In my previous writing I mentioned the above picture, I think it looks pretty cool to me at least. On Sunday I went to the Pride Parade but only the Parade part I walked down Elmwood Ave. until I found a group of people and there was a bunch of them in front of Spot so I thought that was a good place to watch from. I thought I would only take pictures of the parade and not the people watching it. I ran into (e:paul), (e:lilho) and I believe (e:mike) as they walked down Elmwood. I also talked to (e:mrmike) after the parade. In the parade I saw three people all (e:peeps) I knew (e:Zobar) , (e:Dragonlady7) and (e:Liberated) . They will all be in some of the pictures well here they are.

The above picture is from Richmond and Bryant.

The next pictures are of the Queen City Roller Girls. I thought this would be a good place for a break. And a good place to explain that these pictures are in the order that I took them (single uploaded pictures not in a group). The reason for that is since it is a parade you should see floats walkers or people in the order they moved, ok back to pictures.

I do think that having pride in who you are is important. That being said I think that there is a fine line between that and hate. I don't mean in terms of having pride that you are gay. What I mean is that often People use there pride for there own skin color and Nationality as putting or looking down on someone else. It happens all the time. So when ever anyone has pride they need to look at them selves and see if they are where they want to be. My best example is St. Patrick's Day. I think it is great that there is a parade and a lot of people like that you can drink on the street and it becomes a drinking holiday. But there are two negative aspects to it. All the non Irish people act like the Irish and get all drunk, that is a negative sterotype. Part of that Is because of the saying "Everybody Is Irish on St. Patrick's Day". Now that is really racist changing everyone to an Irishmen. All in all I think the Parade is a great idea it is good to have pride in who you are. The blacks have there pride things to, the only one I know about is Juneteenth. Then the polish have Dingus day and now they have a parade. Then there is the pride parade. I think that as long as others can have there Parade why not The Gay Community. Of course there are people who say it is wrong and they do it to flaunt there life style and to push there agenda. But to those people I would say if you don't like it don't go. Just like if you hate Italian Food don't go to the Italian fest or if you think all Irish people are drunken idiots that get into fights then just don't go to the Parade. I Hope that the Pride Parade grows and gets bigger every year. This is only the 2nd time I've been and I'm not sure if I had ever heard of it before last year.
Here are a few pictures that will maybe cause A little bit of Buffalo Pride.

First of all glad you all who commented like the pictures. I will admit I didn't get a picture of everyone that went by. In terms of the large dog I'm not sure who that was for. With the balloons it is tough to see who it was. I Thought the dog kinda looked like a tough version of Clifford the big red dog. There is a part of me that hopes more people view these pictures. For anyone who is reading this I also have pictures in my previous post from Tamika's (think I spelled that right never sure) and previous to that one some from Sara's.
excellant photos, thanks!
You see that giant red animal? Who is that, McGruffles the gay crime dog?
Hahaha. Seriously though awesome photos Peter. We didn't see you otherwise we definitely would have brought down a beer for your enjoyment.
those are some of the best pride parade pics ive seen. thanks peter!
After your comment I looked at my pictures on this post again and your grill made it into the background of a lot of pictures. Your Grill is a Star. Seriously though when (it may happen some day) advertisers decide to use homes and porchs yours would be perfect just because so many people see it. During football season put up a Bills flag and an add. Or maybe the people who make your grill could have there name on it in gold. Seriously though that is an awesome area to live in right on the strip. Hope you liked the pictures.
My grill made the cut I see!