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10/06/2007 13:11 #41519

A Quick Sandwich
Category: eating in

leetee - 10/07/07 21:03
sorry, (e:fellyconnelly), small potatoes. i have the dvd box set. no, i am not joking.
fellyconnelly - 10/07/07 12:17
i have a vhs tape of mr. bean.
okay you got me.
i have two.
metalpeter - 10/07/07 10:39
That is insane. But what is even more insane is how he makes a facial expression and everybody cracks up. I'm sure that there is a comunial everyone there together and seeing it in a larger scale that makes those little things funnier oh yeah an I'm American not British.
leetee - 10/06/07 17:21
Mr Bean rocks! I heart Mr Bean!

This, too, happens to be one of my favs...!!

Thanks for posting it, (e:Tinypliny)!
ladycroft - 10/06/07 15:08
i love mr. bean!!!

10/04/2007 00:19 #41488

First Person Account of Elmwood Mugging
Category: crime
I was sent this email at work today. It was written by a woman who my colleague's friend knows personally.

From my email (I edited and removed all identifying names.):


I had the very unfortunate experience of an "encounter" with the young punk assaulting women in the city (with the box cutter, in Gates Circle, Chapin, etc). I AM UNHURT AND OK. I was at Colter Bay on Sunday night & was leaving at about 10:30. I was parked across the street from Tempo. As you know, this is a very well lit area, and there was vehicle traffic, other people around & a lot of people at Colter Bay.

As I was crossing the street in front of Colter Bay, I noticed a young male turning the corner onto Delaware from Allen. I turned right onto the sidewalk & continued toward my car. There was a younger couple walking toward me. Although all of my friends were watching me from the windows to make sure I got to my car, thank goodness one of the guys I was with, recognized the young male based upon the descriptions from the victims & also from the photos published over the weekend. Not to mention that apparently, this kid was closing the distance behind me pretty fast!!

I made it to my car & got inside, & when I closed the door & looked up, this kid was right in front of my car looking at me, smiling & signaling me to get out of my car. I of course had already locked the doors. Anyway, my friend (who recognized the young male) confronted the kid & the kid ran off. We called the police & I gave a description to the P.O. & detectives.

This kid is exactly that, a KID. He has such a baby face. I estimated him to be about 19 years old. He was about 5'8" & 125-140 pounds. He is African American with a lighter complexion-very nice skin. Kind of a pug nose & very full lips. I didn't talk to him, but my friend described him as having a rather effeminate voice.

I thought he was wearing a white t-shirt, but my friend who accosted him, told me that he was in a white hoodie (My friend was behind the kid) under a black leather jacket. He also had a bit of a curly afro under a baseball hat (white front panel & red on the sides). He had baggy dark pants on (I couldn't tell if jeans or not). He was also carrying an over-the-shoulder bag, like those new ones the kids started carrying a few years ago instead of the back packs. He also had a dark plastic bag he was carrying.

We also noticed that there was another older male on the street at the same time that this happened who seemed to disappear when my friend confronted the kid. Also, while we were waiting for police, a metallic brown/champagne colored Ford Taurus pulled alongside Delaware a little farther down & sat for a few minutes before taking off. I don't know if these things mean anything, but I wanted to include them.

In talking to 1 of the ladies in my apartment building, there was also apparently another potential victim over the weekend on Virginia, near Mother's.

I'm sending this around to ask you all to PLEASE be careful--apparently we can't even walk alone across the street to our car at this point. I was stupid enough to refuse a walk but I was fortunate enough to have someone watching & paying attention & who followed his gut instincts. Please pass this information on as you see fit. Check the e-mail messages since I don't think I have updated addresses for a lot of people.

Thanks & be safe,


Elmwood not just became a "top-hoo-haa-village", it also became a mugging paradise, very unsafe for women. Try and gloat over that.
metalpeter - 10/04/07 18:33
You said what I was going to say. If she knew and was sure she should have hit him with her car. Wait why take a chance of getting you nice car dirty on a piece of shit like that. Of course if it wasn't him then that could be a problem.
dcoffee - 10/04/07 12:54
I hate this kid, someone hit him with their car.
matthew - 10/04/07 12:39
I don't think it's stretch either. I was just curious if there are more details about this guy besides what the shitty local news reported. Also, living in Allentown, i was curious if this guys crimes are happening here now too. Any info, anyone?
joshua - 10/04/07 10:53
Matt - I don't think it was a stretch to consider the possibility of this kid and the recent assaults being connected, particularly because of his behavior. For better or worse, the BPD would have the same train of thought. Are you inclined to suggest racial profiling? If the suspect was white, nobody would have tied this kid to the assaults, but his behavior was still bizarre and I would not want any of my female friends in that situation. If the suspect is black (I find that incredibly hard to be confused about), any kind of behavior by a 5'10" black kid such as what was described is going to be raising some big red flags.

Please be safe ladies! I'm worried about you :(
fellyconnelly - 10/04/07 09:05
wow. seriously just wow. this seriously makes me sick.
matthew - 10/04/07 08:21
How did she know it was the same guy who's doing the gates circle muggings? The description of him i saw on the news the other night wasn't very much of a description at all. All they revealed was that they think he's black and about 5'10''.

