The Washington Market

is a very spiffy-looking clean grocery store and deli located on Ellicott street between Chippewa and Tupper Streets.
It doesn't really seem like one combined grocery store. Rather, it gives you the feeling that you are walking through a food court or a market - hence the name, perhaps. Somehow, I was very impressed with the fact that the floors were SO clean. I don't know why I was so attracted to the floors or why I paid so much attention to them. I think it was the lighting. They have really bright lighting in the grocery section of the market.
The marketplace starts out with a small "lobby area" which has newspapers and periodicals in racks to your right. The ceiling is high and the right wall is covered in a big and colourful mural, depicting a period marketplace. To the left is a small check-out counter and rack of baked goods. At 5:30 PM, they had an interesting array of breads such as Rye, Italian, Sourdough etc. The prices of the baked goods rivaled those at Wegmans - but I am not sure if the breads were baked in the store.
Next is a small produce section, with a variety of veggies with prices equivalent to the Lexington Coop (Read: Pricey).
If you walk further down the centre of the market, on your left is a small dessert bar with cakes and cookies, followed by a salad bar, that had a variety of cheese salads on sale for a low price per pound. Further down is a sandwich bar and meat market.To your right is a nifty seating area with small tables and high stools.
The sandwich bar had about 3-4 varieties of Tribe Hummus - at a price cheaper than at Wegman's ($2.19 as compared to $2.59 at Wegman's). They also had the Tribe Garden-Veggie hummus which I have never seen at Wegman's.
At the very end of the market are the grocery aisles. This is the most brightly lit part of the market. The light is so bright, all the bottles on the shelves reflect the light and you feel as if you are shopping in a space-ship with silver walls.
Surprisingly, the grocery aisles had a very varied assortment of international foods. To give you an idea of the variety, if you take the Wegman's international aisle, added some Guercio's Italian aisles to it and a sprinkling from the international aisles at the Lexington Coop, you would have the grocery aisles of Washington Market. In fact, I think the whole grocery space was filled with international foods and had very few "regular" groceries. They had the *entire* range of south-east Asian cooking sauces from the "House of Tsang" brand - for about $3.something each. The snack aisle had food with an ethnic/organic tint - eg. Terra potato chips, rice crispies, NY pita chips etc.
The very back of the store has the frozen food, milk and juice section. The prices throughout the Washington Market were not something to dance about. They looked very standard to me, say, compared to any other non-chain-store in town. There were no discounts and no sale-prices - just prices which had been designed to make a decent profit for the store.
To conclude, I would say that this is a clean and well-kept market to go for emergency international groceries, some regular groceries and perhaps meats and breads or for an occasional sandwich/salad . However, don't expect any drastic savings.
Our apartment house finally got together and now a few of my neighbors have the blue bins.
As for where to bring the cardbord - hmm I have no idea. Sorry!
Your free to bring it to my house on elmwood and lexington. We put the bins out on Tuesday evening and they collect the recycles in the am on wed. I have no idea of any drop off areas, but you can call the recycling hotline. 858-6996. You can also visit to find out what they take and remember that wegmans takes all plastic bags (bread bags, shopping bags, dry cleaning bags, packaging bags, bags, bags, bags) Of course everything should be clean and not attract insects or rodents. Wegmans also takes soda and beer cardboard which buffalorecycles says is not acceptable in the blue bins.
Congrats on your bin. Did you talk to your property manager about recycling on site?
ps, I have turned off my computer every night since I said I would. I also gotta say I love my canvas shopping bag. I just used it at Guercios today.