Enknot's Journal
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11/01/2014 15:45 #59529
I think he wants the treat....Category: cat
07/30/2013 12:35 #57949
I did this once...Category: unnerd
Woman Mistaking pepper for a cherry
(e:Terry) and I actually. then we stomped around in the kitchen crying and drinking milk like baby cows hoping for relief.
It was the most painful thing I think I'd ever done to date. She's not kidding. Oddly, I still love spicy food.
Moral of the story... Stick to buffalo wings. And share your misery with friends, makes it more fun.
07/29/2013 17:28 #57946
iOS 7 will not power onCategory: nerd
Oh... so here's the reason I came here. It's cause the world needs to know this.
I've been testing an app for Roswell Park in iOS 7 and as such I've had a few issues. It's a beta....it's to be expected.
The worst of it has been that sometimes the device will shut down and just not come on... When this happens my only option had been to wait for the bad process to wear the battery down until it could restart from scratch.
Holding the home key and pressing the power button for an extended period seemed to work twice in a row for me. The apple logo will appear and you'll be back up and running in no time. I saw a cute at the apple store do it to my phone, but didn't pay enough attention at first to recall. So there was a bit of trial and error, but there you have it.
As you might have guessed having this beta on my phone as caused quite a bit of havoc in my overly social life. (Power management on the first beta was non existent). For reasons similar to that I suggest only using it in the emulator until the very last mile of development.
I couldn't find anything about doing that on any forums anywhere so I guess it's necessary to post it someplace, why not in my (e:strip) blog. If you have to use this OS to test things and you only have one device you're just going to have to live with using it everyday, something that I understand and inordinate # of people have been willing to do before it's ready, so I guess this post will have some kind of audience.
Ok... happy nerding.
I've been testing an app for Roswell Park in iOS 7 and as such I've had a few issues. It's a beta....it's to be expected.
The worst of it has been that sometimes the device will shut down and just not come on... When this happens my only option had been to wait for the bad process to wear the battery down until it could restart from scratch.
Holding the home key and pressing the power button for an extended period seemed to work twice in a row for me. The apple logo will appear and you'll be back up and running in no time. I saw a cute at the apple store do it to my phone, but didn't pay enough attention at first to recall. So there was a bit of trial and error, but there you have it.
As you might have guessed having this beta on my phone as caused quite a bit of havoc in my overly social life. (Power management on the first beta was non existent). For reasons similar to that I suggest only using it in the emulator until the very last mile of development.
I couldn't find anything about doing that on any forums anywhere so I guess it's necessary to post it someplace, why not in my (e:strip) blog. If you have to use this OS to test things and you only have one device you're just going to have to live with using it everyday, something that I understand and inordinate # of people have been willing to do before it's ready, so I guess this post will have some kind of audience.
Ok... happy nerding.
enknot - 07/29/13 21:04
Funny you should ask. I grabbed it in excitement not thinking the whole emulator option through, but when it finally was on there the 3rd party service support was so good I hadda put it back on after rolling back. It really is a vast improvement over 6.
Funny you should ask. I grabbed it in excitement not thinking the whole emulator option through, but when it finally was on there the 3rd party service support was so good I hadda put it back on after rolling back. It really is a vast improvement over 6.
paul - 07/29/13 20:11
Ya. My cousin put it on his phone just before we left for pride Toronto and was freaking out when his phone wasn't working right anymore. He had to go back to 6. You guys don't have a work ipod or pad you could test on?
Ya. My cousin put it on his phone just before we left for pride Toronto and was freaking out when his phone wasn't working right anymore. He had to go back to 6. You guys don't have a work ipod or pad you could test on?
07/29/2013 17:03 #57945
Maya the BeeCategory: nerd
Having a baby is the best thing that's happened to the last few years of my goofy little Buffalo life. Finding things like this to share with my tiny one (and you today (e:strip)) are kinda the best thing evar.
I call her bug cause she kinda looks like like Maya.

Fern the Bee

I call her bug cause she kinda looks like like Maya.