10/03/2007 00:54 #41470

Return my Recycle Bin, Reprobate!
Category: crime
Hey there, Recycle Bin Robber!

For your kind information, recycle bins are FREELY AVAILABLE to all Buffalo denizens at each one of these very convenient locations:

C.P.C. International Marketplace; 283 Grant Street; 884-7812
C.P.C. Gloria Parks; 3242 Main Street; 851-4112
Community Action Info Center; 103 Wohlers Street; 885-5925
Parkside Community Association; 2318 Main Street; 851-4324
F.L.A.R.E.; 307 Leroy Avenue; 838-6740
Ken-Bailey Neighborhood Housing Service; 995 Kensington Avenue; 836-3600
Hispanics United of Buffalo; 254 Virginia Street; 856-7110
A.B.L.E.Y. Center; 24 Ludington Street; 895-4074
Northwest Buffalo Community Center; 155 Lawn Avenue; 876-8108
N.H.S. of South Buffalo; 1937 South Park Avenue; 823-3630
Matt Urban Center; 1081 Broadway; 893-7222
City Hall; Niagara Square-Room 218; 851-4890
HomeFront; 560 Delaware Avenue; 856-2952


The point of giving you this copious information is that I need you to reform your reprobate ways, return my recycle bin and get one of your own! Don't you understand my anguish?? I took a day off work to go to the city hall to get this recycle bin! Well... okay, that's a lie. But you stole my recycle bin; lying is less reproachable. However, to redeem myself, I must clarify that I did take the day off; going to the city hall was a priority on my agenda for that day.

Getting back to the point, I can't take any more days off work. This means I can't get another recycle bin. My recycling stuff would probably collect in a corner of my flat again, and I would soon have no place to live after being chucked out of my building for harbouring rodents in my flat. I would be homeless and roam the streets of Buffalo.

You, dear robber, would then be responsible for the atrocious crime of creating one more homeless person in your esteemed city. Are you sure you want that sort of guilt on your conscience?? Return my recycle bin and the world will be right again!

Sans Cheers,
ajay - 10/04/07 01:45
Why not paint your name on the bin?

I painted my feral cat bright red; now noone steals her.
tinypliny - 10/04/07 00:34
@(e:libertad): yes, so very ironic, that it is quite absurd to even think about.

@(e:dcoffee): Yikes, conscience-less neighbours are the worst! I don't have a clue about who might have taken my recycle bin though.

I am taking my chances, just in case s/he happens to love (e:strip), like the rest of us. ;)

dcoffee - 10/03/07 19:50
We had ours stolen too, by the next door neighbor. And our bin was very distinct, cracked with stickers holding it together. It got hit by a truck, it's the type of bin that you would recognize, especially when they leave the stickers on!
They used to deliver bins to your door about a year ago, I don't know what was wrong with that.
libertad - 10/03/07 18:25
Oh tinypliny I love you. I don't understand the rational of stealing recycling bins. If you are consciousness enough to recycle shouldn't you have some issues with stealing too? Unless of course they took it because they are great totes for moving.

09/28/2007 22:13 #41393

Don Atahualpa Yupanqui
Category: music
I wish I knew Spanish - it's one of most poetic languages around. Add to that some soulful poetry, it sounds like heaven. This song is one of my favourites; it's so full of life and nostalgia! The poetry is by the Don Atahualpa Yupanqui and the musical interpretation is by Paco de Lucia and Montoya. You just can't go wrong with such greatness. For full effect, shout along, in your most throaty voice!


Noches de Tucumán,
luna la de Tafí:
¿quién pudiera volverse
para los cerros? ¡Ay, ay de mí!

Zamba para bailar:
arpa, bombo y violín;
recuerdo y esperanza
en los pañuelos. ¡Ay, ay de mí!

Suena guitarra,
fiel compañera,
repiqueteando zambas
la vida entera. ¡Ay, ay de mí!

Cerro color azul,
perfumado de azahar:
naranjales en Mayo
y en primavera los amancay.

Noches de Tucumán,
luna la de Tafí,
¿quién pudiera volverse
para los cerros? ¡Ay, ay de mí!
tinypliny - 07/21/08 22:39
It's funny though - all the special accents and symbols turn up perfectly in the comments.
paul - 07/21/08 22:25
Oh sadly this version of estrip does not do those special chars. the new version does but that won't help you now, sorry.

09/27/2007 22:18 #41371

The Buffalo Mugger Strikes E:Strip!!!!
Category: crime
This is getting really serious! Ladies, have your whistles, panic alarms, and foghorns out and ready, at *ALL* times!!!!


Suspect in holdups, sex attacks sought
Police cite similarities in incidents reported by half-dozen women
Updated: 09/27/07 7:52 AM

Buffalo police believe the same man may be responsible for as many as a half-dozen robberies and sexual attacks on women in the city dating back to last Thursday.

