- even if you don't read the whole post, please skip to the bottom for a PSA**
Well, I guess I haven't posted any of my typical overly-revealing overly-long rambling posts in a while, so I'm sure you're all dying for an update on my exciting life.
Unfortunately, my life is like 90% work and 10% "me time"- but my priorities are the exact opposite, which is probably not good. [yes, I'm exaggerating, no need to get scared for my patients.] I love what I do... but I am just sick of the miserable hours. And sometimes I would rather go home after a 12 hour day, than stay an EXTRA six hours for some disaster case. Does that make me a bad person?
But so on Tues I went to The Tralf to see The National- my favorite band du jour. I seriously love them. [Their newest album, Boxer, is fantastic. But I don't have mp3s of it small enough to use as a user sound. So I am back to my old standby, "baby we'll be fine", from the album Alligator. Check it out.]
It was the first "real" show I've been to... god, I dunno, maybe since I lived in New Orleans?? i.e., in years. It was great. They were fantastic, it was fun to see them, nice to get out, etc etc.
But I was there looking around at all the cute hipster indie kids... and suddenly thinking "I wish I knew more people that like the music I do." But a lot of what I like is obscure indie stuff, and the only reason I even know about it is b/c my bro-in-law hooks me up.
So, when I got home, I turned to trusty craigslist. Emboldened by anonymity, I decided to post a "missed connections" message. Really just for the hell of it. I think I am (unfortunately) still an emotional disaster over the last guy, and am probably not in any position to be a good 'girlfriend' to anyone. Which sucks, b/c there are some good guys out there. [though I did hear rumors (through the grapevine, of course, since he still refuses to acknowledge my existence) that it sounds like he is losing it. Acting weird and unreliable... I don't know if it makes me happy or sad to hear that.] I've never been so head over heels over anyone like I was/am over him- and I've never been hurt as badly. Ok, but I digress...
My point is that I put up this ad really just for the hell of it- not b/c I'm really actively trying to find someone. I doubt I'd write back to anyone, but I was curious to see what other National fans there may be in the area. So I wrote:
If that title means anything to you- please write to me!!
MC to all the cute hipsters at the Tralf tonight... and there were plenty of you...
You made me realize that maybe I've been going about things all wrong. Maybe all I need is a guy who likes the music I like. Someone who won't say "oh really? you're going to a concert tonight? The National? That's nice. Are they a rock and roll band?"
So if you were there tonight, so was I. You may not have seen me. And I may not have seen you. But chances are- I dig you.
(but just to be a little more specific- ideally you are >27, gainfully employed, have some sort of degree, not living in Mom's basement, and for the love of God, do not have a full beard.)
Drop me a line... what's to lose??
[a wee bit about me- not to brag, but I'd make your mother proud. I'm a cute fun chick, with her head on her shoulders. I am quite well-educated, and have a good job. Not into drama or games or designer labels. Am into good times, laughing, with good people.]
For the title, I used a lyric from one of my favorite songs of theirs. (Baby we'll be fine; my user song) And it's one of their 'bigger' songs- one that people who know the band would probably know.
Well, I'm an idiot, and didn't think about the line OUT of the context of the song, and what 'if that title means anything to you, write me' means.
the line I used as a title is:
"Baby come over, I need entertaining. I've had a stilted, pretending day."
So I have been inundated with messages like 'oh yeah! Baby I'LL come over!' etc.
Only one person has known what I was actually getting at.
But the worst of all-
I got a message from an anonymous gmail address that just said "Oh, Alex dear... :)"
Am I that recognizable???? Which suddenly makes me quite embarrassed, b/c I guess the message is a little braggadocious/obnoxious.
I don't know who it was... I'm guessing my ex-ex. Crazy.
Ok... guess that's enough for now. I miss you peeps. What's new with you??
My friend's adorable little nephew Dominic has Hypertrophic Cardiac Myopathy. He's only about 1, and he needs a heart transplant. :( There is a benefit for him next saturday. I'm trying to help spread the word. Tickets are $25. Here's the website:

(yeah, that's a baby with a playoff beard.)
National download....I can see why you like em
All Songs Considered is awesome. It's such a great place to find album reviews.
Very cool. The same site used to toss up stuff from the "Mountainstage" program that played forever on NPR. Might still be around, but I can never find it.
I bow to your musical find. I listen to NPR non stop but never thought to download the podcasts!! They have tons of Bishop Allen stuff. There goes my work productivity this afternoon. My boss thanks you.
Wow anti Daniel Schorr much? C'mon he is a reporting dinosaur. He is like Walter Cronkite of the radio.
Sometimes they play little Nick Drake clips in between stories and I get all moody.
Then I might heard an orchestral arrangement of Tool before they sucked.
Then they played Blind Willie Johnson.
YES! That is why I listen to NPR.
It is a cool podcast - not bad at all.
Bob Boilen has one of the coolest jobs ever. He selects all the music for All Things Considered. They had a story about it a few years back, and he was talking about all the cool stuff he gets to listen to. I'm always amused when they have a clip of some really obscure band playing between segments, and I think to myself "I have that CD".