The pictures I found starting at Miami Ink's web site

I was going to post about how I watched a few movies on Sunday so I might as well finish up that thought. The first one was really cool graphicly it was "A Scanner Darkly". I guess what they did is film everything and then draw over what they filmed. It makes the animation at some points like from a distance look really real. There is a depth to it I can't explain. I really liked it. I don't know if it didn't have the awesome look to it if the story was enough. But hey it is about drugs and cool technology and survallince so it rocked. the second Was "The Island". That is a fun movie to watch. With out going into two much Detail People have clones made so they can live a full life. But what they don't know is that for the tissues to grow right they can't just keep them vegated they have to live and some of them learn to question things. I guess you could call all 3 movies SCi-fi sort of. The third Movie Was Narnia. I have seen it before but I figured it was a good time to open up the DVD and watch the adventure again. I again enjoyed it like I did the first time I saw this new version of it.
On Sunday Nights I like to watch John From Cincinatti. Granted it might not really be sci-fi. But there are weird things in it like a guy floating into the air and some people being healed. I think it is more spritual then any thing else but you can call it sci-fi. It is about a disfuctional and crazy family of surfers (not all of them). I think it is a good show. That leads into The Dead Zone. I admit I watched a few seasons before I ever saw the movie and I think like most Stephen King movies it was based on a book I didn't read but very good. I admit Meadowlands isn't sci-fi but I like it. I heard someone say it is like Desperate house wives meets twin peaks. That sounds like a good Description to me.
I know that companies can have the same name as long as they don't have the same type of product. I assumed that the boards wouldn't want to have the name of an adult magazine (and more) but I assumed wrong, thanks for the info.
to answer your question about Hustler snowboards, I don't think they are in any way affiliated with LFP Inc. I think its just a coincidence. LFP mostly deals in adult entertainment related stuff, along with the investigatory stuff they do at Hustler.