On Thursday I'm going to see the Bisons game. It is an event called the Ballpark brawl. After the Baseball game they will have wrestling matchs and set up a ring on the field. When I went on line today at the bisons site it said that they will have two matches around noon outside of the ballpark in a set up ring, I have to check that out I just hope the weather is nice, I have no idea what happens if it rains. I don't know who all the wrestlers are but I know who some of them are and they will have some wrestling legends there also. Another event I'm looking forward to at Dunntire Park is the Chicken Wing Festival and that is Sept. 1 and 2 and is a good time. I wish I could remember where I had that great tasting wing last year that was an italian wing of some kind that was very good. I guess there will be some live music and stuff for the kids this year from what I have read online.
Metalpeter's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/22/2007 19:10 #40678
The BrawlCategory: events
08/16/2007 19:34 #40581
the FairCategory: events
So First of all to the two (e:peeps) I missed in chat I'm sorry. It isn't an excuse but often there is no bing on my end of (e:strip) or sometimes when chat is running it doesn't update all at once you get a bunch of lines after nothing. Well onto the quick post. I went to America's Fair Yesterday and had a good time and saw the animals and a couple shows. There where supposed to pictures in this post but I didn't have time due to an unplanned nap to get them processed and picked back up tonight. Last night I saw the freestylemx tour and had fun. My pictures cause of where I was sitting in relationship to a support beam and the speed of the motorcycles didn't come out to good but I still had a good time. Friday it is off to see Daughtry and then Saturday is the Bus Demolition Derby so I'm guessing fair pictures will go up on sunday. One show I really like is the peeking (the place not looking in a windwo) acrobats. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
08/10/2007 19:29 #40482
MIA SaturdayCategory: events
On Saturday I'm going out to the Fair Grounds to see Music Is Art. I know it won't be as good as previous years or at least that is what I assume but I'll still have a good time and take a bunch of pictures. Like previous years most of the bands I don't know there music. But part of it is to go see music I don't know and see other art as well. Last year I bought a couple of awesome pieces of art. I wish that they where having it for two days and in the city but I also understand that, that isn't and wasn't going to be a reality for this year. I hope it can go back to how it should be for next year. I'm sure I'll have a lot of pictures to post on Sunday or monday. The thing that is weird is that I have gotten so much more info (not that I can remember it) at their myspace page. The entertainment I think was listed in Sunday's paper if I remember correctly. In any event It will be a good time and If you are one of those people who don't really dig the fair Saturday is a good day to go and do the Fair and MIA. Also I believe at the Fair Grounds Grandstand the band Foghat performs for free. Ok hope everyone has a great weekend and Go bills!!!!!!!
metalpeter - 08/11/07 14:35
I forgot to say I'm having a good time even though most of the music i don't know. Yeah there has been some good music and dance and has been a lot of fun and there is this cool painting of totems and I bought some stuff to. But there is still a part of me that wishes it was in the city. Wish everyone has a great weekend at what ever activity they are doing (herd there is a bunch of them).
I forgot to say I'm having a good time even though most of the music i don't know. Yeah there has been some good music and dance and has been a lot of fun and there is this cool painting of totems and I bought some stuff to. But there is still a part of me that wishes it was in the city. Wish everyone has a great weekend at what ever activity they are doing (herd there is a bunch of them).
metalpeter - 08/11/07 14:27
the weird thing is that Foghat is supposed to start at 7pm and MIA will still be going on. So I will be at MIA I would think balancing the music so no one at either places hears the others might be tough I glad I'm not the one to do that. Ok so it might not be as tough as I think.
the weird thing is that Foghat is supposed to start at 7pm and MIA will still be going on. So I will be at MIA I would think balancing the music so no one at either places hears the others might be tough I glad I'm not the one to do that. Ok so it might not be as tough as I think.
chico - 08/11/07 09:29
Holy shit, FOGHAT. "Slow Ride", "Fool for the City", "I Just Wanna Make Love to You", "Home in My Hand", "Road Fever", "Stone Blue"... I can't even believe it. I LOVE Foghat but can't be there tonight. Lonesome Dave Peverett is long since dead but I guess some of those guys still get out and play. (e:metalpeter), you MUST listen and enjoy on my behalf.
Holy shit, FOGHAT. "Slow Ride", "Fool for the City", "I Just Wanna Make Love to You", "Home in My Hand", "Road Fever", "Stone Blue"... I can't even believe it. I LOVE Foghat but can't be there tonight. Lonesome Dave Peverett is long since dead but I guess some of those guys still get out and play. (e:metalpeter), you MUST listen and enjoy on my behalf.
08/19/2007 16:17 #40623
The Fair:AnimalsCategory: photos
So On Wen. I went to the fair and to see Moto X freestyle. The plan was on Thursday to go get my pictures done and pick them up and download them and up load them here but due to and unplanned rest that didn't happen and I never made it to the square either. But then I went back to the fair on Friday for the 12 stones and Daughtry concert and had a great time. So then yesterday I saw the Bus Demolition and figure 8 racing and had a good time. I have to admit the figure 8's are really fun to watch, not just for the collisions but for all the near misses it is really a good idea for the people watching. In terms of pictures I thought that maybe instead of doing them by days I can do them by type so I thought the best place to start would be with the Animals. I will be the first to admit that I don't know much about why different kinds of cows look different or what kinds of birds all of these are. But maybe some of you will enjoy them. I do have to admit that when I first saw rabbits in cages it did kinda bother me. But this year the cages don't seem so small.

