Ok, so I just ate at Torches. I'd never even heard of it. I guess it's fairly new (a few months?)- it's where Tsunami used to be.
But it was really good.
I don't know how to write a real restaurant review, but I'll try.
We had an early reservation, and so we were the only people there when we arrived. (but by the time we left it was packed.)
It's sort of an unassuming building, but true to its name, there are lots of torches all over. And, a weird animatronic christmas penguin, that looks very out of place. Whatever.
But you walk into a little foyer area with these cool tables that are like rough-hewn stone. And the hostess greeted us and took our coats and told us about two featured wines, and gave us tastes of a Shiraz before we were even seated. I've never seen that before, and it's probably a ploy to get you to buy overpriced "featured" wine, but, eh, whatever- it was tasty.
It's a little (too) dark, but not bad, and overall the decor was nice. Certainly more a date/special occasion kind of place than "family dinner with the kids". Left Bank-ish, maybe.
And our waiter was awesome. Very funny. And attentive without being intrusive.
I had a crab cake special appetizer with some carrot ginger coulis (or something- some sauce)- it was delish. And a nice presentation. The crabcakes were maryland style, and there really was a lot of nice crabmeat. Though maybe they could have been crisped up a little more.
For an entree I had chilean sea bass and I don't know what the sauce was, but it was also great. Served on a bed of risotto, with some porcini mushrooms.
And warm caramel apple pie for dessert.
And a bottle of wine, and coffee.
I think I am going to explode. And then fall asleep. So much for the party I was thinking of going to tonight. ha!
But as the restaurant got more crowded, and we were no longer the only table, it took our waiter a few more minutes to stop by- but honestly I wouldn't have even noticed and certainly didn't think it was bad service. But then he came over- he said he was sorry if he'd neglected us, but that things were a little crazy since Janice Okun (buffalo news restaurant critic) had just shown up, unexpected.
So I'm curious to see her review, but I thought it was great, and would certainly recommend it.
[I did look at their menu online though, and it is FULL of typos, which is a major pet peeve.]
Jenks's Journal
My Podcast Link
11/17/2007 21:55 #42179
fooood coooomaaaaa11/15/2007 23:39 #42156
Priceless!Sometimes I can't believe the emails my dad sends me...

metalpeter - 11/16/07 15:55
I've seen that one at at first I was like she is pretty hot then you see the nuts and it is pretty funny, but she still looks hot some how.
I've seen that one at at first I was like she is pretty hot then you see the nuts and it is pretty funny, but she still looks hot some how.
mrmike - 11/16/07 09:14
ladycroft - 11/16/07 02:32
james - 11/16/07 01:04
If I were a heterosexual man who had no desire to sleep with a Tranny, I would stay far, far away from Thailand.
I however, will go for the food.
If I were a heterosexual man who had no desire to sleep with a Tranny, I would stay far, far away from Thailand.
I however, will go for the food.
11/14/2007 18:07 #42120
wow, these are pretty amazing...

bridgette - 11/16/07 11:43
hell yeah those are awesome! I wouldn't doubt they're real- look at those people who tat their whole bodies! That has to take forever!!
hell yeah those are awesome! I wouldn't doubt they're real- look at those people who tat their whole bodies! That has to take forever!!
tinypliny - 11/16/07 00:06
Absolutely gorgeous! Thanks!
Absolutely gorgeous! Thanks!
chico - 11/15/07 23:36
Is that a Photoshop trick, or does someone actually sit there for hours illustrating peoples' hands like zoo animals? Whoa.
Good one, Doctah Jenks. :-)
Is that a Photoshop trick, or does someone actually sit there for hours illustrating peoples' hands like zoo animals? Whoa.
Good one, Doctah Jenks. :-)
libertad - 11/14/07 18:41
Those are amazing.
Those are amazing.
11/11/2007 14:45 #42079
Whoa... wtf just happened??What a weird night... I'm kind of wondering if I was somehow drugged or something. (but I don't actually believe I was.)
