and any restaurant that allows these vicious chunks of loathsomeness to even come near your food.
I am sure all of you know how evil the common housefly (for the latin among you - Musca domestica) can be. But I constantly come across people who forget the filth and disease that this hideous curse among species can bring to your dining table.
While humans start and end in the earth, the housefly starts and ends in the garbage. As many as 120-200 eggs transform into these revolting harbingers of squalidness at any one time. They most often do so in a bed of warm rotting garbage - the kind that is decomposing and already infested with a variety of other microbes from similar domains of filth.
The loathesome housefly can host up to 30-40 million bacteria in its body and additionally have another billion sticking over the detestable ~12 mm of its revolting body surface - majority of which is covered in dirty sticky coarse hair.
When a fly lands on your sandwich, it first vomits some of its last meal (could be your dog's or your neighbour's excrement) on your sandwich so it could bring up some digestive enzymes to break down the surface of your sandwich and dissolve it. It then treads all over the vomit and your food thus mixing in all the bacteria and parasitic spores and eggs that it picked up from its last shuttle stop, into your sandwich. It then sucks up the semi-solid goo that it created on the surface of your sandwich. As a final touch, it defecates all over your sandwich before leaving for its next victim's tortilla wrap.
Unlike what Neumann lead us to believe, the housefly was never human to begin with and will never be human in any way, especially because it chooses to kill its victims in a most inhuman way.
There are surely better ways to spend your last minutes than lie retching in a hospital and die of complications of gastroenteritis. Do yourselves a favour and avoid restaurants with flies, like the plague. Zap and spray those disgusting minions of excrement at home. Do everything you can to spread the rumours about this nasty demonic insect because all of them are unerringly true.
A good way of getting rid of houseflies without insecticides is to spray them with hairspray -- this affects their ability to fly and thus transfer vermin. You can easily sweep the sprayed flies into garbage, where they rightly belong.
And to the two ladies in the Kaminsky Park today afternoon, who swatted away the flies that landed on their food and continued to eat the entire thing - I hope you got home safe and didn't get any violent dysentery.
It is indeed. I am kind of shaken by that article, so I am seriously planning on changing my work hours so I am not out after dark at any event, even if it means getting up really early. Here's hoping muggers generally are not early birds.
oh crazy! So scary! I'm glad you are ok. How are you now? I didn't see this entry until the most recent one you just posted! Again, nice job on putting together the map, if you didn't see my comment in the chat. I had been just about to post the same article, when I saw that you did the same. This is all too much..
wow.. glad you are okay!!
I was mugged during the day. There were all these cars driving by when it happened.
First of all glad you are ok that is the main thing.
Secondly that part of summer is very dark and I used to all ways walk in the street. The way the shadows (not sure if they are this way) were you couldn't see shit, not sure if the lights have changed or not. My point is right around there you really have to keep your eyes open and really pay attention to what is going on.
In terms of weapons I have no idea what to tell you there. The thing to remember is what ever you have you have to make sure that you can use it very well. I reason I say this sometimes people carry a knife and the person they wind up fighting gets a hold of it and uses it on the victim.
Legally speaking I don't really know the laws, other then you have a right to defend your self. If someone attacks you and you stab them and there isn't anyone else around to see it it may never make court so I wouldn't worry about it to much. If someone attacks you and then gets stabbed they are an idiot to try and take you to court.
The thing with being sucker punched, robbed, or having gold removed from you is that often the robber (or at least in my cases) thinks quicker on their feet. Often they have the advantage of the surprise, you did good to get away from the person. That being said some self defense classes might be a good idea to. Yes you can give up your things and maybe be safe but sometimes that might not be enough or what they want is more then you can part with so in those cases knowing how to defend your self may save your life.
I don't want to get all political about guns but the problem is that mostly the people who shouldn't have them do.
Glad you are safe and hopefully this person dosen't get anyone else.
Believe it or not (since it was brought up) in some states it is legal to shoot somebody that is breaking into your home, but depending on your locality its a gray legal area that is subject to interpretation, whether or not you are preventing a felony, whether or not you tried to flee first, whether or not you are preventing rape, etc. I have no idea what the law is in NY, but it doesn't take a great deal of imagination to determine the answer.
I can't remember the name of that defensive martial arts course that was marketed towards women, but it seems pretty useful... not just for women but for everybody that feels a little inadequate about being able to defend themselves. I think its a good idea, anyway!
you know, even if it is legal for just anyone can have a gun (and is that really true??)- it is still not legal to shoot people.
The sad thing is- the kind of person that would even think about shooting someone, is the kind of person that couldn't care less if it's legal or not. :(
This is crazy...and to think it happened so close to your apt...and mine! You are lucky you had the ability and the instinct to run...
two of my friends were held at gun point in this city, but I don't know where...
I think a foghorn is a great idea, or some pepper spray, or a giant machete :)
I am sorry to hear about this... must have been scary! Glad you're ok.
I've not been mugged, but i have been in situations that have been very close. Once, a couple of guys were circling me in downtown Toronto, where i was about to meet my friend Mark. I told him i was weirded out by some guys and Mark got all tough. Now, that probably doesn't sound weird to anyone, but Mark is the biggest wuss i have ever met. I had to hold his hand when he got his ears pierced.
There's nothing wrong with keeping something with you that will be a deterrent... keys between the fingers, a big loud horn or whistle.
I've never been mugged, but I know there have been at least two muggings on our street. One in broad daylight! I can't imagine how you felt. Maybe e-strip ladies should get together and take one of those self defense classes? I bet they offer them at one of the universities.
yikes! even if it was just some drunk homeless guy having fun, it's still scary. they do have keyrings with panic alarms on them, lets off some hellacious sound. myself, i'm a fan of holding my biggest key between my knuckles...makes an excellent and practical eye poker ;)
Damn, that is really scary. I'm glad you're ok.
And to answer your question, no, I have never been mugged, in Buffalo or anywhere else... though given where I am living now, I'm sure it's just a matter of time. :(