I"m not sure why Birds and Rabbits where in the same building, the only thing I can think of is that it is because they where all caged.

Interesting Horses (to me atleast)

this next set of pictures is from 2 different days. There was a new thing where you could pet a sting ray, my sister touched one but there was no way I was going to. Those aren't the only animals they had there but they where the main attraction.

I Don't think it was there the entire time of the fair but I'm not sure on Friday i noticed a place called Nickel City Exotics. I have to admit paying the dollar it cost to see all the animals was worth it, what a deal. Some of them where really active and it was just fun to watch them run around.

It is at this point that I think I will include animals that are in the Parade that they have at about 5pm. I just wish I was Quick enough to grab a picture of the birds they release at the start of the parade. They won't all be parade animals but they will be included.

I'm not sure how well you can see it or not but on those last two shots that is a butterfly I wish I was quick enough to catch it flying. There may be a part 2 to this of pictures from the fair itself and not just the animals we shall see. I hope everyone had a great weekend.

I"m not sure why Birds and Rabbits where in the same building, the only thing I can think of is that it is because they where all caged.

Interesting Horses (to me atleast)

this next set of pictures is from 2 different days. There was a new thing where you could pet a sting ray, my sister touched one but there was no way I was going to. Those aren't the only animals they had there but they where the main attraction.

I Don't think it was there the entire time of the fair but I'm not sure on Friday i noticed a place called Nickel City Exotics. I have to admit paying the dollar it cost to see all the animals was worth it, what a deal. Some of them where really active and it was just fun to watch them run around.

It is at this point that I think I will include animals that are in the Parade that they have at about 5pm. I just wish I was Quick enough to grab a picture of the birds they release at the start of the parade. They won't all be parade animals but they will be included.

I'm not sure how well you can see it or not but on those last two shots that is a butterfly I wish I was quick enough to catch it flying. There may be a part 2 to this of pictures from the fair itself and not just the animals we shall see. I hope everyone had a great weekend.
metalpeter - 08/22/07 21:01
Watching the lemur run around was fun. I didn't get a picture that showed really the underside of there hands or paws not sure what you call that but it is all black and looks really cool. For any of the animals you could touch there where all kinds of signs about making sure to clean your hands after touching them and I think they had washing stuff at most of the places. Someone else told me the stingrays had the part that stings you removed but not sure if I believe that. There was a sign that said at your own risk and there was a no touch area. Someone else told me that since they and hand feed when they see your hand that is why they come see you. So I guess that means they are safe. Again I'm not sure, that is why I didn't pet them but they do look pretty cool. I know there are different kinds of them but don't know enough about them. Glad you liked the pictures.
Watching the lemur run around was fun. I didn't get a picture that showed really the underside of there hands or paws not sure what you call that but it is all black and looks really cool. For any of the animals you could touch there where all kinds of signs about making sure to clean your hands after touching them and I think they had washing stuff at most of the places. Someone else told me the stingrays had the part that stings you removed but not sure if I believe that. There was a sign that said at your own risk and there was a no touch area. Someone else told me that since they and hand feed when they see your hand that is why they come see you. So I guess that means they are safe. Again I'm not sure, that is why I didn't pet them but they do look pretty cool. I know there are different kinds of them but don't know enough about them. Glad you liked the pictures.
theecarey - 08/22/07 20:40
Pet the sting ray? did they have piranhas to cuddle with too?? Love all the animal pics. The ring tail lemur is neat to look at :)
Pet the sting ray? did they have piranhas to cuddle with too?? Love all the animal pics. The ring tail lemur is neat to look at :)
jbeatty - 08/19/07 19:29
The animals are the best part of the fair, with the exception of maybe funnelcakes.
The animals are the best part of the fair, with the exception of maybe funnelcakes.
metalpeter - 08/19/07 16:53
Your Welcome, glad you like them. The lemur (blanked on the name of it) was pretty interesting to watch run all over the place in its cage. I know it sounds silly but one thing I liked about it and the little monkey is that they both would climb on their cages meaning it was part of where they lived, so it at least seems that they imbrace it not like they feal traped (not an animal expert just how it seems to me). Also for some reason when I posted I thought the Butterfly pictures where the last two but they aern't.
Your Welcome, glad you like them. The lemur (blanked on the name of it) was pretty interesting to watch run all over the place in its cage. I know it sounds silly but one thing I liked about it and the little monkey is that they both would climb on their cages meaning it was part of where they lived, so it at least seems that they imbrace it not like they feal traped (not an animal expert just how it seems to me). Also for some reason when I posted I thought the Butterfly pictures where the last two but they aern't.
leetee - 08/19/07 16:24
Wow... lots of animal pictures! Very nice! I love the lemurs, and the gold and blue mccaw pictures. And, of course, the bunnies. And the horses and cows. Wait, i love all the animal pictures. Thanks for sharing them.
Wow... lots of animal pictures! Very nice! I love the lemurs, and the gold and blue mccaw pictures. And, of course, the bunnies. And the horses and cows. Wait, i love all the animal pictures. Thanks for sharing them.
08/14/2007 19:44 #40543
MIA At the FairCategory: photos
First of all I did have a good time at MIA. But I also have to admit that it should have been in the city. But I blame the city for that not MIA. But to me it looked like MIA is the one that paid for it. Some of my pictures looked really dark on line but came out ok when printed. There is no way I can post all my pictures but hopefully I put up enough to give a sense of MIA with out making it dull or so that no one cares. Yeah this is a post that isn't about or for me at all. Some of the pictures will be of the fair grounds and two pictures I plan on putting up will be of bestbuy and at&t. I will be at the fair on Wends. and Fri. for events oh yeah SAT. also (FMX, Daughtry, Bus Derby). So maybe I'll put up some more pictures after some of those days but not sure yet.