I was on call friday night, which was blessedly quiet for the first time in about a month. hallelelujah.
In the morning I met my friend for breakfast... and she told me a story about her night. Her (now-ex) boyfriend called her SIXTY-FOUR times, over the course of 3 hours. And left her 19 voicemails. You could tell he wasn't getting the response he wanted, so he was mixing up his technique. Alternating between "I love you I miss you please call me back" and "ok you are a cunt, get the dicks out of your mouth and call me back." Yeah.... that's the right way to win her back. Then while I was listening to his messages, he called eleven more times.
Point: guys are psycho too.
And then somehow I think there was a time warp from about 11am til 7pm. I seriously don't know where that time went, but I did none of the things I was supposed to. I didn't know what I was going to do that night since I had never made plans. A friend was maybe going to come to town, but at the last minute she couldn't. I was maybe going to go to some yacht club thing, but didn't hear back about that. Then the friend that blew me off last week texted me to try to make up, and said that if I'm ready to forgive him, he had an idea for something super-fun.
"Flash Party" at Essex. I guess there's sort of an art co-op behind the essex st pub. I never knew that. But they were having some benefit last night. So I went. It was $40, but it was open bar, a band (complete with go-go dancers! for real!), and supposedly catered food. Though the catered food ended up being chips and salsa, oreos, pretzels, and peanut butter.
But I had two glasses of wine, and 2 beers. Which I guess is a decent amount to drink, but over 4+ hours it's not insane....
And I was SO DRUNK. I don't know what happened. It didn't hit me until about 2 am when we were at Towne, when I realized I could not eat, and all of the sudden HAD to be in bed, RIGHT THAT SECOND.
So I got home and went to bed, and couldn't get out of bed til 1 today.
Seriously, wtf! I mean I know my tolerance isn't what it used to be, and 4 drinks isn't nothing, but MAN!
So, now I need to try to get everything done that I was supposed to yesterday and today. Bleh....
I was on call friday night, which was blessedly quiet for the first time in about a month. hallelelujah.
In the morning I met my friend for breakfast... and she told me a story about her night. Her (now-ex) boyfriend called her SIXTY-FOUR times, over the course of 3 hours. And left her 19 voicemails. You could tell he wasn't getting the response he wanted, so he was mixing up his technique. Alternating between "I love you I miss you please call me back" and "ok you are a cunt, get the dicks out of your mouth and call me back." Yeah.... that's the right way to win her back. Then while I was listening to his messages, he called eleven more times.
Point: guys are psycho too.
And then somehow I think there was a time warp from about 11am til 7pm. I seriously don't know where that time went, but I did none of the things I was supposed to. I didn't know what I was going to do that night since I had never made plans. A friend was maybe going to come to town, but at the last minute she couldn't. I was maybe going to go to some yacht club thing, but didn't hear back about that. Then the friend that blew me off last week texted me to try to make up, and said that if I'm ready to forgive him, he had an idea for something super-fun.
"Flash Party" at Essex. I guess there's sort of an art co-op behind the essex st pub. I never knew that. But they were having some benefit last night. So I went. It was $40, but it was open bar, a band (complete with go-go dancers! for real!), and supposedly catered food. Though the catered food ended up being chips and salsa, oreos, pretzels, and peanut butter.
But I had two glasses of wine, and 2 beers. Which I guess is a decent amount to drink, but over 4+ hours it's not insane....
And I was SO DRUNK. I don't know what happened. It didn't hit me until about 2 am when we were at Towne, when I realized I could not eat, and all of the sudden HAD to be in bed, RIGHT THAT SECOND.
So I got home and went to bed, and couldn't get out of bed til 1 today.
Seriously, wtf! I mean I know my tolerance isn't what it used to be, and 4 drinks isn't nothing, but MAN!
