Then Once at the Naval Park / Marina I took some more pictures as I walked around. I think in terms of looks the polish memorial is the coolest one. I know they are memorials so I really shouldn't say that but there is a visual factor to them.

Before I go any further I should mention that my camera has a feature where you take two pictures and it makes them one. Sometimes this can make things look really cool and sometimes it can make things not so good. I'm thinking about trying to take a few of them at (e:lilho)'s going away party. Some of them will be in these pictures and you will see what I mean.

Oh yeah I forgot to mention the monuments are sort of in the order I saw them in. but the pictures of the monuments that are of the same one I uploading them together.

The Water Falls are out side Shanghi Reds. The rest of the Marina pictures if you are still looking at them are not going to be in order of how I walked.

A little bit later in the day I went out with the family to a get togather and to not put people up who don't know about the site or people no one knows. I'll just put up a picture of what I had for diner. I believe the Breed is called non then there is Chicken Tandori and the greenish yellow stuff is some kind of tasty potatoe (yeah so I'm gore or who ever that who can't spell) . I had a couple plates.

I know it used to be a church and you would always see people outside or going inside. I know those Manuscripts are famous or well known and I believe they might be biblical but I'm not sure what they are.
wow the light in the trees in that pic of the karpeles manuscript library [what IS that place??] is so cool- it looks like the leaves are on fire!