I am excited to see what happens with the new Elmwood Taco and Subs.

Is Elmwood becoming a ghetto or what? I am glad I left for Linwood before all the businesses closed. Why is everything shutting down? Seriously, it seems like more things are empty now than I ever remember. Are the rent prices just too high. If you drive from one end to the other so many places are closed down. This house is at the corner of West Delevan and Elmwood - notice the smashed out upstairs window.

I was debating buying hertelvillage.com or not, lol.
It's the predictable cycle of
1. Place with cheap rent gets cool bohemian stores
2. Rich folks attracted to bohemian lifestyle move into bohemian place because they want to be hip
3. The low rent that attracted the bohemians stops being low
4. Bohemians move to a new place with cheap rents.
Elmwood Village is in stage 3.
Wow. We didn't pay NEAR that much.
I'm not so worried about Elmwood, but I haven't been here long enough to know what I'm talking about.
Any major city downtown costs 5x what you get in buffalo, at least. It's a landlord's dream, "city living" at affordable prices, but what you get is 90% riff raff that can't afford to spend any money at the shops and richies from the burbs that get turned off by said riff raff and won't touch downtown commerce with a stick.
Really, I thought they were too expensive, that is why I moved away from elmwood. We though about buying a house in the village but I wasn't willing to pay over $200,000 for an average size house near the strip.
Here is a perfect example at :::link::: going for $215,000 in the elmwood village. Here is another at $229,000 :::link:::
I can't believe the prices actually now. I paid the same thing as this little allentown house :::link:::
And really is someone going to pay $229,000 for 372 Prospect :::link:::
The problem is property values are far too low to support loaded clientelle needed to fuel a true "hopping" neighborhood. Maybe if property values skyrocketed somehow, deadbeat landlords would sell and rentals would become single-families.
That is why I thought the whole thing about Elmwood Village being one of the top 10 'hoods in the nation was completely bogus and manufactured. In my 7 years of living here I've never seen so many empty commercial properties between Forest and North, not to mention several other properties that have always been revolving doors and jinxed real estate, now occupied presently or formerly by Sahara Grill, Falafel Bar, Brodo (anybody remember Flour Power?), whatever Elmwood Panhandler is now, whatever Elmwood Bagel Shoppe will be, the former New World Records - I could go on and on. We do have some serious success stories in the neighborhood, and I am not glossing over them, but the idea of Elmwood being a stable community is an illusion.
What makes me angrier is that people and orgs like... well... Buffalo Rising are complicit in this overt dramatization because its good for their member businesses and advertising revenue. The "strip" is still the place to be in this area as far as I'm concerned though, and I'd never live outside of a block or two from where I am now if I could help it... I do like Ashland, Lancaster and many of the side streets. It would be a radical lifestyle change for me if I actually had to get in my car or take long ass walks in the snow every time I needed a gallon of milk. I have to be honest - if I couldn't stumble out the front door every time I wanted coffee I'd be devastated!
shit's fucked in Buffalo? Get out of town!
I am willing to bet a few landlords need to die before all the sore spots are fixed. And friend, I just might be willing to do the deadly deed.