On a side note I am having a a really hard time not ending every sentence in a semicolon - which just goes to show you that I spent much more time writing code than in english;
The Adobe Air

Anyhow, it is so different being inside this giant dance palace at a computer conference. They have really decked the place out. It looks more like a club in NYC than a giant warehouse. Here are some chandaliers from inside.

The food was pretty amazing. They had food breaks like every 4 minutes with fresh fruit, burgers, aspargus, garlic mashed potoatoes, muffins.

Then there was lots of candy, candy candy. Seriously, they had every kind of full size candy. Like whole packs of starbust, candybars, etc. None of that mini pick and mix bullshit. I brought (e:terry) home something called a Flake. It was pretty bad.

Here is a good reason to go back to the Guvernment but I have a feeling it is going to conflict with some previous event.

After the conference we toured around Toronto.
I guess those U-locks for bikes are really strong after all. Too bad the bikes that were locked to them aparently weren't. Who would lock their bike up here. I guess this person did.

I cannot believe how commercial it is. Living in a small city like Buffalo, we have no idea what it is like to oppressively advertised upon. I can't imagine what it is liek in Tokyo, Beijing or Hong Kong.
All of these pictures are in one city square. From different vantage points.

I have never seen these staple boards on sign posts I think it is a much better idea than tape. All the staples looked pretty cool as a texture.

Some pigeons getting their groove on.

ooh!! Did they have Bounty?? I love Bounty!!
You neglected to mention the horrid asparagus stink in the bathroom. That was my favorite!
a conference full of candy! Sounds like your dream come true!