For your kind information, recycle bins are FREELY AVAILABLE to all Buffalo denizens at each one of these very convenient locations:
C.P.C. International Marketplace; 283 Grant Street; 884-7812
C.P.C. Gloria Parks; 3242 Main Street; 851-4112
Community Action Info Center; 103 Wohlers Street; 885-5925
Parkside Community Association; 2318 Main Street; 851-4324
F.L.A.R.E.; 307 Leroy Avenue; 838-6740
Ken-Bailey Neighborhood Housing Service; 995 Kensington Avenue; 836-3600
Hispanics United of Buffalo; 254 Virginia Street; 856-7110
A.B.L.E.Y. Center; 24 Ludington Street; 895-4074
Northwest Buffalo Community Center; 155 Lawn Avenue; 876-8108
N.H.S. of South Buffalo; 1937 South Park Avenue; 823-3630
Matt Urban Center; 1081 Broadway; 893-7222
City Hall; Niagara Square-Room 218; 851-4890
HomeFront; 560 Delaware Avenue; 856-2952

The point of giving you this copious information is that I need you to reform your reprobate ways, return my recycle bin and get one of your own! Don't you understand my anguish?? I took a day off work to go to the city hall to get this recycle bin! Well... okay, that's a lie. But you stole my recycle bin; lying is less reproachable. However, to redeem myself, I must clarify that I did take the day off; going to the city hall was a priority on my agenda for that day.
Getting back to the point, I can't take any more days off work. This means I can't get another recycle bin. My recycling stuff would probably collect in a corner of my flat again, and I would soon have no place to live after being chucked out of my building for harbouring rodents in my flat. I would be homeless and roam the streets of Buffalo.
You, dear robber, would then be responsible for the atrocious crime of creating one more homeless person in your esteemed city. Are you sure you want that sort of guilt on your conscience?? Return my recycle bin and the world will be right again!
Sans Cheers,
Why not paint your name on the bin?
I painted my feral cat bright red; now noone steals her.
@(e:libertad): yes, so very ironic, that it is quite absurd to even think about.
@(e:dcoffee): Yikes, conscience-less neighbours are the worst! I don't have a clue about who might have taken my recycle bin though.
I am taking my chances, just in case s/he happens to love (e:strip), like the rest of us. ;)
We had ours stolen too, by the next door neighbor. And our bin was very distinct, cracked with stickers holding it together. It got hit by a truck, it's the type of bin that you would recognize, especially when they leave the stickers on!
They used to deliver bins to your door about a year ago, I don't know what was wrong with that.
Oh tinypliny I love you. I don't understand the rational of stealing recycling bins. If you are consciousness enough to recycle shouldn't you have some issues with stealing too? Unless of course they took it because they are great totes for moving.