Mario, the boy squirrel had an accident and didn't make it. He was survived by 3 children and his wife. I was going to take a pic of the grave but I think I need to dress it up a bit tomorrow. Nothing like burying in the dark of a fall evening with church bells clanging in the background.
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
09/30/2007 20:30 #41425
The shadows and the shovelCategory: pets
09/30/2007 10:56 #41416
In Toronto With JimCategory: toronto
I put this in the Toronto category in hopes that there would be more toronto journals to go along with it ;) You can see a lot more pictures of the trip on (e:jim,41347)'s journal. It's a little overdue, seeing as we went last Wednesday but I have been so very busy since then.
On a side note I am having a a really hard time not ending every sentence in a semicolon - which just goes to show you that I spent much more time writing code than in english;
The Adobe Air
we attended was at the Guvernment - which used to be the wharehouse and is located right by Jarvis and the waterfront. It was one of my favorite dance places besides the Docks, which I actually liked a little better. One time (e:hodown) dumped a bucket of ice water on my head here. I wil let her explain that one.
Anyhow, it is so different being inside this giant dance palace at a computer conference. They have really decked the place out. It looks more like a club in NYC than a giant warehouse. Here are some chandaliers from inside.

The food was pretty amazing. They had food breaks like every 4 minutes with fresh fruit, burgers, aspargus, garlic mashed potoatoes, muffins.

Then there was lots of candy, candy candy. Seriously, they had every kind of full size candy. Like whole packs of starbust, candybars, etc. None of that mini pick and mix bullshit. I brought (e:terry) home something called a Flake. It was pretty bad.

Here is a good reason to go back to the Guvernment but I have a feeling it is going to conflict with some previous event.

After the conference we toured around Toronto.
I guess those U-locks for bikes are really strong after all. Too bad the bikes that were locked to them aparently weren't. Who would lock their bike up here. I guess this person did.

I cannot believe how commercial it is. Living in a small city like Buffalo, we have no idea what it is like to oppressively advertised upon. I can't imagine what it is liek in Tokyo, Beijing or Hong Kong.
All of these pictures are in one city square. From different vantage points.

I have never seen these staple boards on sign posts I think it is a much better idea than tape. All the staples looked pretty cool as a texture.

Some pigeons getting their groove on.

On a side note I am having a a really hard time not ending every sentence in a semicolon - which just goes to show you that I spent much more time writing code than in english;
The Adobe Air

Anyhow, it is so different being inside this giant dance palace at a computer conference. They have really decked the place out. It looks more like a club in NYC than a giant warehouse. Here are some chandaliers from inside.

The food was pretty amazing. They had food breaks like every 4 minutes with fresh fruit, burgers, aspargus, garlic mashed potoatoes, muffins.

Then there was lots of candy, candy candy. Seriously, they had every kind of full size candy. Like whole packs of starbust, candybars, etc. None of that mini pick and mix bullshit. I brought (e:terry) home something called a Flake. It was pretty bad.

Here is a good reason to go back to the Guvernment but I have a feeling it is going to conflict with some previous event.

After the conference we toured around Toronto.
I guess those U-locks for bikes are really strong after all. Too bad the bikes that were locked to them aparently weren't. Who would lock their bike up here. I guess this person did.

I cannot believe how commercial it is. Living in a small city like Buffalo, we have no idea what it is like to oppressively advertised upon. I can't imagine what it is liek in Tokyo, Beijing or Hong Kong.
All of these pictures are in one city square. From different vantage points.

I have never seen these staple boards on sign posts I think it is a much better idea than tape. All the staples looked pretty cool as a texture.

Some pigeons getting their groove on.

09/28/2007 20:43 #41387
Looks like pleasant weather aheadCategory: weather
I guess we will be able to use the scaffolding we rented to paint the house after all.

fellyconnelly - 09/29/07 07:44
i was just about to ask where you got that lovely weather forecast, but lilho answered that quite nicely.
i was just about to ask where you got that lovely weather forecast, but lilho answered that quite nicely.
lilho - 09/29/07 03:16
i like the Macbook widgets!
i like the Macbook widgets!
tinypliny - 09/28/07 20:48
Perfect! :) I hate rain.
Perfect! :) I hate rain.
09/28/2007 19:58 #41386
I am tiredCategory: life
I wish I had something better to say but I am in an angry mood right now.

I am going to go back to programming because it entertains me a little more than the rest of my life.
At least I am not being bombed or something horrible.

I am going to go back to programming because it entertains me a little more than the rest of my life.
At least I am not being bombed or something horrible.
09/24/2007 21:43 #41298
Scaffolding Is FunCategory: linwood
It's kind of like being a doozer
at your own house. P.S. Can you believe there is a muppet wiki
? Who knew there were so many kinds of doozers.
Our very nice roommate Dave helped us by taking me to home depot to pick up the giant 3 story scaffolding parts.

I couldn't believe how many parts there were.

It seemed high enough at this point, lol. I am not afraid of sturdy heights, say a building or such - but a half built scaffold is a little freaky.

