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05/07/2008 01:18 #44259

Category: travel
So (e:john) and I are meeting (e:jbeatty) (and later (e:ladycroft)) in Europe in a few days tomorrow (!).

WTF am I doing????? We can't afford this trip, and I don't have the time to go on vacation right now!!! We just found a house we like and may want to bid on!! Someone needs to be here to talk to mortgage people about getting us financing, and to make sure no one steals this house away! Plus, I am going to be missing my derby league's second bout, ever. And I can't be traipsing around Europe with a gigantic backpack right now, anyway, since I injured my knees at derby practice a few weeks ago and they still hurt like crazy and the doctor said I could do some serious damage to them if I exercise a lot while they're still healing!!! GAAHHH!!

I'm kinda stressed out about preparing for this trip, can you tell?

Actually, I'm stressed because I've barely prepared at all - (e:john)'s been doing all the guidebook-reading and itinerary-planning. I know when and where we're flying in and out, but in between, I have only the slightest clue where we'll be going or what we're going to be doing. And, uhm, packing? Haven't started. The only thing I know is that I'm going to feel like I'm not bringing anything with me at all, since it's all got to fit into one backpack. I am the queen of over-packing, but I think for this trip, I'm going to end up at the opposite extreme. I will miss my laptop more than words can express. It's going to feel very weird, not traveling with it.

Since I'm not bringing my laptop, I had to dig out my old paper address book and update it. I spent the first half of my evening turning the apartment upside down looking for the thing (which was safely tucked away in an easily-accessible cabinet, I discovered after scouring many hard-to-reach places). Then it was John's turn to misplace a notebook and spend time tearing the place apart looking for it, while I sat down to learn how woefully out-of-date even my computerized address book was. Ugh.

I was going to buy myself a new pair of hiking boots for this trip, but it's pretty much too late now. I've got a few great pairs of sneakers I can bring, but I'm gonna need boots, too, I bet. I'd love to see how my awesome new cowboy boots would hold up, but they're not practical for traveling since I need a shoehorn to get them on, and they won't go on at all if my feet are swollen. I find it slightly unbelievable that I own 50 million pairs of shoes and still don't have any non-sneaker shoes that are appropriate for this trip.

Well. If anyone wants a postcard, give (e:jbeatty) your address, and I'll make sure he sends you one while we're there. :)

ladycroft - 05/08/08 07:32
it's gonna rock, don't stress!

see you in a few days :)
tinypliny - 05/07/08 23:26
It's going to be so awesome.
Re: (e:jon)
tinypliny - 05/07/08 23:12
Wow. All the best! You will love it all!

And yes, hello to you, (e:jbeatty), (e:john) and (e:ladycroft). :)
metalpeter - 05/07/08 18:56
I'm going to tell you why you should go.
-The house is just a house. If someone else winds up getting it then it wasn't meant to be your house any ways, so don't worry about that.
- Yeah missing the Roller Derby bout is to bad, but you where told to lay off the exercise any way so skating might have just hurt your team anyways.
- I understand you don't want to leave any thing that you really need at home. But if you don't pack light then you have to carry all that non needed stuff. Just make sure to have the funds so you can get anything you need. Oh yeah bring the cameara with lots of extra Batteries
- It sounds like you like to plan where you go and be the doer. Hey remember if things don't turn out the way you like it isn't your fault and you can relax and let someone else do everything.
*****You are meeting up with (e:ladycroft) in europe, that should be enough of a reason to go. Not to menition this is the 1st international (e:peep) meet up (or at least that I know of) and that is an event in its self*******

I also think you should remember that there are lots of people who can't go to over there because they don't have the money and may never get there, so to be thankful that you will have a nice trip with people you know. so just relax and have a great time.
jbeatty - 05/07/08 10:55
I'm not ready either, I just finished my last final about 45 mins ago and I have to work tonight. So I guess I'll pack tomorrow.
paul - 05/07/08 09:51
I am sure it will be totally worth it, say hello to (e:ladycroft) for us.
mrmike - 05/07/08 08:51
You'll have a great time. Wish I could take a trip that I had no business taking like that

04/21/2008 23:00 #44093

Category: schadenfreude
Ok, I know this is small, mean, and petty of me... but I just got the alumni magazine from my high school, and looking through it, there were pictures of two obnoxious people from the grade below mine who got so fat I did not recognize them, and one guy from my grade who was really mean to my friends and me for years who got fat AND married an ugly woman AND had an ugly baby.

That just made my day. :D

Plus, there were pics of two chubby girls who had slimmed down and looked great. Cheers for them!

fellyconnelly - 04/22/08 08:32
not small, mean or petty at all!

04/21/2008 17:14 #44086

Dear Jbeatty
Category: coercion
You better play a move in our Scrabble game on Facebook soon, or I am so going to force a win.

Just sayin'.

your sister-in-law

jbeatty - 04/21/08 17:27
Sorry scrabble has been the last thing on my mind lately. I will move right now.

04/16/2008 15:34 #44030

Facebook etiquette
Category: teh intarweb
I know I have better things to do with my time than to worry about this, but what does one do when someone one really does not like adds one as a friend on Facebook? I mean, I have had people I did not know all that well and was not particularly friendly with add me - but this is the first time I've had someone with whom I was openly hostile add me as a friend.

Seriously, what would motivate this person to want to be back in touch with me, when he was such an asshole to me for so many years? Why would he think I'd want to be back in touch with him?

jenks - 04/16/08 19:22
deny the add.
I refuse to add anyone I don't know. And wouldn't add someone I dislike, either.

