Ok, so hodown's hello kitty story reminded me of some randomness.
Yesterday I was on the yahoo homepage, and in addition to the thai police/hello kitty story, they also had this one:
"Boy feels 'ripped off' by cougar attack"

basically this kid was attacked by a cougar, and is just pissed that it disrupted his vacation.
And another...
So there are some sick wealthy areas in my hometown.
Including this one 'estate', called Gray Craig. Growing up we knew some people that lived in the carriage house or something, but I've never been further than that and have never even seen the main house or anything. It's really fancy- 12 bedrooms and 24,000 sq ft or something like that.
In any case. Apparently Nicholas Cage just bought the place- for something like $16 million. My dad says it's been in the newspaper like every day.
Well this weekend my parents went to a party at some friends' house, which happens to be across the street, and a car carrier pulled up to unload SIX of his cars. Lamborghinis, Ferraris etc. Apparently he owns 14 houses or something, but I guess they think that since he's actually keeping some cars at this one, that he might actually be planning on spending some time there.
Not that I especially love Nicholas Cage, but I think he'd be the most famous person we've had live in town.
Very cool photos!
I tought the sky was going to open right up as well. It was freaky! I was waiting on someone to meet up with me, and I was standing outside near UB south, when the dark clouds, wind and breaks of sun all mixed together. It actually reminded me of a scene out of Ghostbusters.. and I half expected the Staypuft marshmallow man to come bounding around the corner. Nice that you got some pics :)
i'm glad you didn't kill him too. That would be tragic! I like your pics, the sky is crazy!
Yup, on forest elmwood turning right on forest. And ok, I didn't really "almost" kill you.... but you were at the corner right as I was turning. I actually turned and waved and thought maybe you saw me- and then after I parked in my driveway I walked back up to see if you were still there. But you weren't. But I'm certainly glad I didn't have to post that I killed (e:freedom).
funny i didn't see your post last night and I was looking for it. yup it must have been me from the timing of your pics, i would say you almost killed me around Forrest? that would have been a tragic journal right? um I killed (e:libertad). That is pretty ajay
Looks like you got a decent eye
Glad you caught it. I didn't have a camera but I stopped dead on my tracks (and someone bumped into me) as I stepped out of office yesterday evening. :)
The seocnd-from-bottom pic looks nice.