Fern the Bee

11/02/2012 19:20 #56869
Yes That CaseyCategory: unnerd
I can meet people easily, but I have a hard time keeping them around apparently. This has become disgusting eyesore in the center of my life that has become harder and harder to avoid as time goes on. When you feel like you have no home where you live you're forced to either live as a homeless person in a house or go make one for your self. I've tried this several times and I'm finding it difficult to maintain the energy to keep it going. I'm getting old and I don't want to start over anymore, but it seems I have no choice.
Reading back on all the expositions that we've submitted and thinking back to all the events that took place I still can't quite pinpoint the place where things started off track, but they've been sliding and slithering further and further into darker and darker holes ever since. My goal in the beginning was to force someone who needed people in their life to reach out to other people to also be close to, and if I had to loose him to do it I was wiling to make that sacrifice. I could not be any one's everything, that would ruin our relationship. I know my self. I felt like Casey was ready to settle on that and I was not for a number of reasons. I'm here today telling you I have succeeded. He's been accepted into a very large group of people some of which consider him family, and as much as this is a grand success it's only bitter sweet since now I stand on the outside of that same family of friends as something less than a stranger, but nothing close to friend.
When i wrote about what was happening I did it in an emotional froth. I'd just come back from my best friends house having just agreed to end my longest standing friendship, and was being accused of enjoying it. Casey's response to my post was more telling than anything. Where I was saddened and apologetic he became defensive and offended. The posts illustrated quite well how we passed each other like trains in the night on why we were out of sorts. I don't think either of us really wanted to say what was getting at us. I don't know why. Honestly it's way less destructive than what we did end up saying. We both cared about each other maybe too much, but didn't agree on how to express that. So we started doing hurtful things instead. Our girl dispute as pathetic at best. None of it mattered by the by. Both girls are now happy in love with other men, and we're no longer the friends we were. I couldn't quite impress that upon him. But the hurt continued in other ways, so I can't believe that it really had everything to do with what we're at odds about. I live with the consequences everyday.
It's true that I was spending less time with Casey. My interests had changed, and I'd become focused on finding a mate more than anything else in life. I had just broken up with my childs mother Megan, something he was all for not too strangely. I was trying something new with my living situation that demanded that i take care of two properties, and i was finding new places to meet women since my core group of friend had a lot of gay men in it, and there's not too many women I'd make a life partner out of from that. I understand if Casey started feeling a little like Kirk Cameron. I was on a mission. Still am, but my drive and methods are different now. Being fresh out of a terminal relationship makes everyone act like a hoe… I'm no better than any other red blooded american man.
I have for a while now had to ask my self how this came to being. What was really going on? Am I just better off not dealing with him, or should I have tried harder to figure things out? I don't know that anything that should have been said about the relationship was mentioned. I think Casey was hurt deeply that someone like me in his life would reject him. Rejection from family is a sore sticking point to anyone, but him especially I was the closest thing he had to that then. What I don't think he understood by my stance was that as much as I was standing back I as was standing firm, so that we could get past what we couldn't agree to.
I forbade him enter Nona's house my home which started the breakdown of my core friends in ways that i wouldn't understand or would realize until this very day. He'd already make his mark. He was one of "us". I Members of our group came to each of us independently sometimes asking me to be more lenient I am here contemplating not going to an (e:strip) party since I hadn't been invited and likely won't be welcomed. I thought it'd cause more problems to try and deal with him from inside my house. I created a deep schism in my world.
Taking care of Nona's house for (e:PMT) (at the time) was as big a mistake as I thought it would be, but only in those ways. In every other way it was a delight. I lived with some of the best friends I've come to know while there and raised my peanut from a squirt to a tyke. I wasn't able to save enough to buy it any sooner than my credit could repair it self so I could do it with no $ down. Some odd ends my side couldn't hold up kept me from finishing the deal as the owner and I was rushed out my last month of living there. I did all I could but there was still tons of work that needed to be done before it could be showed. Terry and his crew slaved away for a few weeks and it paid off I hear, but the details of that event put and even bigger rift between me and what used to be my best of friends.
