I just returned from a business trip to Wyoming last night and even after sleeping for over 10 hours I feel exhausted. Planes are so disgusting- I always seem to catch something. Returning from Puerto Rico a few weeks ago I had the worst sinus infection. Fingers crossed for no airborne diseases this time around.
Can't wait for (e:mike) and (e:libertad)'s wedding! Need to buy plane tickets and hopefully I am invited. I will show up even if I'm not.
I can't really say much is new- same boyfriend, same education sales job, same bratty attitude! I do kind love AZ and hopefully some of you jerks other than my sis will visit. We live in a cool area that you can ride bikes around and I hope to be able to buy or rent a nice townhouse or condo in he next year or two.
Photos of PR below- most beautiful place ever... People got or miss on the friendliness. I should probably learn to speak some Spanish. It's was also eye opening to see so many people struggling- I hope the economy turns around for them. We did meet a nice family on the beach that sure their food wth us and they were very kind and welcoming.

You're Def invited. Invitations are coming in the next few weeks ! Google chat me your address cuz my xmas card got returned and I wanna make sure I have the latest and greatest