Some Dancing

Some Sights

More Dancing

Music wise there was some music I really liked. One of them was "The Heads" they have been in the news for being the kids who played on the roof of there school. During their set they reavaled that they have two drummers.

I don't remember all the history about the WSW Rock band. But if I remember correctly At West Seneca West a history teacher started like a rock club and they formed a band they are pretty good to.

TJ Zindle who also plays in a band sometimes called Last conservative

Agent Me was who I saw next but I can't tell if the pictures will look good or not so I won't post any. The same thing is true with Amungus. They performed on a screen and then had people sing, dance and rap in front of it. So it was very hard to get a picture that had both the screen and the person performing in front of it clear at the same time. What I will say is with out Robie live there it lost a lot of its flair. No disrespect to the performers but with out the Fire dancers it just wasn't the same. In fact when Amungus stayed on a lot of people cleared out. It also seemed taped I was hoping they would figure out how to do a live feed so that was disapointing. So I will finish up with pictures of the fair lit up.

Some Dancing

Some Sights

More Dancing

Music wise there was some music I really liked. One of them was "The Heads" they have been in the news for being the kids who played on the roof of there school. During their set they reavaled that they have two drummers.

I don't remember all the history about the WSW Rock band. But if I remember correctly At West Seneca West a history teacher started like a rock club and they formed a band they are pretty good to.

TJ Zindle who also plays in a band sometimes called Last conservative

Agent Me was who I saw next but I can't tell if the pictures will look good or not so I won't post any. The same thing is true with Amungus. They performed on a screen and then had people sing, dance and rap in front of it. So it was very hard to get a picture that had both the screen and the person performing in front of it clear at the same time. What I will say is with out Robie live there it lost a lot of its flair. No disrespect to the performers but with out the Fire dancers it just wasn't the same. In fact when Amungus stayed on a lot of people cleared out. It also seemed taped I was hoping they would figure out how to do a live feed so that was disapointing. So I will finish up with pictures of the fair lit up.

metalpeter - 08/15/07 08:44
Yes they where doing Capoeira. They came up once and then they came back up a little bit later. I wasn't sure what pictures to put up so I combined what I thought where cool pictures from both performances. I don't think it translates in the pictures (you would have to see them all in order or live) but one thing I like is how when the fighters/dancers switch then they are part of the group doing the music and chants.
Yes they where doing Capoeira. They came up once and then they came back up a little bit later. I wasn't sure what pictures to put up so I combined what I thought where cool pictures from both performances. I don't think it translates in the pictures (you would have to see them all in order or live) but one thing I like is how when the fighters/dancers switch then they are part of the group doing the music and chants.
tinypliny - 08/15/07 04:53
Were the people in blue and white part of a Capoeira demonstration?
Were the people in blue and white part of a Capoeira demonstration?
The chat thing has almost never worked properly for me, metalpeter, so you're not the only one having that problem. I'm sure other people understand. :)