The new plaza thing on the Canadian Side.

entering Toronto

We found a place to park right across from "The Skydome" Yeah I know it is really Rogers Center but I still call it that. when we drove up they made you pop the trunk of your car and had these things that looked like they looked under your car. It turns out the place we parked you took and elevator that would take you right into the stadium or if you had someplace else to go in that same building I guess you could get there also if you had some reason to be there other then a game. That part was pretty cool. I then understood why they did the checks of the cars.
Here are some pictures from the place and the game. Where we where seated was a good place to see the game from but not sure the pictures I took will show much but I may try a few game pictures here they are.

Like with both Toronto and with Big League Parks or anywhere there is a monopoly on food lunch was expensive. I almost bought these Asian noodles with chicken I should have. They looked like they might be good. I liked my burger but I think i should have gotten the noodles.

The Blue Jays Beat Seatle. All in all a great day. It was kids day and they had Mascots there also. One thing I didn't get a picture of was of this little 10 year old doing both anthems.
Then it was time to roll on out of Toronto and head home.

On the way home we stopped to eat. I'm not sure where this is exactly other then that it is somewhere around Burlington. I had myself a nice early dinner. I quick review. It seemed they had a lot of very cute and young (But not to young, you know legal) wait staff. This one blond looked modelish. The service was good. The food I got was good but the bread wasn't what I was expecting the decor was interesting. There was a wall with chairs on it. I wish I would have taken more inside pictures.

Hope everyone had a great weekend here is one shot on The Peace Bridge on the way home.

To Clairify we go togather. She drives and pays for parking, and I pay for the tickets. The last time we went a couple years ago I might have paid for the parking not sure. I was hoping to get up there a second time this summer but I have no idea when, I'm guessing it won't happen.
Cool shots of the game. It is an interesting and different place to see a game. Very posh compared to places in the States. I went up last year and one of the corridors was carpeted. That wouldn't play in Boston. Good guy taking mom too