My neighbor/best friend growing up lives in NYC now, and works for some big firm. And we've sort of lost touch. But sometimes I see her if I'm home for holidays. And at thanksgiving a couple years ago, I kept catching the end of conversations... things about book deals, being asked to pose for playboy, almost losing her job... Clearly there was some big story I had missed, and this was the aftermath. So I finally asked, and she said to look her up on snopes. So here we go-

(and snopes calls this 'undetermined, but- it's true.)
Basically, she met a guy. He emailed her, inviting her out. She forwarded the email to her friend, to see if she wanted to go too.
But in fact, she hit "reply" not "forward", and sent the message, intended for her friend, back to him. It's the kind of thing that is so easy to do, but it just makes me cringe.
Well, he forwarded it to everyone he knew. And apparently within a matter of hours she was getting emails from china, australia.... ranging from "you gold-digging bitch I hope you die alone" to "hey baby, *I* won't fall asleep!". And supposedly playboy contacted her. Here's her message-
"Ok first- here is the email I received from T, the new guy I met last week. If you want to go out, perhaps we can get him to pay for drinks at Park. Since we have not slept together, he will of course be trying to impress me and will, therefore, do anything I ask. Unlike John, who fell asleep during sex last night. i went over to his place last night around 11:30. We started having sex. When I noticed his eyes were closed for a little too long, I said "John wake up." At which point, he shot up saying "what'd I miss." Yes, I think that is a new low."
And the reason Jason's message made me think of this, was the 'we have not slept together yet, so he will do anything I ask' part. I mean really, is this how girls think??!!
Wow. Well, I guess if she was sending that info in a candid e-mail to a friend she must have done it before.
Unfortunately, people like that do exist. They're on the same level as the ones who think that you can sleep with someone to get them to like you. As a rule, sex as a weapon rarely works for extended periods.
I think that girls and boys should all ways pay for there own drinks. The reason is that drinks are expensive (some places) and if you don't like them enough to pay for them your self then you shouldn't be drinking in the first place.
In terms of who pays for food or drinks the ideal way to do it would be by who can aforrid it more. Of course you can't figure this out on a date or when going out. I go by the who invited who idea. If I ask you out I should be willing (within reason) to pay for things. That being said the person who was asked out if they find they like the person should pay for some of the drinks themselves.
I think the smartest way to do it is go someplace where they have ladies night and let the ladies buy 2 or sometimes even 3 for one drinks but with the guys money and that way everyone can get really wasted.
But see what happens when you try to use people like this lady did is that what goes around comes around or bad karma gets you and lots of people find out that you are no good, and that you are a bad lay. How else could someone sleep as you ride them up and down. Yes it can happen during a BJ if you also message them that can put them out or if they get off and you keep blowing them, but generaly the sex was bad if they passed out.
that is hi;lar!
Sometimes I really wonder. Yes, the ugly truth is that people like that exist, and unfortunately there is no really easy way to determine their nature so we can preempt them. It's women like this that make me want to give up altogether and retreat to the man cave. You know that you're never going to mean shit to someone like that. God help the poor son of a bitch.
Of course, the good news is that they represent only a portion of the female population, the rest having various other idiosyncrasies. I think it is about finding out what you can deal with, and being okay with imperfection.
I do give you girls credit by the way, because it really is tough to separate the wheat from the chaff, whether it is Mr. Playboy or someone like this. It is just hard to know.
ooo thats rough....
My rule is: I'll pay on the first date; but there'll be a second date if and only if she offers to pay. If she just sits there and doesn't offer, there's never a second date.
I just think it's good manners for women to, in this day and age, at least offer to pay.
I want a chick who wants a relationship with me, not my wallet.
'we have not slept together yet, so he will do anything I ask' quickly turns into "we have now slept together, so he does nothing I ask"....