Since then he and (e:Terry) have become quite good friends stronger even than he and I ever could have been, which honestly made me very happy for him. I can't tell you how many circles of friends I'd tried to introduce him to unsuccessfully. Hmmm, last (e:Terry) spoke of him around christmas time it was as family which is kinda great. He's never had a family so large that cared so much. A detail that though you might consider harmless to hear but is something that I may be wise to keep to my self…but I've abandoned most forms of what I thought was wisdom, they're not really working out for me so well.
So a failed friendship and a failed business venture added them selves to a year of doing alone what I used to only enjoy doing with the people I'm forbidden to see tonight and here I am. I hope this is the beginning of something brighter and more wonderful for everyone. Incudling me as now I'll attempt to go forth and find a new family. Casey has his now, Terry and Pauls have gotten bigger, and the world keeps spinning with or with out me.
I hope you all have fun tonight at this party. I'll be elsewhere likely not knowing if these words have sealed the deal on weather you'll ever see me again, but you'll be ok. I'm sure you will. So will I. The saddest part of all of this is that there's new Star Wars movies to talk about, and no one to really hear what I have to say.
Reading back on all the expositions that we've submitted and thinking back to all the events that took place I still can't quite pinpoint the place where things started off track, but they've been sliding and slithering further and further into darker and darker holes ever since. My goal in the beginning was to force someone who needed people in their life to reach out to other people to also be close to, and if I had to loose him to do it I was wiling to make that sacrifice. I could not be any one's everything, that would ruin our relationship. I know my self. I felt like Casey was ready to settle on that and I was not for a number of reasons. I'm here today telling you I have succeeded. He's been accepted into a very large group of people some of which consider him family, and as much as this is a grand success it's only bitter sweet since now I stand on the outside of that same family of friends as something less than a stranger, but nothing close to friend.
When i wrote about what was happening I did it in an emotional froth. I'd just come back from my best friends house having just agreed to end my longest standing friendship, and was being accused of enjoying it. Casey's response to my post was more telling than anything. Where I was saddened and apologetic he became defensive and offended. The posts illustrated quite well how we passed each other like trains in the night on why we were out of sorts. I don't think either of us really wanted to say what was getting at us. I don't know why. Honestly it's way less destructive than what we did end up saying. We both cared about each other maybe too much, but didn't agree on how to express that. So we started doing hurtful things instead. Our girl dispute as pathetic at best. None of it mattered by the by. Both girls are now happy in love with other men, and we're no longer the friends we were. I couldn't quite impress that upon him. But the hurt continued in other ways, so I can't believe that it really had everything to do with what we're at odds about. I live with the consequences everyday.
It's true that I was spending less time with Casey. My interests had changed, and I'd become focused on finding a mate more than anything else in life. I had just broken up with my childs mother Megan, something he was all for not too strangely. I was trying something new with my living situation that demanded that i take care of two properties, and i was finding new places to meet women since my core group of friend had a lot of gay men in it, and there's not too many women I'd make a life partner out of from that. I understand if Casey started feeling a little like Kirk Cameron. I was on a mission. Still am, but my drive and methods are different now. Being fresh out of a terminal relationship makes everyone act like a hoe… I'm no better than any other red blooded american man.
I have for a while now had to ask my self how this came to being. What was really going on? Am I just better off not dealing with him, or should I have tried harder to figure things out? I don't know that anything that should have been said about the relationship was mentioned. I think Casey was hurt deeply that someone like me in his life would reject him. Rejection from family is a sore sticking point to anyone, but him especially I was the closest thing he had to that then. What I don't think he understood by my stance was that as much as I was standing back I as was standing firm, so that we could get past what we couldn't agree to.
I forbade him enter Nona's house my home which started the breakdown of my core friends in ways that i wouldn't understand or would realize until this very day. He'd already make his mark. He was one of "us". I Members of our group came to each of us independently sometimes asking me to be more lenient I am here contemplating not going to an (e:strip) party since I hadn't been invited and likely won't be welcomed. I thought it'd cause more problems to try and deal with him from inside my house. I created a deep schism in my world.
