I've been spending a good bit of my time working with a dog rescue. Unfortunately, I have been asked not to post about it. But sometimes I do anyway. And this is one of those times.
So yesterday there was a meet-up, bbq type deal outside of Lockport. Lots of people, lots of dogs, lots of beer... it was a lot of fun. And I took a lot of pictures. (and (e:ajay)- you would be proud of me. I was very well-behaved. I promise.)
Here are a few.

An unexpected visitor. I'm not sure I would have had the nerve to hold it, I must say.

Blue eyes on dogs are amazing. (particularly THIS dog- the other eye is brown.)

My fave pic of the evening: a "vicious pit bull" giving kisses and more kisses as people laugh their heads off.

"I'm not sleeping! I swear" (snore, drool, snore)

Ahhhh, to be a puppy.
I love puppies, I love rescues, I love Puppy Rescues!!! Sooooo cute...and amazing by the way, that you get to do that kind of thing!
yeah seriously... where are the doggy rescue posts? lauren spends half the day watching animal rescue 911 or whatever on animal planet. give her somethin to read!
Glad to see that you had fun ;-)
Puppiessss!! Yay for puppies!
OK, i have to ask. Why would anyone ask you not post about a dog rescue? Is it a covert anachist operation or something? Psst... don't tell anyone, we are saving lives and doing good things for our animal friends. I would think that positive word of mouth would be a good thing.
Love that last one -- perfect puppitude