So, I'm really sick of the cialis/etc spam emails that I get all day. Most of them get filtered as spam, but a few make it through. And there was one today, that just wouldn't delete. I don't know why, but it wouldn't go away. So I finally had to open it, and it had this lovely porn-spam-poem:
That's great you've got a gal that's hot
You wanna nail her juicy twat.
She's cute and taking, she's so nice!
But would your penile size suffice?
Not sure she will yearn for more?
You need a thing she would adore!
But how to get it long and thick?
Your only hope is MegaDik!
You'll get so wanted super-size
And see wild craving in her eyes!
Your shaft will pound her poon so deep,
Tonight you'll hardly fall asleep!
So try today this magic pill
And change your life at your own will!
Nice, huh??
And then, this one from my dad. Very politically incorrect and culturally insensitive and potentially offensive blah blah blah- but it made me laugh:
To participate is very easy, just view the attached photo, correctly
Answer the following questions and send your answers to the
International Olympic Committee:
1. Which student seems to appear tired / sleepy?
2. Which ones are male twins?
3. Which ones are the female twins?
4. How many women are in the group?
5. Which one is the teacher?
hell yeah those are awesome! I wouldn't doubt they're real- look at those people who tat their whole bodies! That has to take forever!!
Absolutely gorgeous! Thanks!
Is that a Photoshop trick, or does someone actually sit there for hours illustrating peoples' hands like zoo animals? Whoa.
Good one, Doctah Jenks. :-)
Those are amazing.