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07/08/2007 19:01 #40006

Taste Update
Category: event
Last night the bisons lost but I still had a good time. There was this guy named Ruber Boy who performed there. One of his tricks is fitting through a tennis Racket. When I got home from the game I did see Metallica perform one song and then I watched the other two on line this morning.

I had a good time at the taste of Buffalo for the second day in a row. I wanted to see Beatle Magic but I knew that I didn't have the energy to stay for them. My legs where starting to get tired. In terms of (e:peeps) I did see (e:Enknot) before I could say anything we passed each other. Then on my way out I ran into (e:Carolinian) and had a nice chat and he was going to meet (e:Vincent) . Would have been cool to hang out with all four of them but I needed to go home and sit.

I think the name of the band was the Nickel City Pimp Choair


Mutual Of Omeha?

As I'm sure anyone who is reading this noticed there are some Tattoo Pictures. I can't say that these are the coolest Tattoos I saw but they are what I Could get pictures of. I noticed a few ladies with chest Tattoos not to be confused with tattoos on there boobs I mean on there chest plate.

May Jen's some kind of garlic chicken was tasty

I didn't expect that the Chicken would be on a stick but still good.

Niagara Cafe' had a tasty Beef Paty type thing Pestilo maybe

Bullfeathers Choc. Sin=Very good not sure whare to start eating it

Chicken Fajita from El Toleca tasted good

Some pictures that Prove I was there

On my way there I saw some kinda tour bus. But I'm not sure why it would be parked where it is in this picture it is kinda starnge.

All in All I had a great time over the weekend I hope everyone else did to and espicaly those of you who went to the taste I hope you had a good time and tried some new things. I'm in denial that I have to work on monday since the weekend went by so fast.
metalpeter - 07/09/07 18:22
It doesn't surprise me that they don't allow Cameras inside. I know at "Rock N' Roll Hall of Fame" now called "The Rock Hall" they don't either. They say that by not letting people take pictures they are given more things. That being said I'm looking forward to your pictures.
mrdeadlier - 07/09/07 13:02
Hey man, I went to the EMP yesterday per your suggestion, thanks. I took some pics that I'll upload when I get home. Unfortunately they don't allow cameras inside, so they're all of the building itself. The whole thing was pretty great though -- if you ever make it out to Seattle you should go there. Just make sure you give yourself enough time. I only had 2 hrs and they had to kick me out!

07/06/2007 20:00 #39971

Taste Live Earth
Category: events
Ok so starting tonight around 11pm I think there are these concerts all over the world called live earth. I know it is some huge event with all kinds of bands and that NBC, Sundance, Bravo and not sure who else is carring covarage of it. Tonights coverage I think is on one of the candian stations I think MSN and maybe someone else is showing it on the web, for you music fans. Before I forget (e:enknot) mentioned a party on Saturday night Maybe I'll go to that after the bisons game. but starting at 11am is the Taste of Buffalo. That should be a good time. I know that now all the places have to have one healthier alternative. I know that the portions are small but if they waren't how would you get to try differnent things. It should be a great time. If any of you see me there and you want your picture taken just ask, cause often in events like that I forget. Hope everyone has a great weekend. I also think there is some rally in Niagara Falls also.

07/03/2007 19:07 #39898

HBO Voyeur
Category: voyeur

The above website is interesting. On HBO in demand you can watch some of the apartments. Also on HBO's website you can get a taste of what it is like to be a voyeur. From what I have seen so far none of it is sexaul but I havn't watched all the rooms yet. On the one I just watched it over a few days time. Some guys are investaging this guy and the end is interesting. The one thing that is strange is there is no sound so you have no ideas what people are saying but that is how it is to be a real voyeur. If you have some time to kill it is an interesting site. Hopefully I'll have enough time with the holiday to check out some more of the buildings.

