Some Dancing

Some Sights

More Dancing

Music wise there was some music I really liked. One of them was "The Heads" they have been in the news for being the kids who played on the roof of there school. During their set they reavaled that they have two drummers.

I don't remember all the history about the WSW Rock band. But if I remember correctly At West Seneca West a history teacher started like a rock club and they formed a band they are pretty good to.

TJ Zindle who also plays in a band sometimes called Last conservative

Agent Me was who I saw next but I can't tell if the pictures will look good or not so I won't post any. The same thing is true with Amungus. They performed on a screen and then had people sing, dance and rap in front of it. So it was very hard to get a picture that had both the screen and the person performing in front of it clear at the same time. What I will say is with out Robie live there it lost a lot of its flair. No disrespect to the performers but with out the Fire dancers it just wasn't the same. In fact when Amungus stayed on a lot of people cleared out. It also seemed taped I was hoping they would figure out how to do a live feed so that was disapointing. So I will finish up with pictures of the fair lit up.

Yes they where doing Capoeira. They came up once and then they came back up a little bit later. I wasn't sure what pictures to put up so I combined what I thought where cool pictures from both performances. I don't think it translates in the pictures (you would have to see them all in order or live) but one thing I like is how when the fighters/dancers switch then they are part of the group doing the music and chants.
Were the people in blue and white part of a Capoeira demonstration?