Hmm, I'm suddenly talkative again. (I know why- because I don't want to go deal with the ER.)
So, this isn't quite the story (e:imk2) wants me to tell, but (I think) it's funny nonetheless.
So... I met a guy last year at St. Patrick's Day. He was super cute and charming and witty blah blah blah. We had a great chat, I thought we hit it off, I was pretty psyched. Then all of the sudden he up and disappeared, without asking for my number or anything. Bummer. But my friend said "oh don't worry, he's alway out, we'll run into him again." But she also warned he that he's quite the player, and not to fall for him.
Well, months went by, I never saw him, and I kind of forgot again.
But then we ran into him again. And he's very hot and cold. First I was hurt b/c he totally ignored me. But then all of the sudden it was 2 days of steamy texts. Then more ignoring. Who knows. And I kept remembering her warning not to get invested, b/c yes he's cute and charming and all that- but he's slept with half of buffalo and isn't about to stop.
So, one night I was talking to my girlfriend, and I said I had finally accepted that he is fun, but not to expect any more from him than that. He's a blast to be around, he flirts with me and makes me feel pretty, blah blah.
And she replied "yeah... totally. He's like M [another fun, non-dateable, friend of ours], only better looking, with a better personality, a better job, and better breeding. Basically he's M 2.0!! You should upgrade!"
So now I refer to these two guys as 1.0 and 2.0.
haha. (ok, I thought it was funny...)
And a totally random aside, just to go along with all the political ranting...
So my mom was telling me yesterday that in my hometown, our trash collection was not free. It was not provided by the city. I guess you either could have a pass to the dump (for free) or you could pay for trash collection. But I guess trash collection to the low-income housing was free, or something like that.
Well apparently in their infinite wisdom, the town has decided to close the dump or something. And thus I guess that *have* to provide some sort of free trash pickup. My parents are like "sweet, don't have to pay for trash pickup anymore." And over the last few weeks, they delivered two of those nice big plastic garbage cans with wheels (like the ones we have here) to every house. Which I'm sure cost the city a pretty penny.
So, how are they going to recoup these losses??
They have decided that they will only pick up your trash from your fancy new trash cans if it is in a fancy new trash BAG. Otherwise they will just leave it there. The catch- the bags are $3 apiece. Which for my parents, still ends up being cheaper than trash collection used to be. But for the people who had it for free, now it costs them money and they're all up in arms. And the town also doesn't want to have to pay garbage men (besides the driver) so they are instructing people to line their garbage cans up JUST SO on the street, so that the truck can just pick them up, without needing the extra guy to help line them up.
Is it just me, or is this about the worst plan ever??
Jenks's Journal
My Podcast Link
11/03/2007 15:20 #41962
ok, more stories...11/02/2007 03:06 #41932
ughCategory: :(
I hate that my journal is so boring lately.
I hate that I am censored and not allowed to talk about certain people/things.
Because really, that's all I want to talk about.
omg, it's 3am. Why am I awake?!
I fell asleep on my couch watching tv, since my friend stood me up.
I ate popcorn for dinner, and fell asleep on the couch, but am such an addict that I had to check my computer on my way from my couch to my bed. I don't like going to bed <2h before my alarm is going to go off.
My life is so awesome.
But in the spirit of halloween, here's the pic I wanted to post the other day but I couldn't get it to work.
I love photo booth.
Be afraid, be very afraid...

I hate that I am censored and not allowed to talk about certain people/things.
Because really, that's all I want to talk about.
omg, it's 3am. Why am I awake?!
I fell asleep on my couch watching tv, since my friend stood me up.
I ate popcorn for dinner, and fell asleep on the couch, but am such an addict that I had to check my computer on my way from my couch to my bed. I don't like going to bed <2h before my alarm is going to go off.
My life is so awesome.
But in the spirit of halloween, here's the pic I wanted to post the other day but I couldn't get it to work.
I love photo booth.
Be afraid, be very afraid...

10/29/2007 22:26 #41873
Ooh, scary!Category: pix
Happy Halloween from Photo Booth!

jenks - 10/29/07 22:51
hmm, ok apparently it accepts ridiciulously horrible pix of me, but not my photo booth pix (which are small (tiny!) jpgs.)
hmm, ok apparently it accepts ridiciulously horrible pix of me, but not my photo booth pix (which are small (tiny!) jpgs.)
jim - 10/29/07 22:36
Not from mobile? Paul and I can post from that, it's weird you can't.
Not from mobile? Paul and I can post from that, it's weird you can't.
jenks - 10/29/07 22:31
hmmmm, i can't post pix from leopard at all. Not even from the mobile site. :(
hmmmm, i can't post pix from leopard at all. Not even from the mobile site. :(
10/28/2007 13:23 #41845
Halloween- booooo!Oh, peeps....