I think there is something voyeuristic in the web itself. Youtube is a great example of this. Yes I know that most of the videos wind up being shows for people but some of them aren't. I know there have been a few video blogs that have really taken off (lonely girl or something like that) and had a lot of followers. Blogs are kinda voyeuristic also. I don't mean writtening them, I mean for the reader. Here it is a little different now that you can leave a comment. But you can still look into someone elses life and they don't know. I havn't done enough reserch to see how HBO will continue this series. I don't know if they will run it on HBO at all. Maybe they will have a special on it. But so far it is interesting. Sexualy I don't think of my self as a voyeur but that is kinda bullshit since I watch porn. Yes they do the acting for us and know we are going to watch it but we are still watching them have sex. Granted that is different then sitting up in a tree watching some girl change after her shower. But I think being a voyeur is really all about the watching and it could really be anything. I'm not really sure if "the sport of people watching" counts cause it is kinda a known fact that it goes on at large events but it might be close.

I had more of a point but I kinda lost it somewhere. I hope everyone has a great 4th of July and then that next weekend also. Well atleast better then mine I won't be doing anything. Oh that reminds me of two things HBO has a new documentary about Coma's and this weekend is the taste of Buffalo.

07/07/2007 18:11 #39991

Taste Day 1
Category: event
So first things first I saw the lovely (e:Beast) and (e:Libertad) at The Taste of Buffalo. Only problem is at the time I was moving quicker then I could react so By the time I knew who it was I went passed them. But I have to give them props. They where doing what more people should do and they where off to the side talking as opposed to the people who just stand and talk and cause a traffic jam. Towards when I was leaving I ran into my sis and she was telling me there is some other festival up by the libary Not sure why I didn't think to go see what those tents where. If you wana have some fun watch the girls at The Steer, they are hot and love to dance.

They gave out these strange chips and they tasted really good to.

As I was leaving they where firing up the engine on this car wish I would have got a shot of that.

Good thing they stoped tearing this down but it would have been funny if they didn't stop.

interesting small neck Tattoo

I want to check out on sunday You can't go in with food and bye the time I wanted to go I had drinks.

Dave and Busters Blackend Chicken Pasta, Yummy

Fat Bob's Texas Chili was very good, but a little beanie but some people love beans I would eat it again.

Ton or is than Tandori I forgot the name of the place and spice anyways it was very good with rice and chicken.

I'm not sure if the hotness of these ladies translates on here but I hope it does.

Andersons Blue Berry Ice was nice, untill I drop my spoon but I still ate it and still enjoyed it.

Sahara's Grill or something like that has a tasty Kabob, there is some name I can't pronounce.

Great place to get a good cupcake.


this apple crisp I got from Steer (the hot dancing ladies) I was going to use the rest of my tickets on what might be the best deal for 3 tickets at lousies you can get a Hamburger so it might be kinda boaring but so what.

These last 3 pictures are bonus pictures. The motorcycle was on my way home. The two wooden cut outs are on Elmwood in front of nextar and have explainations of them next to them.


Couple side notes. Even though they don't advertise it there is music there so you don't only have to eat. In fact I might want to check out this beatles tribute band on sunday. don't forget there is some literacy fest or something like that near the libary. I think it is where they usaly have thursday at the square. If you need a party to go to (e:Enknot) post about one that sounds like it will be a lot of fun. I think my lame ass will be at home. Don't be lame like me go out tonight and do something. I will be at the Bisons game having a good time. I may have seen (e:chico) not sure if it was him or not speaking of that I saw a few people who looked kinda famlar but that I don't know. Why is that so many don't follow traffic laws when walking. down on the right back on your right just like if you where in a car. Don't stop and look at the food on the other side of the street you will see it when you are on that side of the street pay attention to your side. If you want to stop fine but do so out of the way of traffic. I don't understand why someone doesn't Yell out those rules over a bull horn. It would be a good idea. yes the point is to have fun but you are in a group setting so keep them feet moving even if it is slowly. In terms of Live earth I did see two good performances by AFI (caught the end of it) and The Foo Fighters. This morning I saw Genesis. But I think I missed Metallica, sey they where supposed to be on the UK one. Hopefully there is a way to see them again or maybe even online. Well off to the Bisons game. If I didn't say sorry for not seeing you peeps I saw then sorry.