Detectives Wednesday night were piecing together what they believe were significant similarities in the attacks, which frequently have occurred around midnight.

The assailant is a black male in his 20s, about 5 feet 9 inches tall. He has short hair and often has been reported wearing a green or gray hooded sweat shirt that is usually left open. In a couple of the attacks, he appeared to be jogging. He arms himself with a box cutter.

"Women should be aware of this," said Dennis J. Richards, chief of detectives. "Women should be careful and are encouraged not to travel alone".

The first attack occurred just after midnight Thursday on Potomac Avenue near Chapin Parkway. A woman was forced to perform oral sex on the suspect.

Then, less than an hour later, another woman was attacked at Potomac and Brantford Place. The attacker jogged up behind her, displayed a box cutter or knife and said, "Give me all your money." When the victim said she didn't have any, the suspect said, "I am just playing with you," and grabbed her breasts and buttocks.

The next night, just after midnight, another woman was attacked as she left a gas station at Elmwood Avenue and Hodge Street. She was robbed of $300. The suspect asked for oral sex but fled when the woman refused.

Within a half-hour, a 30- year-old woman reported she was accosted by a man at East Delavan Avenue and Spillman Place near the Canisius College Health Science Building. He demanded she follow him to a parking lot where he pulled down his pants and demanded oral sex. She refused and he grabbed her breast and took $15 from her.

Just before midnight Sunday, a fifth woman reported being attacked in the 100 block of Richmond Avenue. The suspect ran ahead of her and then grabbed her, displaying a knife. He took her purse and wallet and then pulled his zipper down and demanded sex. The woman screamed and was punched in the side of the head by the suspect before he fled.

The sixth attack, which police were still trying to link to the other attacks, occurred at 8:15 p.m. Tuesday in the 100 block of Atlantic Avenue. There, the suspect peppersprayed a 30-year-old woman and ripped her purse off her shoulder. No knife was displayed and the suspect did not demand sex, police said.

"There are enough specific things done and said to believe . . . they are related and could be the same perpetrator," Richards said.

The Sex Offense Section and detectives are investigating.

Anyone with information is encouraged to contact detectives at 851-4494.

Just to bring home the point, here is the Mugging crime map of Buffalo.


From a cursory analysis, I would say:
1. The attacker(s) is moving south into posher neighbourhoods.
2. The attacker(s) is attacking *earlier* in the day.
3. The attacker(s) is adding more "weapons" to his arsenal.
4. He(They) is athletic and probably stronger than your average drunken homeless guy.
5. He(They) does not care if you are young or old.
6. and YIKES. This is SO disturbing. :(
webnovice - 09/30/07 12:30
I sure hope that they are making sure that the Narden girls and Canisius College students are aware of this ... most kids are not reading the paper or listening to WBEN ... no one should be walking alone or not in communication with someone expecting them to check in at a certain time. Thanks for getting the word out here too!
ajay - 09/29/07 14:01
2 words: Concealed Carry.

Hope the nest woman he attacks is carrying and she unloads a magazine into his sorry ass.

I fucking hate people like this asshole.
metalpeter - 09/29/07 13:57
The point I was trying to make is that often the way guys like this get away with crimes is that they get a jump on the victim the victim isn't expecting this so they are suprised heat rate gets elevated and fear kicks in. If you can (very hard to do with out being a natural or having training or being a thug yourself) fight through all that and think there may be a safe way of getting out of it. I just hope everyone who heard about this keeps a look out and does what they can so they don't become a victim.
jenks - 09/28/07 21:41

I am trying to think of what I would do if some strange, presumably none-to-clean guy tried to force me to go down on him.

yuck, yuck, yuck.
tinypliny - 09/28/07 19:32
Ugh. Hope he didn't have any venereal disease. If he did, I hope he dies of it in the next couple days. No sympathy for such depraved characters.
james - 09/28/07 19:25
why no bite down in his cock?

1) he has a box cutter. No one wants their face to look like cube steak

2) a half-severed penis in your mouth is a great way to get AIDS.
metalpeter - 09/28/07 19:19
The part that I don't get is why didn't the one lady start to give him oral then bight down really hard or go I love your balls start to lick them then bight down on them. I know sometimes in those types of things it is hard to think on your feet and you think that if you don't do what the guy says you could get hurt more but that is all it would really take to stop the guy. In any event it is crazy and I hope everyone who hears about this pays attention and keeps their eyes open as they are out and about in the city.
fellyconnelly - 09/28/07 10:07
wow... i fall too easily within this grid...
mike - 09/28/07 09:22
according to the news if you refuse his sex advances he walks away. Like he still takes your money and fondles you a little perhaps but he won't force it on you. Not saying this in a defending him kinda way. I'm saying it in a JUST SAY NO if you encounter him kind of way.
leetee - 09/28/07 09:04
I just hope he gets caught, tried fairly so he won't be put back on the streets, and gets therapy so he won't do this to anyone else again.

But i so understand how you feel, (e:Jason)!
jason - 09/28/07 08:28
What a piece of shit. I hope he gets roughed up really good.