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05/29/2007 19:32 #39444

Memorial Day
Category: photos
The first part of Memorial Day I decided to walk down to the Naval park and marina. I can remember I used to have a camera where you could set it up to take pictures every so often like maybe like 10, 20, 30, and 60 minutes. There is a name for that but can't remember what it is. Often that is used for sunsets and you get the progression of it over time. So I thought I would kinda do that with my walk downtown.

Then Once at the Naval Park / Marina I took some more pictures as I walked around. I think in terms of looks the polish memorial is the coolest one. I know they are memorials so I really shouldn't say that but there is a visual factor to them.


Before I go any further I should mention that my camera has a feature where you take two pictures and it makes them one. Sometimes this can make things look really cool and sometimes it can make things not so good. I'm thinking about trying to take a few of them at (e:lilho)'s going away party. Some of them will be in these pictures and you will see what I mean.
Oh yeah I forgot to mention the monuments are sort of in the order I saw them in. but the pictures of the monuments that are of the same one I uploading them together.

The Water Falls are out side Shanghi Reds. The rest of the Marina pictures if you are still looking at them are not going to be in order of how I walked.


A little bit later in the day I went out with the family to a get togather and to not put people up who don't know about the site or people no one knows. I'll just put up a picture of what I had for diner. I believe the Breed is called non then there is Chicken Tandori and the greenish yellow stuff is some kind of tasty potatoe (yeah so I'm gore or who ever that who can't spell) . I had a couple plates.

metalpeter - 05/30/07 17:51
I know it used to be a church and you would always see people outside or going inside. I know those Manuscripts are famous or well known and I believe they might be biblical but I'm not sure what they are.
jenks - 05/30/07 00:03
wow the light in the trees in that pic of the karpeles manuscript library [what IS that place??] is so cool- it looks like the leaves are on fire!

05/28/2007 11:48 #39433

Category: concert
Short little post that I had a great time at Godsmack's show last night they really where good. There is a good review of it in the news today. I like that they started out with AC/DC and the video screen they had was pretty cool. Sully was all over the stage. I like that he yells at people for sitting down that is pretty funny, but I do get it. The Double drum solo part was awesome all in all a great show. I was going to take my camera but with it saying no cameras right on the ticket I figured why take the chance. Plus I was in the first row of the Balcony in the Lodge section. Oh one cool thing was that when they tossed the sticks into the fans they did get two of them up into 1st row balcony not my section but that is still prettty fucking cool. Stemm kicked ass to, I haven't seen them in years. Ok I think I gotta take off and maybe go to the marina. I thought I put pictures of the memorial up on the site but if I did I can't find them. I will check again. Ok have a great holiday and I hope everyone looks forward to next weekends party weekend.

05/26/2007 19:32 #39420

Chevelle Movies
So Last night I went to the Town Ballroom to see Chevelle, Finger Eleven and Sparta. I had a pretty good time. I had never heard of sparta and knew known of there music but I enjoyed there set. They where followed by finger eleven who I do know some of there stuff but not a lot and really enjoyed them. I thought Chevelle kicked ass. I don't know if you would really call it an encore but i think they did like 3 songs after they came back on stage. I really had a great time. It didn't hurt that there where some good looking girls near where I was watching the stage from. When I left I should have gone to Icon to see my cousin play. The only thing was that I didn't have enough funds to get home at that time and I didn't feel like I would want to walk at that time and I allready had a long day so I just went home.

Today's plan was going to go see Sherk the third or the New Pirates movie and then go on Elmwood around the Hoyt lake area and take pictures. But when I walked out after Shrek was over it wasn't that nice out (little wind and no sunshine) so I decided to see pirates and got in during the previews. One thing I will say is I'm glad I'm one of the people who likes to see where things are filmed the music or if there are any gags like fake or alterted credits often in comedy movies. Reason being is that there is more of the movie after the credits end. Overall I thought the action, acting and story was great. Visually it was very fun and I had a great time watching. But that being said I didn't find my self emotionaly attached to the characters. But maybe some of that is that it seems like I saw the second one a week ago. But most likely it was only last summer. I'm not saying I didn't like the characters at all, because I did. I don't know how to say what I mean really. Great movie. I also liked Shrek. I don't think that it was as funny as the two pervious ones but I still think it was pretty good. I like that they attack Fairy tales in it like in the previous ones. They even kinda attack plays or maybe even you could say broadway. As I'm watching the end credits I see that both Eric Idle and Jon Clesse did voices. I thought the one character was Jon's but I didn't know about Eric Idle. I wonder if it is because of "Search for the holy grail" and "Spamalot" or if it was just for their voice talents.

