More love for my new carrier
First another bonus to ATT. I just called a number I saw at our Human Resources for ATT discounts and when I called the representative, she applied a 24% discount to my account. That is a seriously significant discount.
Clear Liquid Diet Day
I didn't even start with my first clear liquid drink of the day but decided to weigh myself just to see how much weight I will lose through the whole laxative process before the scope tomorrow. Looks like I weighed in at 138 - and that is before. Just how little can I weight, like how much is
(e:paul) without the food in him. I really don't know how laxative are going to help get any more out of me. Seeing as my body seems to take care of that by itself.
Here is an example day from
Breakfast Hot tea with lemon juice and 1 tsp sugar (no pulp); Apple juice (8 oz); Gelatin 1 cup
Lunch Hot tea with lemon (no pulp) and sugar; Grape juice (8 oz); Fruit Ice (1 cup); Consommé (8 oz.)
Snack Fruit juice (apple, cranberry or grape, 8 oz); Gelatin (1 cup)
Dinner Hot tea with lemon and sugar; Apple juice (8 oz); Consommé (8 oz); Fruit Ice (1 cup)
I think I am just going to need to be sedated. Does vodka count in clear liquid diet? I seriously get crazy just missing one meal as I don't have much reserves.
Mind you just before thanksgiving I weighed about 150. So I figure at this rate I should be down to 100 lbs by summer. I think that is my target "die at" weight. That was supposed to be a pun on diet but it just sounds sad. Kind of like
(e:vincent) said - if you get down to 150 and then you get sick it's too on the edge. Welcome to my life.
I am so freakin' scared. Things like this

scare me to death. For some reason I am not really able to handle this so well. How are other people so good at coping with body based problems? They just make me feel so temporary. I think had it been anything else I could have lived with it. Save for maybe some injury to my penis. But messing with eating and sleeping ruins everythign for me. In my sad, non social existence, going out to eat was probably the only fun thing I did - and now that is ruined. There is nothig else to do in the winter fr me. I guess i oucld program more, or pick up some other stupid hobby but I really miss the social interaction that is eating.
At least I have a job that I can do without much physical effort. Imagine if I had a physically stressful, non-union job right now. I would probably end up being fired and losing my health insurance if I had any to begin with. I guess I am lucky in a way and should stop complaining. But it doesn't make it any less scary. I suppose it would all be much better if I had a doctor I communicated with I think the scariness is not really knowing anything or what to expect.
I cannot wait until my gastro appointment on the 24th. I will call tehm today and ask if there are any other earlier appointments.
I'm sorry about your ordeal Paul. I hope you start feeling better soon. The only side effect I had from prednisone was a little bit of weight gain, other than that it didn't really mess with my system too much.
Don't be scared of the 'roids Paul. Every medicine has a huge scary list of side effects. But most of them are like 1 in a million. And you're not on it forever- just til things settle down.
And I bet you'll start singing the praises of prednisone soon enough, when you start feeling better. ;)
hang in there...just take one day at a time. Knowing the answer means that now you can manage it and new research every day means that someday this could improve even more.
welcome to the intestinal disorders club :)
you'll be fine, it just takes time to get used to it.
My Ankylosing Spondylitis (quite the mouthful) is an immunodeficiency in the same vein as Crohn's, I believe. Maybe I'm just lucky but out of the four in my household, I seem to get sick the least. So whatever.
At least I did get to stand in line (legitimately) with all the old folks a couple years ago when there was a flu shot shortage.
Like James said, eventually you learn to live with your malady and just accept it as part of life. The way I've always looked at mine is that it could have been worse, you know something that isn't chronic as much as it is terminal.
i would totally make as many steroid jokes about myself as i could fit into a day if i were you. try to stay positive paul... you can beat all this and feel good again..
If you ever have any questions about Crohn's or anything, email me anytime. Are there any support groups in Buffalo? Maybe it would help to talk to others in person who are going through the same thing.
I know it sounds scary- but usually your body adjust pretty fast to prednisone. I've been on it off and on for seven years now, and I only experience those kinds of symptoms on the highest doses.
I'm really sorry you have to deal with this. I think you will start to feel much better once they find the right treatment. It's hard waiting in the mean time, though.
As someone with a horrific chronic disease. At first it is really depressing and life just isn't worth as much as it used to be. But, then you get used to managing it and life moves on. So, hang in there, as they say.
come visit meeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
If my weak-ass immune system can handle the kids, i think you'll be okay. I'll be your disease buffer. Perhaps we can now convince terry that a 3 month sojourn to the south each winter would be good for invalids such as us.