast falling out of a dress or a top.
Oh, wait. I'm sorry you said "chick" not "woman" My apologies. That being said, I don't think that chicks with their beasts falling out of their tops and dresses are hot. But that is just me. Your mileage may vary.
imk2 - 08/25/07 22:04
aww...come cant say that those chicks are not hot.
aww...come cant say that those chicks are not hot.
ladycroft - 08/25/07 10:58
i see the douchebags but where are the hot chicks?
i see the douchebags but where are the hot chicks?
08/21/2007 11:18 #40653
let's try again(one of the few things about being late for work is seeing this sunrise)

mrmike - 08/22/07 12:54
One more footnote to a previous journal. I meant to tell you of my admiration for you taking your rare time off to partake in the dog rescue project in Gasport. I thought that was cool,
One more footnote to a previous journal. I meant to tell you of my admiration for you taking your rare time off to partake in the dog rescue project in Gasport. I thought that was cool,
museumchick - 08/22/07 00:34
It looks lovely!
It looks lovely!
tinypliny - 08/21/07 22:56
Maybe I should make it to work at sunrise too, then I can come back early. :) Hehe.
Mundane question -> when do you have breakfast and what do you generally have for breakfast?
Maybe I should make it to work at sunrise too, then I can come back early. :) Hehe.
Mundane question -> when do you have breakfast and what do you generally have for breakfast?
libertad - 08/21/07 14:54
Great pics in both posts. When was the sunrise this am? I am never up early enough.
Great pics in both posts. When was the sunrise this am? I am never up early enough.
mrmike - 08/21/07 11:54
Beauty! Thanks for sharing
Beauty! Thanks for sharing
leetee - 08/21/07 11:43
Pictures are beautiful. Thanks for posting them. :o)
- shudder* Late for work at sunrise?!?! That should be illegal... i am just so not a morning person. Yet another reason i couldn't be a doctor. Blood, guts, bodily fluids AND waking before dawn!?!?!
Pictures are beautiful. Thanks for posting them. :o)
that is the saddest thing I've ever seen!!! CHEER UP KIDDO!
I can guess what happened.... but what's happened has happened. Don't let it get you down. Just be yourself.
I hope today will be a better day for you. *hug*
((((( (e:Jenks) )))))
I hope today is a not so shitty day.
Awww.... hugs to you! Feel better!! I command you!!! ;)
That photo just made me feel really awful. I hope you feel better soon :)
Wow, I'm sorry you had to endure whatever put you in that state. Hopefully the insanity is done and a glass of wine or something can be had.
Tomorrow is a new day and a chance to put today's b.s. behind ya.
Ok I hope that nothing is to wrong. I'm not going to ask you what happened because if it wasn't private you would have said what happened so asking what happened would kinda be a waste and also insensitive. I hope what ever the issue is can be resolved or maybe even fixed between you and who ever else was hurt. I know this sounds corny but try to remember that the next day is a new day and you start a new. Hopefully things get better.
What happened?? Are you alright?? Would you like me to make you some dinner?