Then it got higher.

And higher.. There was still one more level to go, you can see it in the pic below. It is so hard to carry up the sections on the yet to be completed scaffold.

We completed on section

Here you can see when we had completed half that section. By the time we finished all the way to the brick, it was too dark to take a picture.

Who the fuck wrote this on my garage? I think I might have to kill you if I found out.

Our very nice roommate Dave helped us by taking me to home depot to pick up the giant 3 story scaffolding parts.

I couldn't believe how many parts there were.

It seemed high enough at this point, lol. I am not afraid of sturdy heights, say a building or such - but a half built scaffold is a little freaky.

Then it got higher.

And higher.. There was still one more level to go, you can see it in the pic below. It is so hard to carry up the sections on the yet to be completed scaffold.

We completed on section

Here you can see when we had completed half that section. By the time we finished all the way to the brick, it was too dark to take a picture.

Who the fuck wrote this on my garage? I think I might have to kill you if I found out.

tinypliny - 09/26/07 02:00
After all these years...
I used to hate that the Fraggles causally sauntered by and ate the scaffolding, the Doozers built with so much effort!!!
Cast you cares away
Worries for another day
Let the music play
Down at 24 :)
I loved that show. :) Especially the traveling uncle in the real world and the hilarious letters!
After all these years...
I used to hate that the Fraggles causally sauntered by and ate the scaffolding, the Doozers built with so much effort!!!
Cast you cares away
Worries for another day
Let the music play
Down at 24 :)
I loved that show. :) Especially the traveling uncle in the real world and the hilarious letters!
mrmike - 09/25/07 09:10
"look ma, I caught a fraggle!" Guess not only is it not easy being green, it can be pretty tough getting green.
Looks good
"look ma, I caught a fraggle!" Guess not only is it not easy being green, it can be pretty tough getting green.
Looks good
fellyconnelly - 09/25/07 08:20
i really thought it would be more expensive than that to rent.
but i bet they don't taste like radishes.
i really thought it would be more expensive than that to rent.
but i bet they don't taste like radishes.
lilho - 09/25/07 01:51
paul - 09/24/07 23:09
We rented it. home depot rents it for $63/week or $219/month. I thought about buying it but it costs like $1300-$2000 for the getup I am renting.
We rented it. home depot rents it for $63/week or $219/month. I thought about buying it but it costs like $1300-$2000 for the getup I am renting.
fellyconnelly - 09/24/07 22:58
its looking great! I am really diggin that green.
did you guys actually buy the scaffolding or is it the type of thing you can rent?
its looking great! I am really diggin that green.
did you guys actually buy the scaffolding or is it the type of thing you can rent?
james - 09/24/07 22:18
look smart ass.
If you threaten (e:Jim) again I will turn your ass into a pinata. Capiche?
And of course by pinata I mean I will stuff you full of candy. Because everyone loves candy!
look smart ass.
If you threaten (e:Jim) again I will turn your ass into a pinata. Capiche?
And of course by pinata I mean I will stuff you full of candy. Because everyone loves candy!
paul - 09/24/07 22:06
I'm not really mad - I was joking about killing because of the whole murder thing.
I'm not really mad - I was joking about killing because of the whole murder thing.
jim - 09/24/07 21:59
It might have been Terry's birthday party and not Dave's retirement party.
I am really sorry to upset you, I wasn't thinking.
It might have been Terry's birthday party and not Dave's retirement party.
I am really sorry to upset you, I wasn't thinking.
jim - 09/24/07 21:53
Hi Paul, I wrote that with chalk on your garage. Someone was talking about this liquor: :::link::: while we were standing there at a party a couple months ago, and there was chalk lying on the ground and I can't remember why I wrote it. At Dave's retirement party I think. Sorry.
I am surprised it is still there, there must be an over hang protecting it from the rain.
Hi Paul, I wrote that with chalk on your garage. Someone was talking about this liquor: :::link::: while we were standing there at a party a couple months ago, and there was chalk lying on the ground and I can't remember why I wrote it. At Dave's retirement party I think. Sorry.
I am surprised it is still there, there must be an over hang protecting it from the rain.
It was my fault. I was rushing to shut the door to keep the baby squirrel from running out of the room. I didn't realize the boy squirrel was at the top. He died just a few moments after the accident. We were going to put him out of his misery, but luckily he was dead before we could do anything. Poor thing. The mama squirrel seems to be doing well, she has her 3 babies to keep her company. I miss the 'lil bugger already. He was just too damn adventurous! Live hard, live fast.
oh! that's quite an upleasant exit from the world. i hope it was ...quick? i have fond memories of him jumping on my face.
He ran in between a door that was shutting.
awwweee... poor lil guy. RIP Mario
what happened? how did he die?
So many squirrel deaths. :( Incredibly depressing.
you are beyond weird, but so am i. and i would have liked to be there at the funeral to say some nice words....
RIP, little fuzzy guy.
I am sorry, that is really rough. At least he got to help make three kids.
Sorry guys :(