Hmm, I'm suddenly talkative again. (I know why- because I don't want to go deal with the ER.)
So, this isn't quite the story
(e:imk2) wants me to tell, but (I think) it's funny nonetheless.
So... I met a guy last year at St. Patrick's Day. He was super cute and charming and witty blah blah blah. We had a great chat, I thought we hit it off, I was pretty psyched. Then all of the sudden he up and disappeared, without asking for my number or anything. Bummer. But my friend said "oh don't worry, he's alway out, we'll run into him again." But she also warned he that he's quite the player, and not to fall for him.
Well, months went by, I never saw him, and I kind of forgot again.
But then we ran into him again. And he's very hot and cold. First I was hurt b/c he totally ignored me. But then all of the sudden it was 2 days of steamy texts. Then more ignoring. Who knows. And I kept remembering her warning not to get invested, b/c yes he's cute and charming and all that- but he's slept with half of buffalo and isn't about to stop.
So, one night I was talking to my girlfriend, and I said I had finally accepted that he is fun, but not to expect any more from him than that. He's a blast to be around, he flirts with me and makes me feel pretty, blah blah.
And she replied "yeah... totally. He's like M [another fun, non-dateable, friend of ours], only better looking, with a better personality, a better job, and better breeding. Basically he's M 2.0!! You should upgrade!"
So now I refer to these two guys as 1.0 and 2.0.
haha. (ok, I thought it was funny...)
And a totally random aside, just to go along with all the political ranting...
So my mom was telling me yesterday that in my hometown, our trash collection was not free. It was not provided by the city. I guess you either could have a pass to the dump (for free) or you could pay for trash collection. But I guess trash collection to the low-income housing was free, or something like that.
Well apparently in their infinite wisdom, the town has decided to close the dump or something. And thus I guess that *have* to provide some sort of free trash pickup. My parents are like "sweet, don't have to pay for trash pickup anymore." And over the last few weeks, they delivered two of those nice big plastic garbage cans with wheels (like the ones we have here) to every house. Which I'm sure cost the city a pretty penny.
So, how are they going to recoup these losses??
They have decided that they will only pick up your trash from your fancy new trash cans if it is in a fancy new trash BAG. Otherwise they will just leave it there. The catch- the bags are $3 apiece. Which for my parents, still ends up being cheaper than trash collection used to be. But for the people who had it for free, now it costs them money and they're all up in arms. And the town also doesn't want to have to pay garbage men (besides the driver) so they are instructing people to line their garbage cans up JUST SO on the street, so that the truck can just pick them up, without needing the extra guy to help line them up.
Is it just me, or is this about the worst plan ever??
That's so sad!
I used to walk by that place on the way to the Coop.
I hope they restore it completely.
Wow... when they said and 'old church' on elmwood ave i couldn't figure out what it was... that is so sad!
Btw, I dig Christmas Songs. Yep, all through the year. And I am not even Christian. Hehehe
OMG. I LOVE SUFJAN STEVENS!!! I think he has a voice direct from audio-heaven!
and OMG. How awful. That building was one of the prettiest around the Elmwood Strip. I always looked at it with pleasure. How sad. :/ Such beautiful buildings should not be allowed to have stoves and other fire hazards!
You got pics, yet the Buffalo news didn't. I thought I heard stuff last night. It's a pretty amazing restoration that got a giant setback. Hope the guy who did it can try again. Apparently the yoga place had a stove that did it.
The user sound is pretty cool, despite being a little premature.