I also ignore all app/survey/quiz/etc requests. (so no offense friends- nothing personal.) But it's stupid that you have to add the dumb application to your page just to find out the answers to silly quizzes. No thanks.

here's a more complex facebook etiquette question- what does one do when one's boyfriend changes his 'status' to single, and his 'looking for' to 'relationship', and when called out says "oops sorry i was drunk and vindictive, didn't mean it, sorry"- but then doesn't change it back?
Makes me wanna change my own. Maybe that's the modern way of breaking up?
ajay - 04/16/08 19:20
I accept on 'friend' requests from hot chicks, and ignore all others (no offense, guys! :D ).

Just ignore him.
james - 04/16/08 15:54
They could be holding out an olive branch.

They could be looking for an easy way to unload some guilt for a past transgression perhaps?

But you are under no obligation to add them. Zombie Emily Post agrees.

04/11/2008 18:38 #43983

long time, no post...
Category: miscellany
So. Been a while since I posted here. Things have been pretty busy. I really feel like my life is just starting to get back on track after several months of disruption.

Anyway, for those of you who care, things are ok. My roller derby league had its first public bouts this past weekend. We won our first two bouts and apparently scared the other teams so much that they forfeited the next two.* We had to scrimmage amongst ourselves to fill the rest of the time. It was a bizarre occurrence. I do hope our next interleague bouts go more smoothly.

  • Please note, when I say "we," I merely mean that I am on the team - coach did not put me in at all during the first two bouts, so I never got to skate against anyone that was not in my league.

In fake hockey news, I came in 5th in my fantasy hockey league this year. I was really hoping for 3rd. I blame Miikka Kiprusoff. (e:jbeatty) was fighting for dead last, last time I looked, and (e:john) came in first. I'm already strategizing for next year...

In real hockey news, I'm pretty excited that Jacques Martin has been fired as the Panthers' coach: I know I said a long time ago that I hate the Panthers, but since they're my home team now and I see them play all the time, they've won me over a bit. That David Booth kid is really awesome, and if they can nab a few more players like him, and trim some of the players that suck, the Panthers can be a decent team. They just need to stop being okay with losing. I can't tell you how many times I've seen them play, and it's just been like they either gave up halfway through, or weren't that into it to begin with. Or like, half of them would be playing their hearts out, and the other half would be like, "eh, whatever." With any luck, a new coach will help with this attitude problem.

I only kinda care about the playoffs. Like, none of my teams are in this year, so it's sort of like, eh, ok. It'll be interesting to see who gets to the final, but until then, I've got other things to occupy my time. Side note: does anybody else read (e:anne) 's hockey blog? It makes me giggle a lot.

So some of you saw Kimya Dawson recently? She was here a couple weeks ago. Here are a couple pics for you:


Her show was a benefit for this organization in Miami: It was in a boat house, which was open on one side, on one of the coldest and windiest nights I've experienced since moving here. It was only about 50-some degrees, but with wind chill, and no jacket or sweatshirt or anything? That feels pretty damn cold. I thought the show was going to be in an enclosed space, otherwise I never would have forgotten to bring a sweatshirt and not thought it would be a big deal.

I picked up the mix CD of old ska/rocksteady that Angelo Spencer (Kimya's baby-daddy) was selling at the merch table. Aside from the crappiness of the burned CD (and it is the CD itself skipping, not the record that was transferred to CD), I love it - the music is great!

Well. I guess that's all I've got to say for now. I'll try to swing by here more often, now that things have settled down a bit in my life.
dragonlady7 - 04/15/08 19:40
Heh, our league has only ever scrimmaged among ourselves-- but we take it pretty damn seriously at this point. We have a league trophy and everything.

But then, I hear Florida has like four hundred derby leagues, so you probably have a few more options than we do... :::link:::

Our team this year has a roster of 20 and we can only skate 14 in each bout, so it's really rough on our bench manager, whose job it is to tell us who's sitting out. (We actually had to skate short our last bout-- six girls sitting in the audience watching, and then we had a blocker go out in the first period with a dislocated patella. Very disappointing, but at least she'd been able to skate in a previous bout, so she didn't miss her only chance.)
We're trying to make sure everyone gets to skate this season-- I bowed out of one bout with my fucked-up knees (which are much better now, hurray), but we really don't want to let unprepared girls skate, or bench really good dedicated players in favor of someone whose "turn" it is. So far there's only one girl left who hasn't been played yet, and she's just had a run of injuries, poor health, and terrible luck: I hope she can get squared away by May 31st, because that's our last bout of the season.

Fortunately the rest of us have felt it to be a healthy competitive motivation-- I know I've improved a great deal simply because unlike last season, we weren't short so I wasn't the last resort. Just knowing that my hard work mattered, and that I had been chosen instead of resorted to, really has made a big difference to me.
lizabeth - 04/14/08 00:04
Thanks for the welcome back! :)

And yeah, I love Kimya Dawson's songs a lot, but I would not describe her show as "fun" - not that I regret going to see her, but now that I've done it, I don't feel the need to do it ever again. That could just be because I was so cold during the show that I couldn't wait for it to end.

Honestly, of course I'd go see her again if she played wherever I was, if for no other reason than to support her and her adorable child and her charmingly French baby-daddy. But I'd know what I was in for. I'd bring my knitting or something.
museumchick - 04/12/08 20:17
It's really nice having a post from you on here. I haven't heard a lot of Kimya Dawson, but from what I have heard, I think I kind of like. She definitely sounds like she might a fun live singer.