I had a good time at the taste of Buffalo for the second day in a row. I wanted to see Beatle Magic but I knew that I didn't have the energy to stay for them. My legs where starting to get tired. In terms of (e:peeps) I did see (e:Enknot) before I could say anything we passed each other. Then on my way out I ran into (e:Carolinian) and had a nice chat and he was going to meet (e:Vincent) . Would have been cool to hang out with all four of them but I needed to go home and sit.
I think the name of the band was the Nickel City Pimp Choair

Mutual Of Omeha?

As I'm sure anyone who is reading this noticed there are some Tattoo Pictures. I can't say that these are the coolest Tattoos I saw but they are what I Could get pictures of. I noticed a few ladies with chest Tattoos not to be confused with tattoos on there boobs I mean on there chest plate.
May Jen's some kind of garlic chicken was tasty

I didn't expect that the Chicken would be on a stick but still good.

Niagara Cafe' had a tasty Beef Paty type thing Pestilo maybe

Bullfeathers Choc. Sin=Very good not sure whare to start eating it

Chicken Fajita from El Toleca tasted good

Some pictures that Prove I was there

On my way there I saw some kinda tour bus. But I'm not sure why it would be parked where it is in this picture it is kinda starnge.

All in All I had a great time over the weekend I hope everyone else did to and espicaly those of you who went to the taste I hope you had a good time and tried some new things. I'm in denial that I have to work on monday since the weekend went by so fast.
It doesn't surprise me that they don't allow Cameras inside. I know at "Rock N' Roll Hall of Fame" now called "The Rock Hall" they don't either. They say that by not letting people take pictures they are given more things. That being said I'm looking forward to your pictures.
Hey man, I went to the EMP yesterday per your suggestion, thanks. I took some pics that I'll upload when I get home. Unfortunately they don't allow cameras inside, so they're all of the building itself. The whole thing was pretty great though -- if you ever make it out to Seattle you should go there. Just make sure you give yourself enough time. I only had 2 hrs and they had to kick me out!