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01/09/2008 06:27 #42802

I'll huff and I'll puff and...
Category: weather
blow your house down wih my 50mph wind.

I woke up this morning at 6am for the other half of my yummy lemon-ginger phoso-soda and heard this crazy smashing noise. Turned out the be a doll house from our yard blowing into the air and into the church.


Then all the garbage can blew down. Then this super loud thud which was the attic escape pod hatch. A 100lb metal and wood creation, blowing off the roof and 30 forward and like 100 feet down into the front yard. It was so scary to recover it because I was afraid other things would hit me. I guess (e:terry) never tied it down after going out on the roof at the party. There is no way I can get it back up there without someones help.


Something is exciting about being in strong wind. But also really scary. I wonder what it sounds like in a smaller house.

janelle - 01/09/08 13:40
I drove through the intersection of Niagara and W. Ferry today and there was a traffic light pole that was rocking back and forth, pulling away from the concrete at the base. Incredible! Stay away from that's only a matter of time before that pole comes crashing down.
enknot - 01/09/08 13:36
I went out pretty late last night. Meg was in good spirits when I got back supa late, though mayhaps she shouldn't have been. We went to bed and the enormous pine tree out in the front yard was doing the shimmy shakes like mad. It's super tall, but it's also very flexy (I know that's not a word, but it's close to sexy so it sounds cool, so shaddup).
carolinian - 01/09/08 08:49
In a smaller house that's less rooted to the ground (but still tall enough to catch a lot of wind), the house moves back and forth. It's a little disconcerting at first.
mrmike - 01/09/08 08:23
Sucks, second time in about three weeks my block has gone down. Spot looked like a rehab center a little while ago, all of us addicts unable to make our own coffee. Adding insult to injury is that both times it's gone out Timon Towers is across the street lit up like a christmas tree
paul - 01/09/08 06:44
Hey, I switched to your doctor for primary car. She had an appointment available for the 12th!
imk2 - 01/09/08 06:37
we haveno electricity and since everything worth doing is elelctric, I can't do anything but play with my phone. its so cold in the house and its so dark and there is no hot water to take a shower with and no way to make coffee. man this sucks. it reminds me of the october storm.

01/08/2008 11:54 #42788

The clear liquid diet day
Category: health
More love for my new carrier
First another bonus to ATT. I just called a number I saw at our Human Resources for ATT discounts and when I called the representative, she applied a 24% discount to my account. That is a seriously significant discount.

Clear Liquid Diet Day
I didn't even start with my first clear liquid drink of the day but decided to weigh myself just to see how much weight I will lose through the whole laxative process before the scope tomorrow. Looks like I weighed in at 138 - and that is before. Just how little can I weight, like how much is (e:paul) without the food in him. I really don't know how laxative are going to help get any more out of me. Seeing as my body seems to take care of that by itself.

Here is an example day from

Breakfast Hot tea with lemon juice and 1 tsp sugar (no pulp); Apple juice (8 oz); Gelatin 1 cup
Lunch     Hot tea with lemon (no pulp) and sugar; Grape juice (8 oz); Fruit Ice (1 cup); Consommé (8 oz.)
Snack     Fruit juice (apple, cranberry or grape, 8 oz); Gelatin (1 cup)
Dinner     Hot tea with lemon and sugar; Apple juice (8 oz); Consommé (8 oz); Fruit Ice (1 cup)

I think I am just going to need to be sedated. Does vodka count in clear liquid diet? I seriously get crazy just missing one meal as I don't have much reserves.

Mind you just before thanksgiving I weighed about 150. So I figure at this rate I should be down to 100 lbs by summer. I think that is my target "die at" weight. That was supposed to be a pun on diet but it just sounds sad. Kind of like (e:vincent) said - if you get down to 150 and then you get sick it's too on the edge. Welcome to my life.

I am so freakin' scared. Things like this scare me to death. For some reason I am not really able to handle this so well. How are other people so good at coping with body based problems? They just make me feel so temporary. I think had it been anything else I could have lived with it. Save for maybe some injury to my penis. But messing with eating and sleeping ruins everythign for me. In my sad, non social existence, going out to eat was probably the only fun thing I did - and now that is ruined. There is nothig else to do in the winter fr me. I guess i oucld program more, or pick up some other stupid hobby but I really miss the social interaction that is eating.

At least I have a job that I can do without much physical effort. Imagine if I had a physically stressful, non-union job right now. I would probably end up being fired and losing my health insurance if I had any to begin with. I guess I am lucky in a way and should stop complaining. But it doesn't make it any less scary. I suppose it would all be much better if I had a doctor I communicated with I think the scariness is not really knowing anything or what to expect.

I cannot wait until my gastro appointment on the 24th. I will call tehm today and ask if there are any other earlier appointments.
mike - 01/08/08 22:19
good luck tomorrow! maybe they will solve everything and then you can eat lots of bacon !!!!!
fellyconnelly - 01/08/08 22:08
man i can't even miss 'snack time' without wanting to punch somebody in the head. I'm so sorry for you and hope they get to the bottom of this soon!
jenks - 01/08/08 18:32
oh yeah- and what's the ATT discount? is it a roswell thing?
jenks - 01/08/08 18:29
I freaking hate sites that only work in IE! the national grid online billpay site is like that too.

