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06/18/2007 17:26 #39719

Ramble on things to come
Category: events
Why am I inside when it is gorgeous out. Oh yeah cause I don't know where to hang out, out side I guess. I'm looking forward to Seeing Bill Maher on friday. I have seen some of his comedy and I think it is funny, so I hope it is a great night. I wish I could report on all the amazing concerts and shows coming to this area but that would be impossible you pretty much have to read the Gusto, Artvoice and other papers to see everything that is going on, on a weekly basis. This just covers Buffalo then you have Rochester (assuming you drive) and Toronto. If a band you like isn't coming to Buffalo then they maybe going to the place at Canada's Wonderland. I also thought that I should mention that I think in August the CNE or as it is now called The EX is in Toronto I believe I haven't been to that in a long time, I should really look that up. I have no idea if they are still playing but Toronto has a MLS soccer team who plays at a Soccer only stadium. I believe that stadum is on the CNE grounds. I have no idea what I'm doing for the 4th of July if anything Maybe I'll just go see "The Transformers". Also in August is Americas Fair and that has I think 3 events in the grand stand I want to see. But the next concert for me is Thursday "The Violent Fems". Yeah so I don't know any of there music but maybe I'll just take pictures of the crowd. June 28th Jeff Martin of From the Tea Party is coming back I would like to see him again but I gotta remember to get tickets. I think in Aug. Margaret Cho is coming to Kleinhans. I have seen her on TV and sometimes she is very funny so that is another thing to check into. One thing that i like about Buffalo is that there is so much to do. The one problem is that some TV shows like the Dead Zone start up and other shows and if they are shows you like it is hard to see them when there is so much fun stuff to do. I know another sort of boaring post. But when you wake up early for work you can't be going out drinking till you puke on a hot chick.

06/16/2007 17:31 #39694

Fri and sat.
Well if anyone read my previous post I just wanted to add that there is a 3rd part of what I want and that is to not deal with people. That entire thing of what movie do you want to see and when do you want to see it and just working out what we both want to see and can live with. Not that it is really a bad thing but sometimes that can be stressfull. That is the one good example that I can use. I guess maybe another one would be finding out if the person you are with wants to go to a certain concert or event before you wind up getting tickets. Then if they aren't sure thenyou get caught not knowing how many tickets to get. So because of that being alone or at least not having someone to check in with is a nice freedom. That being said I did wind up going to a movie this afternoon with my sis we went to see Oceans 13. I liked it and she did to. I didn't see 12 but I did see 11. So I don't know if any of this story had any connections to 12 or not. The movie seemed to be its own thing and I understood it all. But maybe if I saw 12 there would be more meaning to it, not sure but I had a good time. It was nice to sleeep in this morning and not be tired since I never made it out of the house to see Jackdaw last night. I just didn't feal right and was kinda tired. I wish I had something exciting to post but I don't, who knows maybe someday.

06/15/2007 19:28 #39683

what I want 3
Category: sex

Not sure if the above link works I can never remember how to link to other articles I mean previous journals. But that being said for those who read my journal you may remember I wrote this long post about what I wanted. That post was really for me I guess. As I was at the sqaure last night the mind starts to wander. Sometimes that happens at out door shows. It can often be hard to concentrate on the show when there is all that "eye candy" there. You try to watch the show but all those hot/sexy/Pretty/gorgeous women of all shades and types catch your eye with out even trying to look. Then the groups of girls and the groups that know other groups. Ok so this thought comes in my head that maybe all I really want is a cute lady with a great ass and boobs (never seen a bad pair before) who gives great head. But maybe just seeing all these PYTs (to "" Micheal Jackson) at once changes how one thinks. It was like if we had anything in common it wouldn't matter just the cuteness would. I know that isn't the way to be. But there is that "superfical Atraction" when you see someone you don't know. Once you know someone that doesn't matter at all. That is one thing that is kinda cool about the internet is that you can form that connection with out knowing what anyone looks like to predjuice you. I guess the best example of that is chating somewhare. I havn't done that in a long time. I did meet some pretty cool people that way. But with it being Yahoo and not local they where from no whare even close to Buffalo. So there are those two sides of me. The one that just wants a hottie and the one that wants someone really cool. I guess that is all I have to say so hope everyone has a great weekend.

06/13/2007 18:06 #39645

Bonus Pictures
Category: photos
The couple things I was going to post about I basicly said in comments to others like about the Soprano's and Government consolidation or regionalism. So I thought I would put up a few pictures as a bonus to the Allentown art festival.


I admit I did have a good time last weekend but what should I do this weekend. Thursday I want to go to the sqaure. Friday I may go see Jackdaw they are at sportmens but If I know me I will stay home. Going to see a movie would be fun but there is a little part of me that says to go the falls and go on the maid of the mist and buy a water camera we shall see what happens.
mike - 06/15/07 21:15
haha beaches peaches
jenks - 06/14/07 00:40
jackdaw at sportsman's is awesome. I would go but I have plans.
libertad - 06/13/07 21:17
Nice pics. I'm so glad you captured those rats on wings. Why are the seagulls taking over the city this year? Does anyone know? Seagulls do not belong in cities. I have never noticed them around my house before and they are freaking me out! Get back to the beaches peaches!

06/10/2007 19:03 #39599

Allen Town 50th
Category: photos
First of all pictures aren't a real reflection of art fest You don't really see all the tattoos and all the eye candy and of course all the art in the great detail. For example there was some art that from a distance looked like a painting but close up it was different levels of paper under a frame. Hopefully my pictures do it justice. Hope they aren't to boaring. I just wanted to mention that I did see 6 (e:peeps) Dragonlady and Z, (e:carolinan) and I can't remember her user name, then there was 2 Chico and Chica (for short). I noticed two couples holding hands and one couple (I assume) of girls where both really cute.


I'm not putting up all my pictures and some of them are of buildings. These sneakers coming up looked really cool not sure how they translate on the web.

Oh yeah I didn't do any of this art but the stuff I bought I thought was pretty cool the same can be said of any pictures of art work I put up. Sorry I don't know the names of the artists.



Those two last pictures are from today near the Allentown That assumes you are still looking at my pictures. Here are some more from today or Sunday or day 2 how ever you want to think about it.


These next two pictures are of these cool looking things made from Beer and Pop cans. I didn't see them the first time around but I was alerted to them from (e:dragonlady7)'s myspace post so for that thank you I found an elephant for my sis there.

These two pictures are about documenting what isn't there and that is MIA. This year it is out at the fair grounds in August the 11th if memory is correct.


To finish up I know there is other stuff I meant to mention but I'm not really sure what it was so here are a few more pictures of art.


I had a fun two days it was really nice to get some exercise. I hope the pictures look good and aren't to boaring. I wish I could have gotten a good picture of all the seagulls flying around but I wasn't fast enough to get a good one so I didn't post any. Oh well the fun is over back to work on Monday.
metalpeter - 06/11/07 17:34
The thing about the ones from behind the girls where that I was also trying to get them with there head turned so you can see face or mostly sunglasses but it never worked out that way. I may post a few more pictures as Bonus pictures on my next post when ever that is.
joshua - 06/11/07 16:33
I think my favorite is the cookie picture... or maybe the ones that you took of the girls asses!
jenks - 06/11/07 00:31
dammit, i missed allentown?!