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12/26/2007 10:17 #42649

Fixing A Light On Christmas
Category: housing
At around 10:30 last night I had my phone off because I was ready to go to bed. At the same time my tenants decided to play landlord by putting up a new light fixture that (e:terry) and I had bought and left there to put up when we got a chance. They tried to pretend the old one was bent and hanging off the wall which seems impossible considering I have recovered the old fixture and it is metal.

I think what happened is that boy tenant tried to play toolman. When he got confused because of the old wiring, they had to shut down the electricity for the whole apartment. They tried to call me, no answer, so they got ahold of my Dad who insisted on helping and called me at (e:matthew)'s phone. He came to pick me up and we ended replacing the light from 10:45 to 11:45PM on Chirstmas Day. I was so mad, seriously, I wanted to kill them.

This is what it looked like when we got there. There is no way it fell off the wall, lol. It was clearly and totally taken apart.


My Dad is so nice, he insisted we put the new light in. I just wanted to cap it off and deal with it on Friday. It was really nice to ave his help. I know how to do the electrical part, but I think if it was just me and the tenants, someone would have died.



paul - 12/26/07 11:10
Ya, it's insane.
imk2 - 12/26/07 10:51
are you fucking kidding me? they had to call the landlord on fucking christmas day at 10 o'clock at night for a fucking light fixture? hot water tank, firdge, heat, i would understand, but a fucking light? omg, i would have NEVER went over there on christmas, and i would make their lives miserable from now on. ugh, i hate people.
mrmike - 12/26/07 10:31
The late night work must have been a pain, but it looks great. Sorry about the tenants being bumblers.

12/25/2007 11:25 #42642

Chirstmas Eve 2007
Category: holidays
It was nice to spend time with the family at my Aunt's house. It was weird to not be able to stuff myself full or eat chocolate or nuts but I am thankful that I could at least eat when some people don't even have food. So basically, what I am trying to say is that I didn't take pictures of the food. I think I am going to just stop with that.

I miss (e:terry) - I can't wait for him to come home.


My cousin Christina now had a fourth child named Nathan. He is really cute. That is Santa Claus in the back with my Aunt, their Grandmother. I wonder how my cousin does it - it must be so hectic having four little kids. She always seems so put together as do the kids. Her husband had nine brothers and sisters so I guess it is doable. I guess my grandparents both had a large amount of brothers and sisters too but they both kind of lived the farm life with lots of work to do and lots of space to do it on - which is a little different

I didn't get (e:mike) the name you own star thing because everyone thinks it is a scam and I agree. One astronomer said, "Its like selling name your own air particle." No one really owns it. Then I thought why not start a site to sell other things you can't really buy and give people fancy certificates. I am kind of thinking it might be worth it. What about a piece of elmwoodstrip in a test tube like they did with the Berlin wall. Just fill it up with some street rubble from elmwood? I think I have a winner!

mrdeadlier - 12/25/07 21:01
Dude I give your cousin credit. We have TWO kids and never seem to have it together.
metalpeter - 12/25/07 16:10
The thing about owning a star is that you don't own it, it is just named after you. It is like how HSBC or Say KeyBank pays so much money for the naming rights of an Arena. They don't own the Arena but you have to say there name when ever you talk about the arena. The strange part is that it is possible that the star is no longer really there and that we are still seeing the light from it since it takes so long to get to us. It is also possible that the star is some one else's sun and what if they all ready named it something else.

In terms of the pictures of food I know I like them. If you feel bad about it maybe you could take pictures for charity. What I mean is every time you go out and take pictures of what you eat. Order an extra dinner for the road and take it to city mission or by food for a food bank. After the pictures of the food you could say that since you ate food that you don't really need you gave ______ to who ever you gave it to. It is just an idea. I also think that instead of people feeling guilty about things and trying to deal with that do something that is good for someone and takes away the guilt. In any event hope the holiday was good to you.
imk2 - 12/25/07 11:41
no you can't stop with taking pictures of food. we all look forward to that. :(

12/23/2007 19:07 #42627

Elmwood Winter Farmer's Marke
Category: food
I was reading on Buffalo Rising that the Elmwood Farmers market found a winter home in the presbyterian church on Elmwood. Isn't that Drew's church?

I am happy to announce that many of the vendors from the Elmwood-Bidwell Farmers Market, along with a few others, will kick off the opening of the Wintermarket on Elmwood on January 13th. Located inside the Presbyterian Church at the corner of Lafayette and Elmwood, it will be open on Sundays from 1 - 4PM until the Elmwood-Bidwell Market re-opens in May.

drew - 12/23/07 22:14
Yup. Drew's church.

12/23/2007 16:28 #42624

Christmas in Japan
Category: holidays
I was reading this site about some Christmas urban legend which later told of some real holiday trivia from Japanese adoption of western holidays. The Buffalo News is even featured as a source on this article in snopes.

As you'd expect in a country where less than 1% of the population is Christian (the rest is primarily Shinto or Buddhist), Christmas is a purely secular occasion, with shops and businesses remaining open for the day ... The elimination of the religious aspects of Christmas and its hyper-commercialization have led to some unique (and, to us, bizarre) ways of celebrating it ... What we do find unusual is a custom of young couples exchanging presents of expensive jewelry, heading out to high-priced hotels, and being directed by scantily-clad female elves to rooms complete with Christmas trees, where the lovebirds spend their Christmas Eve in romantic bliss. The co-optation of familiar Christmas figures - both secular and religious - in the service of mass merchandising has produced some rather curious blendings: Colonel Sanders dressed in a Santa suit (as KFC tried strenuously to promote fried chicken as the "traditional" Christmas meal) ... Santa in a graveyard accompanied by the Virgin Mary on broomstick, elves plastered on sake, and a Christmas revue featuring "stripping nuns and three lecherous Wise Men."

mike - 12/24/07 00:40
haha thats ridiuclously awesome!

12/23/2007 11:19 #42621

Bye Bye Tooth Peice
Category: health
I slept though it pretty much the whole thing. I just thought if I kept on sleeping I wouldnt have to deal with he stomach drama, which kind of, a tiny bit, improved.

Bye bye, little tooth part
Then this morning I woke up after a 20 hour nap because my back was starting to hurt from sleeping and was brushing my teeth when a part of my tooth fell out on a sunday. Now there is a hole in the tooth and new
little pieces keep falling out.


I just hope it can hold off until tomorrow before it really falls apart because no dentist seems to be open today. You can see from the picture that not much of the tooth is real. Most of it is the white filling. I had all my amalgam metal fillings taken out and replaced with the white ones in 1997 in Canada. They said it had a 5-10 year life span so I guess I am about to have a dental emergency considering I had 12 fillings replaced at that time. Maybe I should have just kept the freakin metal ones but I couldn't get over the idea of mercury getting into my body.


It's all my fault for the amount of candy I ate as a child. Like I used to (pre-stomach thing) eat a lot of candy as an adult - but it was way worse as a child.
lilho - 12/23/07 19:36
that looks like a hairy toothy vagina. kinda sick.
paul - 12/23/07 11:23
Wow mustache look disgusting up close.