07/01/2007 12:21 #39872

Internet TV Concert
Category: internet
Before I get to the topic of this post for those that are interested I have some pictures of Buffalo and Joan Osborne in my previous post.

First of all the TV topics in the Buffalo news had a piece on the concert for Diana but only listed it as being on tonight at 8pm for an hour but it is currently on Live on VH1. It is called a concert for Diana. I saw the ads on vh1 but forgot about it and you can also watch it on vh1's web site I have it on another screen right now. I'm not sure if there are ads on vh1 but I haven't seen any on the web. I turned in a cought on the end of Duran Duran, yeah so I only know like a couple or maybe 3 of their songs but they where pretty good. I belive the concert is over at 5pm so I can understand that it is a lot to watch or in my case listen to. I'm surfing the web using msn and have it open in firefox the video is pretty good. Not to trash The TV topics to much they did have some good information about multiple broadcasts of coming up I assume of that concert for earth.

So I know I just lost all my rock cred but Lilly Allen is pretty cute and can sing to oh well. Ok back to my point. It seems to me that in terms of live8 and in this case that the web coverage of large scall concerts is better then tv's. Granted you have to watch it on a smaller screen and you can't blare it so the person next door hears your music; Wait i take that back if you know how to wire things you could blare it, but most people don't know how to. However that isn't a fair statement. The reason is that you need the tv networks or people video taping or what ever the proper word is so that you can see it on the internet. I know that for somepeople who have dial up watching it online isn't really an option. That being said with things like digial phone and companies that have Cable/phone/and internet I wonder if there will be a time when at least for somethings the internet takes over for TV. I also wonder if the will be nielson ratings for the internet or if some other company will take that over for the net. I would guess if someone could start up a company like that it could turn a huge profit. I will admit that I don't think nielson will be the company to do it if it happens on the net in a large scale way. The reason is cause if I was a rartings company I would find a cable box company and work with them or at least with the DVR people and work out a way to work in the ratings. Anything that was DVR'd would count towards the ratings. For anything that used a cable box you could have a button that you pressed to let the box know you where watching when you where done you could hit another button. Now maybe some of this has been thought of and not done in Buffalo yet. But if I can push a button on my remote and it tells cable I want to see a movie then and people have ratings boxes there is no reason someone shouldn't be able to combine the two.

I used to think dial up was fine. But now that we have Verizon it gives you so many other possibities. I admit I'm not really a video on line type of person. But I do watch some video. I wonder if companies that provide dial up will eventually just stop offering it. Maybe there might even be some kind of budget type of service that makes you allways on line and will let you watch video but for everything else is about the same speed as dail up. That way people who don't have the extra cash can still go online. Another thing I have heard is some people running for office have You Tube vidoes. I wonder if YouTube or maybe even some other video site will be how we take money out of politics. If you could go online and say what your political beliefs are It is possible you wouldn't have to travel the country. Maybe Canidates to even have live video chats with people of different cities. I have a fealing that what I'm talking about should happen and may happen but I'm guessing what should take about 5 years maynot happen for 25 years. But I hope I'm wrong. I know that a lot of people in this country don't have computers. I do believe that someone who does something on a computer should also know how to do what ever they are doing with out one. So in school kids should be taught how to look things up and reserch things but then they should also learn how to do that online. Yes computers are great but you should know how to do things if they crash. Hey if people knew that then those terrosists in the die hard movie's plan would have fallen apart. Yeah that is a bad example but it is true. But that alone shouldn't stop the expansion of the internet. I just hope in 5 to 10 years we look back and can say that the internet went in the right direction and look how little we could do back then. I guess we shall see.
vincent - 07/01/07 19:48
I caught some of that concert. Yea, she was pretty interesting.

What really surprised me was Brian Ferry & Roxy Music were playing a set. It was a trip to see the fashion show go on when they were playing "Slave to Love."