Well after reading

I thought it would be a good idea to attend Buffalo's Annual Blogtoberfest and get our peeps to meet some of Buffalo's other bloggers. The flyer was so damn misleading because it has no mention of the actual Octoberfest going on there. When we arrived and there were like 600 cars in the parking lot, I though, "Holy shit - I have totally underestimated Buffalo's blogging community." Now I do kind of live in my own web bubble here at estrip.
I barely, venture out to the other blogs but I was totally astounded when we also saw lots of elderly people.
(e:jim) - so many of these bloggers are elderly, that's awesome! it's great things are spreading out through the population!
Slowly, once inside - I realized that it was by no means a blogtoberfest but rather a regular octoberfest. We found the table where
(e:zobar) and
(e:dragonlady) were waiting. Luckily, I just his chatter on my phone and knew they were there.
So we were pretty much the only bloggers there - either that or we scared all the other ones away. It was
(e:jim), :james,
(e:dragonlady) and I. I met one guy from punaro.com
I am pretty sure that this is the last non estrip, blogging event I will attend until some of the other bloggers attend one of our parties.
As for the octoberfest itself, I was totally disappointed in the food. It sucked. It was like they removed everything good that was german and replaced it polish. It seems to be every buffalo German event is somehow way too polish. I guess Buffalo is just a polish town. We even brought up how you can get pirogies at the Italian Festival now.
Also Steel Drums had jerk chicken there. It just seemed so out of place. I wish that German events ever had more than bland hot dog like sausages and sauerkraut. That is only a fraction of what Germans eat. If you went to a festival in Germany, the food is just so much better.
I am pretty sure that this was my terminal, terminal event.
(e:jim) and
(e:metalpeter) took lots of pictures.
Other pics from Saturday
The park lane with a sky crane out front. When are they knocking it down?
Someones end the war sign from a lawn over on Lafayette.
(e:matthew) and
(e:terry) sitting out front what used to be a giant house and is now a parking lot for the Saturn Club on Linwood.
Another dead squirrel. This one looks like it just fell out of the tree.
After all these years...
I used to hate that the Fraggles causally sauntered by and ate the scaffolding, the Doozers built with so much effort!!!
Cast you cares away
Worries for another day
Let the music play
Down at 24 :)
I loved that show. :) Especially the traveling uncle in the real world and the hilarious letters!
"look ma, I caught a fraggle!" Guess not only is it not easy being green, it can be pretty tough getting green.
Looks good
i really thought it would be more expensive than that to rent.
but i bet they don't taste like radishes.
We rented it. home depot rents it for $63/week or $219/month. I thought about buying it but it costs like $1300-$2000 for the getup I am renting.
its looking great! I am really diggin that green.
did you guys actually buy the scaffolding or is it the type of thing you can rent?
look smart ass.
If you threaten (e:Jim) again I will turn your ass into a pinata. Capiche?
And of course by pinata I mean I will stuff you full of candy. Because everyone loves candy!
I'm not really mad - I was joking about killing because of the whole murder thing.
It might have been Terry's birthday party and not Dave's retirement party.
I am really sorry to upset you, I wasn't thinking.
Hi Paul, I wrote that with chalk on your garage. Someone was talking about this liquor: :::link::: while we were standing there at a party a couple months ago, and there was chalk lying on the ground and I can't remember why I wrote it. At Dave's retirement party I think. Sorry.
I am surprised it is still there, there must be an over hang protecting it from the rain.