Taking care of Nona's house for (e:PMT) (at the time) was as big a mistake as I thought it would be, but only in those ways. In every other way it was a delight. I lived with some of the best friends I've come to know while there and raised my peanut from a squirt to a tyke. I wasn't able to save enough to buy it any sooner than my credit could repair it self so I could do it with no $ down. Some odd ends my side couldn't hold up kept me from finishing the deal as the owner and I was rushed out my last month of living there. I did all I could but there was still tons of work that needed to be done before it could be showed. Terry and his crew slaved away for a few weeks and it paid off I hear, but the details of that event put and even bigger rift between me and what used to be my best of friends.
Since then he and (e:Terry) have become quite good friends stronger even than he and I ever could have been, which honestly made me very happy for him. I can't tell you how many circles of friends I'd tried to introduce him to unsuccessfully. Hmmm, last (e:Terry) spoke of him around christmas time it was as family which is kinda great. He's never had a family so large that cared so much. A detail that though you might consider harmless to hear but is something that I may be wise to keep to my self…but I've abandoned most forms of what I thought was wisdom, they're not really working out for me so well.
So a failed friendship and a failed business venture added them selves to a year of doing alone what I used to only enjoy doing with the people I'm forbidden to see tonight and here I am. I hope this is the beginning of something brighter and more wonderful for everyone. Incudling me as now I'll attempt to go forth and find a new family. Casey has his now, Terry and Pauls have gotten bigger, and the world keeps spinning with or with out me.
I hope you all have fun tonight at this party. I'll be elsewhere likely not knowing if these words have sealed the deal on weather you'll ever see me again, but you'll be ok. I'm sure you will. So will I. The saddest part of all of this is that there's new Star Wars movies to talk about, and no one to really hear what I have to say.
enknot - 11/13/12 04:28
Naw hodown, I think it all makes sense. We all just wanted different things in life. It just feels funny/bad/sad when the thing you want is so close to your chest it hurts when something like it gets ripped away, but it's all for the better if both parties can move on and find happiness and fulfillment in some way.
Recently I was interviewed by a writer friend of mine and I was asked to ask questions about my single life that play into this mello drama a bit, that maybe I didn't notice from this perspective.
Two questions were asked, and I answered with one (muli-paragraphed) statement.
1. "Has being single freed up time for you to engage in civic activities, volunteer, and spend time with friends? In what way? What do you do/how do you spend your social time?"
2. "Personally, are you engaged with any socially active groups that you feel stand in for family in your life in a way? Describe."
As I am a single father I often find my self trying as much as not to involve my self with other single parents and full timers so that our children are engaged as finding activities to keep my self physically and socially active. My duties as a parent and home-owner (property manager) overtake any amount of time I have to donate to civic entities albiet. I've played a lot of adolescent sports in my recent years and done other such things to find excuses to be more socially active, but I feel like all of these things are conduits for coupling i.e. not being single.
There is no substitue for family I feel. Good freinds are as close as one can come to that, but in the end the unconditional love and dedication I seek is the love of familly that if it's given must be given freely from a group that would treat you as such and that you regard the same. People are quite frankly rather selfish by nature, but with a familial obligation both parties are eager to participate, and neither feels as taken advantage of.
Stand ins for family tend to fall short of their function, and not without good reason. I don't like being obligate to a stranger or someone I only consider a very close family friend to that level anymore than I think some close friends have wanted to be to me. So much so that I terminated a relationship because it got "too weird", so that I could pursue other avenues to create an actual family for my self. I am not a loner. I'm just really bad at dating. I feel like most of us are because of how the social technology of this age has changed us. There is no right way to do this anymore and a lot of people get lost in the shuffle in the mean time...
Naw hodown, I think it all makes sense. We all just wanted different things in life. It just feels funny/bad/sad when the thing you want is so close to your chest it hurts when something like it gets ripped away, but it's all for the better if both parties can move on and find happiness and fulfillment in some way.
Recently I was interviewed by a writer friend of mine and I was asked to ask questions about my single life that play into this mello drama a bit, that maybe I didn't notice from this perspective.