I am so sad about the party last night.
I had such simple plans at first. I was going to go to the 24. The End.
But then it got all complicated.... went out with my friend one night, met a bunch of her friends from work, and it turned out they were having a party the same night, that "YOU HAVE TO COME!" to.
So... we went there first. It was ok, but not as fun as the first time I met them.
So then to the mansion.
Which was crazy and fun as usual. But my friend was having some BF drama issues and was eager to get downtown to try to find him- and then there's the whole 'estrip/non-estrip worlds colliding' bit. I told her that Paul runs a website, but just left it at that. Didn't really feel like explaining the whole blog thing, since as we all know, blogs are super-uncool. ;) Or more like I'm scared to death of being found out for the closet nerd I am. [or REALLY I'm scared to death people will find my journal and find things I said about them! haha.] But I'm not sure she was really feeling it and I felt bad, so we had to go to the last party. Which was not as fun as I wanted it to be. And by the end of that I was kind of cranky and not at all drunk so I just went home to bed.
Total bummer! I wish I had stayed longer.
But, in the few minutes I WAS there-
TK!! Nice to finally meet you!
And Tiny!
And Felly and Lauren- once *again*, I saw you across the room but never actually said hi. Dammit!
DCoffee, nice to meet you, but I don't think I saw your GF (Monica, is it? MTornow!)
Chico- love the costume, again sorry I only saw you for a sec.
Mike- ahh, mikey I love you.
And Lib. You hot straight man you! [someone, the centurion, don't know his name- called lib a breeder and thought he should set him up with me and my friend.]
Jbeatty- I think I saw you out of the corner of my eye, sorry I didn't get a chance to say hi.
Yvonne- I hope your party-dreams came true.
PMT, you sexy babies you.... thanks!
And to all the other 'regulars' that I saw but didn't really talk to (jim/james, peter, vincent, vycious, carolinian, and others that I'm forgetting but please don't be offended)- good to see you, sorry we didn't chat more!
Let's do it again NEXT weekend!
And now, I'm off to study (more like "study") at Spot.
I am so sad about the party last night.
I had such simple plans at first. I was going to go to the 24. The End.
But then it got all complicated.... went out with my friend one night, met a bunch of her friends from work, and it turned out they were having a party the same night, that "YOU HAVE TO COME!" to.
So... we went there first. It was ok, but not as fun as the first time I met them.
So then to the mansion.
Which was crazy and fun as usual. But my friend was having some BF drama issues and was eager to get downtown to try to find him- and then there's the whole 'estrip/non-estrip worlds colliding' bit. I told her that Paul runs a website, but just left it at that. Didn't really feel like explaining the whole blog thing, since as we all know, blogs are super-uncool. ;) Or more like I'm scared to death of being found out for the closet nerd I am. [or REALLY I'm scared to death people will find my journal and find things I said about them! haha.] But I'm not sure she was really feeling it and I felt bad, so we had to go to the last party. Which was not as fun as I wanted it to be. And by the end of that I was kind of cranky and not at all drunk so I just went home to bed.
Total bummer! I wish I had stayed longer.
But, in the few minutes I WAS there-
TK!! Nice to finally meet you!
And Tiny!
And Felly and Lauren- once *again*, I saw you across the room but never actually said hi. Dammit!
DCoffee, nice to meet you, but I don't think I saw your GF (Monica, is it? MTornow!)
Chico- love the costume, again sorry I only saw you for a sec.
Mike- ahh, mikey I love you.
And Lib. You hot straight man you! [someone, the centurion, don't know his name- called lib a breeder and thought he should set him up with me and my friend.]
Jbeatty- I think I saw you out of the corner of my eye, sorry I didn't get a chance to say hi.
Yvonne- I hope your party-dreams came true.
PMT, you sexy babies you.... thanks!
And to all the other 'regulars' that I saw but didn't really talk to (jim/james, peter, vincent, vycious, carolinian, and others that I'm forgetting but please don't be offended)- good to see you, sorry we didn't chat more!
Let's do it again NEXT weekend!
And now, I'm off to study (more like "study") at Spot.
tinypliny - 10/28/07 21:32
Plaaaaaanet Uniiiiiccorn, Yay. :)
Plaaaaaanet Uniiiiiccorn, Yay. :)
11/03/2007 00:36 #41952
well, ok...Well, ok... here's a story that's not about boy drama.
This is an example of my typical luck.
So last year for christmas I wanted a remote starter for my car. But was told that it's not possible for a stick. Then found out later that it is.
So the other day I revisited that idea. Talked to a friend, who said he can get me a deal, have their top guy do it, blah blah.
So, I made my appointment. 11am yesterday. Was told it would be two hours.ish. So I figured I'd hang out and wait and study and check out fancy tvs and drink coffee etc.