So, now I need to try to get everything done that I was supposed to yesterday and today. Bleh....
metalpeter - 11/12/07 17:47
I have a theory as to what happened. First of all I have heard that if you drink wine and aren't used to it it can really fuck you up. I wonder if you had more then two glasses of wine and just remember it as two I have heard that can happen. The other thing that I have heard is that mixing types of alcohol can make things worse. Again these aren't facts just things I have heard. I know drinking beer on top of alcohol is what caused everything I drank to come up at a Halloween party. I felt the beer hit my stomach and could feel something was wrong and tried to move to the front door and out onto the porch and couldn't move and the beer brought other stuff up with it, I was fine till then. Oh and (e:ladycroft) If you are reading this again I'm sorry for that, that is just another example of how awesome you are.
I have a theory as to what happened. First of all I have heard that if you drink wine and aren't used to it it can really fuck you up. I wonder if you had more then two glasses of wine and just remember it as two I have heard that can happen. The other thing that I have heard is that mixing types of alcohol can make things worse. Again these aren't facts just things I have heard. I know drinking beer on top of alcohol is what caused everything I drank to come up at a Halloween party. I felt the beer hit my stomach and could feel something was wrong and tried to move to the front door and out onto the porch and couldn't move and the beer brought other stuff up with it, I was fine till then. Oh and (e:ladycroft) If you are reading this again I'm sorry for that, that is just another example of how awesome you are.
jason - 11/12/07 08:38
Damn. After hearing about that guy, I feel awesome. I'm not a dick at all!
Damn. After hearing about that guy, I feel awesome. I'm not a dick at all!
museumchick - 11/11/07 20:19
wow... maybe your friend needs to get a restraining order against her ex. That's just crazy.
wow... maybe your friend needs to get a restraining order against her ex. That's just crazy.
11/07/2007 15:58 #42029
coupla thoughtsOk, so I was late for work AGAIN yesterday, because my car battery was dead AGAIN, because I left my lights on AGAIN. I'm not sure what my problem is.
But after a $10 cab ride to work, I'm a little paranoid, and so I just bought jumper cables that I can keep in my CAR, since they don't do me much good in my garage, AND I bought this battery pack car starter thing- supposedly it fits in the glove box. We'll see. But now I have more peace of mind.

I went to see a friend-of-a-friend's band at Mohawk the other night... I think I need to get out to see more music. But before the band came on they were playing sufjan stevens... I forgot how much I like him. So I put him on itunes, and some of his christmas stuff came on... And I hate to say this, but it almost got me feeling christmas-y. [check out my new user song. Sufjan Stevens doing "O come O come Emmanuel"] That, combined with the white chocolate peppermint lattes (in red cups, of course) that they're serving at work now. So now I'm jammin' to sufjan again, drinking hot cider, and (nearly) enjoying the chill in the air... I guess I am coming to terms with the fact that summer is REALLY over.
And today I chopped my hair some more... It's pretty short. Can barely get it in a pony tail anymore. But while I was there my haircutter lady/girl crush told me about THIS-

It's the Bikram Yoga place on elmwood.... burned down at about 3am this morning. Yikes! I had to go by to check it out... lots of gawkers. It's a pretty stone building... I wonder if it's rebuild-able...
Oh, and I found out that another friend-of-a-friend met someone through match.com- that supposedly I work with. Now i'm dying to know who it is!
But after a $10 cab ride to work, I'm a little paranoid, and so I just bought jumper cables that I can keep in my CAR, since they don't do me much good in my garage, AND I bought this battery pack car starter thing- supposedly it fits in the glove box. We'll see. But now I have more peace of mind.

I went to see a friend-of-a-friend's band at Mohawk the other night... I think I need to get out to see more music. But before the band came on they were playing sufjan stevens... I forgot how much I like him. So I put him on itunes, and some of his christmas stuff came on... And I hate to say this, but it almost got me feeling christmas-y. [check out my new user song. Sufjan Stevens doing "O come O come Emmanuel"] That, combined with the white chocolate peppermint lattes (in red cups, of course) that they're serving at work now. So now I'm jammin' to sufjan again, drinking hot cider, and (nearly) enjoying the chill in the air... I guess I am coming to terms with the fact that summer is REALLY over.
