From my email (I edited and removed all identifying names.):
I had the very unfortunate experience of an "encounter" with the young punk assaulting women in the city (with the box cutter, in Gates Circle, Chapin, etc). I AM UNHURT AND OK. I was at Colter Bay on Sunday night & was leaving at about 10:30. I was parked across the street from Tempo. As you know, this is a very well lit area, and there was vehicle traffic, other people around & a lot of people at Colter Bay.
As I was crossing the street in front of Colter Bay, I noticed a young male turning the corner onto Delaware from Allen. I turned right onto the sidewalk & continued toward my car. There was a younger couple walking toward me. Although all of my friends were watching me from the windows to make sure I got to my car, thank goodness one of the guys I was with, recognized the young male based upon the descriptions from the victims & also from the photos published over the weekend. Not to mention that apparently, this kid was closing the distance behind me pretty fast!!
I made it to my car & got inside, & when I closed the door & looked up, this kid was right in front of my car looking at me, smiling & signaling me to get out of my car. I of course had already locked the doors. Anyway, my friend (who recognized the young male) confronted the kid & the kid ran off. We called the police & I gave a description to the P.O. & detectives.
This kid is exactly that, a KID. He has such a baby face. I estimated him to be about 19 years old. He was about 5'8" & 125-140 pounds. He is African American with a lighter complexion-very nice skin. Kind of a pug nose & very full lips. I didn't talk to him, but my friend described him as having a rather effeminate voice.
I thought he was wearing a white t-shirt, but my friend who accosted him, told me that he was in a white hoodie (My friend was behind the kid) under a black leather jacket. He also had a bit of a curly afro under a baseball hat (white front panel & red on the sides). He had baggy dark pants on (I couldn't tell if jeans or not). He was also carrying an over-the-shoulder bag, like those new ones the kids started carrying a few years ago instead of the back packs. He also had a dark plastic bag he was carrying.
We also noticed that there was another older male on the street at the same time that this happened who seemed to disappear when my friend confronted the kid. Also, while we were waiting for police, a metallic brown/champagne colored Ford Taurus pulled alongside Delaware a little farther down & sat for a few minutes before taking off. I don't know if these things mean anything, but I wanted to include them.
In talking to 1 of the ladies in my apartment building, there was also apparently another potential victim over the weekend on Virginia, near Mother's.
I'm sending this around to ask you all to PLEASE be careful--apparently we can't even walk alone across the street to our car at this point. I was stupid enough to refuse a walk but I was fortunate enough to have someone watching & paying attention & who followed his gut instincts. Please pass this information on as you see fit. Check the e-mail messages since I don't think I have updated addresses for a lot of people.
Thanks & be safe,
Elmwood not just became a "top-hoo-haa-village", it also became a mugging paradise, very unsafe for women. Try and gloat over that.
You said what I was going to say. If she knew and was sure she should have hit him with her car. Wait why take a chance of getting you nice car dirty on a piece of shit like that. Of course if it wasn't him then that could be a problem.
I hate this kid, someone hit him with their car.
I don't think it's stretch either. I was just curious if there are more details about this guy besides what the shitty local news reported. Also, living in Allentown, i was curious if this guys crimes are happening here now too. Any info, anyone?
Matt - I don't think it was a stretch to consider the possibility of this kid and the recent assaults being connected, particularly because of his behavior. For better or worse, the BPD would have the same train of thought. Are you inclined to suggest racial profiling? If the suspect was white, nobody would have tied this kid to the assaults, but his behavior was still bizarre and I would not want any of my female friends in that situation. If the suspect is black (I find that incredibly hard to be confused about), any kind of behavior by a 5'10" black kid such as what was described is going to be raising some big red flags.
Please be safe ladies! I'm worried about you :(
wow. seriously just wow. this seriously makes me sick.
How did she know it was the same guy who's doing the gates circle muggings? The description of him i saw on the news the other night wasn't very much of a description at all. All they revealed was that they think he's black and about 5'10''.