07/04/04 09:31 - ID#33031
e-peeps everywhere
I ended up drinking from about 7pm to 3am. I didn't drive so I took a cab home and left my cell phone in the back of the cab. When I called it this morning, the cab driver said his band was playing outside Holly Farms today and I could pick it up there. Since it poured, I assumed the gig was cancelled, but I went there twice anyways and he wasn't there. Now he's not answering the phone. Five of my friends told me that they called and he chatted with them and told them where I could get my phone. He's been talking to my friends all day, but when he doesn't show, he can't answer. I think he's screwing with me.
All of this has led me to some conclusions:
1. I need to stop severely abusing my body with alcohol. Not only will it prevent me from losing things, but I'll be a healthier, skinnier, richer e-rachel.
2. We should have an epeep party. Granted this item does not really coincide well with number one, but what can you do? If you have doubts about meeting each other, see Drchlorine's journal [inlink]drchlorine,4[/inlink]. Those e-dudes aren't so bad either.

Permalink: e_peeps_everywhere.html
Words: 229
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/26/04 02:12 - ID#33030
Movie Talk

Permalink: Movie_Talk.html
Words: 76
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/25/04 04:20 - ID#33029
Extreme Ironing

Permalink: Extreme_Ironing.html
Words: 23
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/23/04 11:49 - ID#33027

Permalink: morning.html
Words: 52
Location: Buffalo, NY
07/01/04 02:11 - ID#33026
Summer Fun
Azurexeruza - I agree wholeheartedly with Liz. For most women, the thought of long hair brings to mind images of a disgusting unkempt mop. But when a boy has nice long hair, we generally love it.
Beast and Metalpeter - I love reading your journals. Maybe you can start a new society based on every nympho's favorite primate - the bonobo. Everyone has random partners (many female-female when males are not near) and when conflicts arise, sex is the answer. I know that if I were always sexually satisfied, I wouldn't get too cranky. Just cover yourselves in latex please.

Permalink: Summer_Fun.html
Words: 170
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/21/04 05:38 - ID#33025
Artvoice Festival
Southernyankee is a total crack-up. We might have to start training her so she builds up a tolerance.
The birds were chirping when I got home this morning. Working on 2 hours of sleep is getting challenging.

Permalink: Artvoice_Festival.html
Words: 66
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/19/04 01:47 - ID#33024
Out again
Mike and Jill - I am totally up for some e-stripper dodgeball.
Paul - why don't you want a 2-headed human baby? What's the problem?
Lilho - changes are rough. Take your time and go easy on yourself.

Permalink: Out_again.html
Words: 104
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/18/04 05:38 - ID#33023
Stepford Wives
Afterwards we went to the Pink for a drink. Nobody was there yet, but it was nice to sit on the patio. You e-peeps need to get out earlier.

Permalink: Stepford_Wives.html
Words: 71
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/14/04 11:29 - ID#33022
Obituary For Ronald Reagan
Vamos a festejarlo/This we shall celebrate/Das werden wir feiern
Vengan todos/Let everybody come/Kommt ihr alle
Los inocentes/The innocents/Die Unschuldigen
Los damnificados/The injured/Die Verletzten
Los que gritan de noche/Those who scream at night/Wer nachts schreit
Los que sufren de día/Those who suffer during the day/Wer tags leidet
Los que sufren el cuerpo/Those who suffer their bodies/Wer den Körper leidet
Los que alojan fantasmas/Those who house phantoms/Wer Geister unterbringt
Los que pisan descalzos/Those who step barefoot/Wer barfuß geht
Los que blasfeman y arden/Those who blaspheme and burn/Wer Gott lästert und schmort
Los pobres congelados/The frozen poor/Die gefrorenen Armen
Los que quieren a alguien/Those who are fond of somebody/Wer jemanden gern hat
Los que nunca se olvidan/Those who never forget/Wer nie vergißt
vamos a festejarlo/this we shall celebrate/das werden wir feiern
vengan todos/let everybody come/kommt ihr alle
el crápula se ha muerto/the reprobate has died/der Verwerfliche ist gestorben
se acabó el alma negra/the black soul found its end/die schwarze Seele ging zu Ende
el ladrón/the thief/der Dieb
el cochino/the swine/der Suakerl
se acabó para siempre/gone forever/erledigt für alle Zeiten
que vengan todos/let everybody come/laßt alle kommen
vamos a festejarlo/this we shall celebrate/das werden wir feiern
a no decir/do not say/sagt nicht
la muerte/death/der Tod
siempre lo borra todo/always erases it all/löscht immer das Ganze
todo lo purifica/purifies it all/reinigt das Gesamte
cualquier día/any day/jeden Tag
la muerte/death/der Tod
no borra nada/erases nothing/löscht gar nichts
quedan/there remain/es bleiben
siempre las cicatrices/forever the scars/ewig die Narben
murió el cretino/the cretin died/der Schwachkopf starb
vamos a festejarlo/this we shall celebrate/das werden wir feiern
a no llorar de vicio/do not weep for weeping's sake/weint nicht nur damit geweint wird
que lloren sus iguales/let his peers weep/es sollen seinesgleichen weinen
y se traguen sus lágrimas/and swallow their tears/und ihre Tränen schlucken
se acabó el monstruo prócer/the monster genius came to an end/das geniale Ungeheuer ging zu Ende
se acabó para siempre/gone forever/erledigt für alle Zeiten
vamos a festejarlo/this we shall celebrate/das werden wir feiern
a no ponernos tibios/let us not cool down/lassen wir uns nicht abkühlen
a no creer que éste/let us not believe that this/wir sollen nicht glauben, daß dieser
es un muerto cualquiera/is any ordinary deceased/irgendein beliebiger Verstorbener ist
vamos a festejarlo/this we shall celebrate/das werden wir feiern
a no volvernos flojos/let us not become idle/werden wir nicht müßig
a no olvidar que éste/let us not forget that this/vergessen wir nicht, daß diese
es un muerto de mierda./is a dead piece of shit./eine Scheißleiche ist.
[Mario Benedetti]

Permalink: Obituary_For_Ronald_Reagan.html
Words: 586
Location: Buffalo, NY
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