Before the square on Thursday I checked out some carvings that they have currently in the circle in front of City Hall. They have some that need support and then there is one that you can guess who it is. I guessed wrong according to the e-mail I got back. Here are the pictures I took.
Well I went to use the multiple upload tool and when I opened up my pictures none of them showed up so something is wrong there.

Well I left firefox and tried in MSN and it is working now so not sure what the problem is really. So here are a few more of Downtown Buffalo.

I couldn't remember if the building was being torn down for a new courthouse or if it was for the new building that they guy who owns the Statler wanted to build. But now that you say that I do remember that it is the courthouse. In terms of the history of that building. I know at one time it was a Theatre of some kind and then the building was added onto but for what purpose I don't remember. I do know that they did stop or hold of of tearing it down so they could take some historic stuff out of the building (not sure what exactly).
In terms of the carvings they have been in two spots that I know of. I first saw the Bear I believe in front of WGRZ chanel 2 and I think Frank Lyod Wright was with him. I think I may have put those pictures up. I know I did post when two of the carvings where by Nextar on Elmwood kinda across from KFC and the Gas Station. I don't remember all the details of how they move them other then by truck and that you can pay to have them infront of your business and or inside also. If memory serves you rent them sort of and it is more to have them inside. There is more info at there web site carvingforacause.com
They are tearing it down to build a new court house.
i love those carvingz
What was that building that is being torn down and why? Would you happen to know?
Some of these look familiar. For eg. the bear. I think I saw them on Elmwood (and on your journal, sometime back) - did they drag them all the way from Elmwood to the downtown square?