Long ridiculous story "short"- at 6:30 pm, when I've been up since 5am the PREVIOUS day, they told me "well, it's installed, and everything is working except the auto-start."
(um, ok, so what exactly IS working???)
Then they went on about how my car is like a BMW (yes, I know that, didn't you?) and how they don't usually do BMW's b/c they're too hard [apparently their security is very good, and it's very difficult to start a BMW without the key. Go german engineering!] [==> new user song: German Engineering, by Maritime. It's awesome. Check it out.], BUT since I know K they did, blah blah. Sounds like it was quite the headache, and a lot more work than they'd bargained for. So they have to order a part, and i have to go BACK for more installation next week. In the meantime, it works- IF you leave a key in the ignition. [Thanks K- 'preciate it. (and I'm not being sarcastic)].
Which is a bad idea, but of course I had to try it out.
So last night.... well more long stories short, I got stood up by a friend, and I fell asleep on the couch waiting for him. (yeah, you "really want to catch up", my ass). So I woke up around 230, and went to bed. (realized in the am that what might have woken me up was a text I got at 230 am... "can I please come over?" from a VERY HOT acquaintance that has been ignoring me lately. Odd. But answer- no. You do not get to ignore me for a week and then booty-text at 230 am.)
So, I went to bed. Was supposed to be AT WORK at 6.
Well, I slept a bit, and woke up... opened my eyes, looked at the clock, 6:07. I had forgotten to turn on my alarm clock. FUCK. So I flew to work.
Got there, and since it was almost 630, the parking lot was just about full. (well, just about HALF-full, but the fucking union makes them keep about half the lot roped off til nine, for the people that start at 9.)
So I pulled my latest trick and parked in a handicapped spot.
Yes, yes, I know that's wrong.
BUT, there are about 15 handicapped spots. And the kicker- there IS NO HANDICAPPED ENTRANCE anywhere REMOTELY nearby. So I boycott those spots on principle. I park in them often, and have not had a problem. Besides, if you DO get a ticket, it's like a "please don't do that again" post-it from hospital security.
So I go to work. Am finally ready to come home. Figure I'll try the starter. So I push the button. Go out to my car, it is not running. Well, maybe I was too far away. Oh well. Get in the car to start it.
It does not start.
Dead battery.
I left the headlights on.
Often if you leave your lights on, some good samaritan notices, and they make an announcement overheard. I have to assume that's what happened. My inappropriate headlights drew attention to my car- and to my inappropriate parking space.
So I got a ticket.
And not a hospital ticket. A ticket from Buffalo's finest, for $100. $100!!!! Guess that will teach me to leave the 'handicapped' spaces for the people who are able bodied enough to walk up stairs, but handicapped enough to get a pass (i.e. fat/lazy.)
And the story doesn't end there, oh no, dear readers.
But I will abbreviate.
I needed a jump. One woman lent me cables, but wouldn't let me jump off her battery. So my friend, who had no cables, pulled his truck around. Only to find that the damage incurred when he hit a deer 3 mo ago has made it impossible to open his hood.
i mean really! Could things be any more ridiculous?!
Dr. Farkle goes to work...
So. That's my non-boy story. Now you probably all wish I'd stick to boys. ;)
This is an example of my typical luck.
So last year for christmas I wanted a remote starter for my car. But was told that it's not possible for a stick. Then found out later that it is.
So the other day I revisited that idea. Talked to a friend, who said he can get me a deal, have their top guy do it, blah blah.
So, I made my appointment. 11am yesterday. Was told it would be two hours.ish. So I figured I'd hang out and wait and study and check out fancy tvs and drink coffee etc.
Long ridiculous story "short"- at 6:30 pm, when I've been up since 5am the PREVIOUS day, they told me "well, it's installed, and everything is working except the auto-start."
(um, ok, so what exactly IS working???)
Then they went on about how my car is like a BMW (yes, I know that, didn't you?) and how they don't usually do BMW's b/c they're too hard [apparently their security is very good, and it's very difficult to start a BMW without the key. Go german engineering!] [==> new user song: German Engineering, by Maritime. It's awesome. Check it out.], BUT since I know K they did, blah blah. Sounds like it was quite the headache, and a lot more work than they'd bargained for. So they have to order a part, and i have to go BACK for more installation next week. In the meantime, it works- IF you leave a key in the ignition. [Thanks K- 'preciate it. (and I'm not being sarcastic)].
Which is a bad idea, but of course I had to try it out.
So last night.... well more long stories short, I got stood up by a friend, and I fell asleep on the couch waiting for him. (yeah, you "really want to catch up", my ass). So I woke up around 230, and went to bed. (realized in the am that what might have woken me up was a text I got at 230 am... "can I please come over?" from a VERY HOT acquaintance that has been ignoring me lately. Odd. But answer- no. You do not get to ignore me for a week and then booty-text at 230 am.)
