Ok... so I went out last night (with the intentions of coming home early to clean my house since my mom is coming to day. Hmph. That only sort of happened.)
But I saw my Rock Star Boyfriend. A pleasure as always. I got to feel very VIP and hang out 'backstage'. Where another band member (who is married with kids if I'm not mistaken) was drunk and flirting with me, insisting that he knows me from somewhere. I was like 'um, yeah, your shows?' but then he insisted that I'm a bartender and THAT is why he knows me. Haha. I had my hair straight. Must have thrown him off. ;)
But part of the reason I got to be so VIP is b/c I was hanging out with RSB's girlfriend. (We are now like totally BFF b/c she cuts my hair. (which is, incidentally, quite short as of wednesday afternoon. Like barely to my shoulders).) So that means that when we saw her, we got to go 'backstage' and got winked at by the band and all. Now, I have always had a bit of a harmless crush on this guy. I mean, he's just so damn cool! and he's like REALLY a rockstar! So I would sort of expect to hate his girlfriend (out of jealousy)...
But... instead I realized last night, that if I were to have a crush on a girl, it would be on her. Or someone like her. She's just so damn CUTE! And she has lots of super cool tattoos, including one of an Alexander Calder mobile on the inside of her upper arm. She looks like a little pixie. And, she has great (though I suspect fake) boobs. Which she managed to flash to the entire (crazily huge!) crowd last night- since when she gave me a hug her top totally fell down.
I think really I just wish I could be that cool and stylish and ride a vespa and dare to have crazy tattoos and a funky haircut and wild makeup and wear sexy little tube tops that I made myself my from my boyfriend's band's tshirts... Not to mention HAVE a boyfriend in a band with tshirts that can be used to make clothes.
Anyway, it was fun. then to the 'after party'. The dropkicks were invited. Not sure if they ever made it, since I left early-ish to go home and mom-proof the house. But that would have been pretty cool if they showed.
Today sucks at work. Boooo. I want to go home!
Looking forward to seeing my mama. All she wants to do is eat at good restaurants, and buy me stuff. (she is horrified by my rickety coffee table that I have to re-glue about once a week.) haha! i'm not complaining....
Oops, missed the comparison photographs.
I have a hard time believing that the digital pic is *not* the same person as in the photographs. It seems *a lot* like the same person with a minor digital alteration. The cheeks in the digital pic are slightly more chubby and the lighting changes the colour of the skin, but that's it.
2 MIs in a day. This is serious (e:jenks).