On sunday I'm going to see Godsmack at shea's that should be a great time. I'm not sure who the opening act is there was a contest to see who wins that spot and I'm not sure who won it. Hope everyone has a great holiday weekend and I hope I see a lot of you on friday night.
jason - 05/30/07 08:59
I think Sparta is another incarnation of At the Drive In.
metalpeter - 05/27/07 10:40
Yeah I was kinda hoping they would do something funny at the end of the shrek but they didn't but it was worth it for Pirates or at least I thought it was. But I have to disagree with the being a dork thing. For example with Pirates... everyone left, I assume that the ending wasn't seen on line anywhere cause if it was you would stay and watch it on the big screen. So a lot of people didn't really see all of the movie. I have been to other movies where all most everyone stayed through the credits. So that would be an instance of people knowing that there was something after the credits. I admit I don't really know what a dork is but I say the people who leave before the credits end are the dorks. I will use other things as an example to compare movies to. When you see a play or musical after the performance everyone comes back out and bows and everyone claps or maybe if it sucked maybe the boo not sure. But the point is they are giving thanks and caring about the performers. In sports often the players salute the fans and the fans stick around. The best example I can think of is The Buffalo Bandits when they win a home game they run around the arena and tap the glass with there sticks there are some people who go over the glass (not really allowed and you will get pulled down) and the players slap hands with them. I do admit though why people don't care about who made the movie it would be like if after a concert the Roadies came out and wanted applause but now if they started to tell stories about the band then that would be different. I guess my best example would be if you where at a gallery looking at art you really liked and then an artist came out and started to explain to you personaly what the art was about or what it was a picture of and you walked away cause you only cared what it looked like.

Oh yeah I forgot to mention on the way to the movies I saw this really cool looking car. It was one of those cars that look kinda like a box I think its called a Scion. But what made it so cool was the paint job. It was like white and blue streaks of lightning it really looked cool. I'm not sure why I didn't think to take a picture of it.
carolinian - 05/26/07 22:18
Me and the woman stayed till the ending credits of Shrek long past the time that everyone else left the theatre. We thought "either we'll see something really cool at the end, a la Ferris Bueller, or we'll see nothing and be the biggest dorks out of the entire audience".

Turns out that we were the biggest dorks, after all.

05/23/2007 18:13 #39391

"Real World"
Category: tv
Firstly I and anyone reading this should be outside it was and I assume still is so great out. So last night I was watching MTV and watched a Real World Las Vegas update show. They are having a reunion show. I'm not sure how long they filmed it for but I thought they said a few weeks. It looks like it might get pretty interesting. But during the show I saw an add for the next real world they cast the viewers pick the cast. What I'm not sure about is if all the videos will be voted on and the top 7 get in or if it is just for a couple of spots. I don't know if they will do any balacing like that there has to be so many guys or at least one minority. But it sounds like an interesting idea. The only one down side is that there must be a lot of peoples videos to watch. I'm not sure how it will exactly work but hopefully I'll check it out more when I have a good amount of time online. I still think they should do a Real World Buffalo or at least Toronto.

05/22/2007 18:24 #39379

Holiday Weekend
Category: events
I don't know what I'm doing for the holiday yet other then I don't have to work. On friday Night I'm going to see Chevelle and Finger eleven at the Town Ballroom. That should be a lot of fun and a pretty good time. My cousin is suppposed to be playing at The Icon later that night but I don't see it listed on the Icon's website so I must dig a little deeper and see if I can find it. Then on Sunday Night Is Godsmack at Shea's that will be my first time seeing them that I know of I'm looking forward to that as well. Hopefully I will also at least get in one movie. Currently thinking about Shrek the 3rd. The other two where so good. I like how they have adult humor in there and kinda bash fairy tales. But we shall see what happens. I was also thinking that maybe if it is a nice day on saturday going up to the falls and seeing if the maid of the mist is going. I havn't been on that in a long time. I think it might make for some interesting pictures also. If I take any of the falls I will post them. But between two concerts I may just want a day to chill or maybe just relax and just watch movies.
theecarey - 05/22/07 21:48
Godsmack, very cool. Havent listened to them in ages.

Shrek 3 is on my list of movies to see as well. Sounds like a good weekend of activities- have fun!