So, I went to bed. Was supposed to be AT WORK at 6.
Well, I slept a bit, and woke up... opened my eyes, looked at the clock, 6:07. I had forgotten to turn on my alarm clock. FUCK. So I flew to work.
Got there, and since it was almost 630, the parking lot was just about full. (well, just about HALF-full, but the fucking union makes them keep about half the lot roped off til nine, for the people that start at 9.)
So I pulled my latest trick and parked in a handicapped spot.
Yes, yes, I know that's wrong.
BUT, there are about 15 handicapped spots. And the kicker- there IS NO HANDICAPPED ENTRANCE anywhere REMOTELY nearby. So I boycott those spots on principle. I park in them often, and have not had a problem. Besides, if you DO get a ticket, it's like a "please don't do that again" post-it from hospital security.
So I go to work. Am finally ready to come home. Figure I'll try the starter. So I push the button. Go out to my car, it is not running. Well, maybe I was too far away. Oh well. Get in the car to start it.
It does not start.
Dead battery.
I left the headlights on.
Often if you leave your lights on, some good samaritan notices, and they make an announcement overheard. I have to assume that's what happened. My inappropriate headlights drew attention to my car- and to my inappropriate parking space.
So I got a ticket.
And not a hospital ticket. A ticket from Buffalo's finest, for $100. $100!!!! Guess that will teach me to leave the 'handicapped' spaces for the people who are able bodied enough to walk up stairs, but handicapped enough to get a pass (i.e. fat/lazy.)
And the story doesn't end there, oh no, dear readers.
But I will abbreviate.
I needed a jump. One woman lent me cables, but wouldn't let me jump off her battery. So my friend, who had no cables, pulled his truck around. Only to find that the damage incurred when he hit a deer 3 mo ago has made it impossible to open his hood.
i mean really! Could things be any more ridiculous?!
Dr. Farkle goes to work...
So. That's my non-boy story. Now you probably all wish I'd stick to boys. ;)
imk2 - 11/03/07 13:41
btw, the boy stories you'd have to tell now would be SOOOO awesome! i wish you would!!!
btw, the boy stories you'd have to tell now would be SOOOO awesome! i wish you would!!!
mike - 11/03/07 12:07
that is insanity!
that is insanity!
ladycroft - 11/03/07 04:24
now that's an entertaining story! did you happen to mow down the security gate on your way out of the parking lot too ;)
now that's an entertaining story! did you happen to mow down the security gate on your way out of the parking lot too ;)
tinypliny - 11/03/07 01:28
Now, I really wish I had talked to you for some sizeable amount of time at the party.
@imk2: I think your boss is just awesome. Incredibly, and I mean *incredibly* patient.
Now, I really wish I had talked to you for some sizeable amount of time at the party.
@imk2: I think your boss is just awesome. Incredibly, and I mean *incredibly* patient.
imk2 - 11/03/07 00:56
my boss has a birth defect and has no leg and walks around on a prosthesis that is ill fitting because they cant get it to fit right because of her defect, i guess, stump...and she STILL does not have a handicapped hang tag. she does not walk like you or i. she almost like, drags the leg and yet she still refuses to get special treatment. i on the other hand, would be milking that shit for all it's worth. i am a terrible person that way.
my boss has a birth defect and has no leg and walks around on a prosthesis that is ill fitting because they cant get it to fit right because of her defect, i guess, stump...and she STILL does not have a handicapped hang tag. she does not walk like you or i. she almost like, drags the leg and yet she still refuses to get special treatment. i on the other hand, would be milking that shit for all it's worth. i am a terrible person that way.
it's only boring if you say so. there are plenty of exciting things to write about besides boy drama. dreams, household accidents, brilliant but crazy ideas you have, how certain smells trigger memories, your theory of atlantis...anything. life is not boring!
"I hate that I am censored and not allowed to talk about certain people/things."
Uh oh....
Here is an idea write two journal posts write the first one with all ths stuff you cant say and put it in draft mode. I believe that makes it only readable to you (check with paul to make sure of that). That way you get all the stuff off your chest or at least written out. Then write a second post where you write only the stuff you can say publicly.
ahhh i am truly scared of that picture...frankly i'm scared of lots of things. Sometime I think some censorship is a good thing that I am very bad at, it could come back to bite you but at the same time I say, eh just say what you want!
It's okay if you need to talk about whatever you're going through:). That's what estrip is for.
Pfft. I come unfiltered. Its nice, like a pint of hefeweizen - sweet but also bitter!
Sometimes, self-censorship is a good thing. I wish I had a better ability to turn off that inner "I really HAVE to get this crack off" flaw myself.