Two questions were asked, and I answered with one (muli-paragraphed) statement.
1. "Has being single freed up time for you to engage in civic activities, volunteer, and spend time with friends? In what way? What do you do/how do you spend your social time?"
2. "Personally, are you engaged with any socially active groups that you feel stand in for family in your life in a way? Describe."
As I am a single father I often find my self trying as much as not to involve my self with other single parents and full timers so that our children are engaged as finding activities to keep my self physically and socially active. My duties as a parent and home-owner (property manager) overtake any amount of time I have to donate to civic entities albiet. I've played a lot of adolescent sports in my recent years and done other such things to find excuses to be more socially active, but I feel like all of these things are conduits for coupling i.e. not being single.
There is no substitue for family I feel. Good freinds are as close as one can come to that, but in the end the unconditional love and dedication I seek is the love of familly that if it's given must be given freely from a group that would treat you as such and that you regard the same. People are quite frankly rather selfish by nature, but with a familial obligation both parties are eager to participate, and neither feels as taken advantage of.
Stand ins for family tend to fall short of their function, and not without good reason. I don't like being obligate to a stranger or someone I only consider a very close family friend to that level anymore than I think some close friends have wanted to be to me. So much so that I terminated a relationship because it got "too weird", so that I could pursue other avenues to create an actual family for my self. I am not a loner. I'm just really bad at dating. I feel like most of us are because of how the social technology of this age has changed us. There is no right way to do this anymore and a lot of people get lost in the shuffle in the mean time...
lilho - 11/03/12 20:48
i hate you for sure.
i hate you for sure.
vincent - 11/03/12 12:34
On a smaller scale Megan purged everyone of fb that has any association to you, that was odd to get caught up in something that I had very little to do with. I enjoy your energy and passion about music although I'm very casual sci fi fan.
Too bad I wasn't able to you later last night as I wanted to say that Smashing Pumpkins are playing Northern VA tonight & IF you left by now you would have been able to catch the show.
I'm not sure what the future is going to hold for you, people have to blaze their own path and do what is right for them. It would be a loss to totally lose you, your insight is much appreciated.
On a smaller scale Megan purged everyone of fb that has any association to you, that was odd to get caught up in something that I had very little to do with. I enjoy your energy and passion about music although I'm very casual sci fi fan.
Too bad I wasn't able to you later last night as I wanted to say that Smashing Pumpkins are playing Northern VA tonight & IF you left by now you would have been able to catch the show.
I'm not sure what the future is going to hold for you, people have to blaze their own path and do what is right for them. It would be a loss to totally lose you, your insight is much appreciated.
mrmike - 11/03/12 00:01
Didn't make it to the party, but happy to listen to your thoughts on Disney and Star Wars or whatever else
Didn't make it to the party, but happy to listen to your thoughts on Disney and Star Wars or whatever else
metalpeter - 11/02/12 20:02
Ok so I made it to the bottom some of it was new and some old .... Can't say whom is or isn't at the party... Yeah I'm hoping that the new star wars will be great I think it could be... I'm not (e:paul) so I can't say but I'm guessing you being there wouldn't be a problem for him.. Can't speak for anyone else so... But how one feels is also one's own reality.. So if one feels like they are on the outside then by feeling that way they are.. Even if they aren't on the outside to the people on the inside... Hope you still have fun some place and have enjoyed the holiday... I'm sure I'll see ya around.......
Ok so I made it to the bottom some of it was new and some old .... Can't say whom is or isn't at the party... Yeah I'm hoping that the new star wars will be great I think it could be... I'm not (e:paul) so I can't say but I'm guessing you being there wouldn't be a problem for him.. Can't speak for anyone else so... But how one feels is also one's own reality.. So if one feels like they are on the outside then by feeling that way they are.. Even if they aren't on the outside to the people on the inside... Hope you still have fun some place and have enjoyed the holiday... I'm sure I'll see ya around.......
i've seen her videos! obnoxiously funny :) did you see her do the cinnamon challenge?