(e:terry) and my mother canned 50 jars of tomatoes on Wednesday. That is a heck of a lot of tomatoes but it means we can have fresh pasta sauce again for the next year. It is amazing how much yummier it is. It looks like lots of work. I missed the actual process though because I was at work.
Here they are looking really happy with their work.

Last night (e:terry) and I went out with (e:libertad), (e:mike), (e:jim), and (e:james). It was a pretty fun evening of eating at Mode (formerly Le Metro) on elmwood and then drinking. We ended it flying a kite down elmwood, I wish I had any pictures but I forgot my camera. One of the hilights was walking down elmwood and having a car full of girls cat call to us, lol.
At what temperature will all these canned tomatoes be stored? Or does temperature not matter once the canning process is completed?
You asked last night why it is called canning when it is done in jars. I had to restrain myself from giving a brief history of canning.
thanks for the good time last night.
I am jealous of your stockpile.