Good luck tomorrow paul. If I'm that neck of the woods I'll come say hi. What time is your appt?
paul - 01/08/08 12:13
I can't eblieve the blue cross site only works in IE. And by works I mean it suck to use in IE. Everythign is a pop up window, so much data seems wrong, it is so slow. It says my primary care's gender is B. Is that B for boy?

I woudl say it is possibly the worst site I ever used.
paul - 01/08/08 12:09
I called they put me back on the waiting list. I also called (e:imk2)'s doctor to see if she would take me as a patient but no one was there ;( so I left a message.

01/07/2008 11:48 #42780

Removing Wrinkles With Dermitage
Category: web
I am constantly amazed at advertisements that promise to remove wrinkles. They seem to make the usage of the product do more and more. Remember when they promised to remove fine lines and wrinkles.

But their site looks so trustworthy
I think this one, dermitage can't be real although their website is real pretty. It is one of those sites that give an sense of trust, even if it is fake or not.


Can it be real?
I mean look at the face on the advertisement that gt me thinking about this dermitage site. I don't think anything could help, that is unless they are advertising some sort of face iron. Like can anyone even be that wrinkley without photoshop's help? Why would they make such a horrible advertisement?


Pretend blogs
What I really hate is when companies start blogs to try and pretend someone wrote about their product. An example being dermitage. Clearly, someone from the company wrote this blog at
Does anyone believe these kind of pseudo advertisements.

Here is some information about their scammy promises

Can these quantcast stats be even sort of accurate
pyrcedgrrl - 01/07/08 22:16
I don't see Dermitage on here, but this is a fun site:

01/07/2008 11:22 #42779

AT&T wireless customer service
Category: mobile
I seriously cannot get over how good AT&T customer service is. Every time, I called they have answered within a minute or two and they have always been able to help me without transferring me.

For some reason my bill was $210.00 which I knew was wrong. Turned out it should have been $74.00 which is a big difference and they had double charged me for everything. I think it is their web based system that fucks stuff up. Every time I added or removed services with it, I ended up with multiple charges. Also when I tried to switch from the 700 minute family plan to the 500 minute family plan online it told me I had to wait till next month but when I called she changed it right away, retroactively.

From now on I am going to talk with a live person. I just was so afraid being a former sprint customer and havign dealt with their terrible customer service.
leetee - 01/07/08 11:56
(e:Uncutsaniflush) and i have the most amazing plan we got from AT&T when we were still in Tennessee. Then, AT&T was bought out by Cingular and they had terrible customer service. Now, we are back to AT&T and, knock wood, have not needed to use their customer service. Besides, we don't want to talk to them and give them any excuse to change the plan we are on -- i can call anywhere or from anywhere in the US Canada or Mexico without any additional charges... no long distance or roaming!!
paul - 01/07/08 11:52
Sprint was seriously the worst company I ever dealt with, ever!
mrmike - 01/07/08 11:37
Interesting. I'm thinking of bailing on Sprint as soon as my plan expires.

01/04/2008 20:28 #42752

God Damned Intestines
Category: health
I had like one good day just before the party. It was weird. I felt a lot better and then it all just went downhill. This mornign was the worst as I had these horrible waves of nausea mxied with about 10 visits to the bathroom throughout the night.

So next Wednesday I have a colonscopy that requires me to go on a 24 hour liquid and laxative diet. That should be fun, adding to the constant intestinal pain and cramping I have been having for over a month now. It is worst when my stomach is empty so i imagine this is going to be beyond painful.

I have this horrible feeling I am going to die soon. Maybe I can just die beforehand.

It still seems unreasonable to me that up to this point, almost two month after the initial bad symptoms started I still haven't had a since blood test to check anything or a single stool sample. Only one xray. I keep reading all the literature from the different organizations for intestinal medicine and they all talk about blood tests to check white blood cell count and iron levels for anemia and stool smaples to check for infections and parasites as a first step.

I freakin' cannot wait till my doctors appointment with the gastroenterologist on the 24th. I would pay like 10 fold the amount to hve it tomorrow.
paul - 01/05/08 14:34
Jeff is doing it at The ghetto hospital near my house.
metalpeter - 01/05/08 13:33
I really can't imagine what you are going through. That diet that you are going to have to do sounds even worse. I wish you the best of luck.
jenks - 01/05/08 11:39
good luck paul... blood tests might add a little to the picture, but what you really need is the scope- that really should give some answers. And they say the prep is the worst part (by far), and most people say even that's more annoying than anything else... Where are you having to done, btw? Is jeff doing it?
james - 01/05/08 11:00
I am with Felly. Call those mother fuckers and deliver the stool sample to the top of their desks if need be.
libertad - 01/05/08 10:30
I'm sorry you haven't been well. I hope that someone cancels an apt. or something so you can get in sooner.
fellyconnelly - 01/05/08 07:48
its crazy that you haven't been given blood tests... i thought that was one of the first things that they do for illness.

and as for waiting for the gastroenternoligist... i would be calling the doctor's office everyday and asking if there are any cancelled appointments!