And today I chopped my hair some more... It's pretty short. Can barely get it in a pony tail anymore. But while I was there my haircutter lady/girl crush told me about THIS-

It's the Bikram Yoga place on elmwood.... burned down at about 3am this morning. Yikes! I had to go by to check it out... lots of gawkers. It's a pretty stone building... I wonder if it's rebuild-able...
Oh, and I found out that another friend-of-a-friend met someone through match.com- that supposedly I work with. Now i'm dying to know who it is!
ajay - 11/12/07 10:55
That's so sad!
I used to walk by that place on the way to the Coop.
I hope they restore it completely.
That's so sad!
I used to walk by that place on the way to the Coop.
I hope they restore it completely.
fellyconnelly - 11/08/07 10:04
Wow... when they said and 'old church' on elmwood ave i couldn't figure out what it was... that is so sad!
Wow... when they said and 'old church' on elmwood ave i couldn't figure out what it was... that is so sad!
tinypliny - 11/07/07 22:02
Btw, I dig Christmas Songs. Yep, all through the year. And I am not even Christian. Hehehe
Btw, I dig Christmas Songs. Yep, all through the year. And I am not even Christian. Hehehe
tinypliny - 11/07/07 21:55
OMG. I LOVE SUFJAN STEVENS!!! I think he has a voice direct from audio-heaven!
and OMG. How awful. That building was one of the prettiest around the Elmwood Strip. I always looked at it with pleasure. How sad. :/ Such beautiful buildings should not be allowed to have stoves and other fire hazards!
OMG. I LOVE SUFJAN STEVENS!!! I think he has a voice direct from audio-heaven!
and OMG. How awful. That building was one of the prettiest around the Elmwood Strip. I always looked at it with pleasure. How sad. :/ Such beautiful buildings should not be allowed to have stoves and other fire hazards!
mrmike - 11/07/07 16:57
You got pics, yet the Buffalo news didn't. I thought I heard stuff last night. It's a pretty amazing restoration that got a giant setback. Hope the guy who did it can try again. Apparently the yoga place had a stove that did it.
The user sound is pretty cool, despite being a little premature.
You got pics, yet the Buffalo news didn't. I thought I heard stuff last night. It's a pretty amazing restoration that got a giant setback. Hope the guy who did it can try again. Apparently the yoga place had a stove that did it.
The user sound is pretty cool, despite being a little premature.
What you said about the waiter is a very delicate line. It is very easy to cross over into the person who comes over to often and bugs you. Of course how often that is depends on how much you feel like drinking and if they are someone you find hot and of course who you are with. If you are on a date you don't want to be checking the person out, well unless of course you and your date are looking to ad a 3rd person. Some how I hope that I got across the point that how often the wait staff comes over is a very fine line and it is very easy to be on the wrong side of it as you kinda saw when a food reviewer showed up. I think that all food reveiwers should never have there face on anything they write. The reason being is as soon as she showed up everyone made sure she had perfect service. Everyone that night could have had bad service per say and then they see someone who they know so the pick up there game and then you get a review that isn't really true. Sorry to kinda hijack your review.
I always feel guilty about eating the patagonian toothfish myself. At my brother and sister in laws wedding I passed it up for doubles on beef shortribs which were unbelievable. Although eat them before they are all gone is starting to sound like fun too!
and where are the pictures?
and who did you go with?
you're also supposed to put the prices in a review, no?
what kind of food are they supposed to be serving? or what kind of restaurant is it supposed to be?
oh and i recently saw something on the news about chilean sea bass. apparently it's not really sea bass at all, but rather a patagonia toothfish. i guess they're pretty ugly. they didnt think that people would want to eat a fish that was called "toothfish", so they named it chilean sea bass instead. there is some controversy surrounding it because of the recent popularity of this fish and its subsequent over-fishing. a few years ago there was a "Take a Pass on Chilean Sea Bass" campaign in which over a 1000 chefs around the country participated in. although i am well aware of that many estrip members have a campaign of their own; "eat them before they're all gone", right (e:paul)?