First of all If I have posted about this before then I'm sorry for sort of doing it again I know I have mentioned part of this before in comments. But before I get to that I had a green Mint Shrek shake at McDonalds today it was good, but not sure for how long they will have it now into the meaning full stuff.
I'm sure that how I feel isn't an only me thing, I'm sure there are lots of people who kinda feel like there are lots of Them. What I mean by that is that you act differently in different places and don't even think about it it just Happens.
I can't go into great detail about work. But basicly we joke around as we work as kinda a way to pass the day. It isn't mean (most of the time) it is just for fun. A lot of it is one liners. Some people do a few practical jokes. But I don't for two reasons. 1) that can get out of hand and turn ugly very easy. 2) More importantly we have work to do and can't be doing stuff that slows other people down [we have enough fucking off as it is](work mode is on) or interfears with them doing work. The thing is though at work I'm a lot more out going and have that one liner ablity that is really not a usefull talent anywhere else. It would be great if I could turn that on at a party and incorporate that some how.
Then there is the Sports Me: I will say this is more at the arena then on TV. Or maybe the TV since it is just me is more mellowed out or less loud. On the way to and from the Arena I'm just relaxed and trying to get there or get home. But once I'm there it is like I am pumped up allready and yelling and cheering and pounding on the glass and taking pictures and super pumped.
Concert Me: Is a little bit different Yes I am pumped and excited to see and listen to the band. But that has to do with If I'm into the music or not and that really drives me by how much I'm into each band. But between sets All I do is look around and have trouble waiting. But I also do that some during the show to. Part of that is knowing what is going on around you and watching the pit. If you are on the floor or ground you really got to make sure cause you don't want to be surprised when a crowd surfer lands on you. But often when looking at the stage there are some cutie pies, Hot Babes or what ever term you want to use and that can be a distriction. I know that I could never go see a Football game at a strip club cause there would be no way to follow either thing going on.
The Party me: Yeah I am social; If there are people I know. I will talk to people but should really do it more and talk with more people. The people who I do talk to I do enjoy talking with them. But what seems to happen sometimes is what I call the Cafeteria aspect. That is when you hear two conversations going on at the same time and are kinda between them but not in either of them. Or sometimes you might hear part of one of them and part of another one so there is no way interact with either one. Yes I can be very out going and say some prettty outragous things but I can't seeem to get this side of me to come out. Maybe it is that I go in with the wrong state of mind. Maybe I think that a party is a way to relax and I should think of it as a way to break out of the box. But If I clould have thought that way then I would have made it to those parites that I told a certain
(e:peepp) I would be at. Yeah I still regret that I cound't make it to those. Hopefully I can let a little bit of the wildness that is in me out with out going over board.
The home me: I'm very ladi back and also very lazy. Oh did I mention messy to. That with the lazy ness and the not caring attitude makes a place that non of you peeps want to see. Home I eat watch tv sleep and watch movies oh yeah and the shower when I feel dirty. So at home I'm basicly a cat I guess. The exception to that is if I'm watching sports or something very exciting like 24.
I do know that there is a central part of me that runs through alll of thses somewhare but what that is and where it is I'm not really sure. I am me after all what ever that is. At some point I need to start to merge some of the mes and hopefully get all the god stuff togather. Oh yeah my spelling sucks and it doesn't help that this computer is crawling so I'm sorry for all the typos. I guess that is it for now hope to see everyone at the next to parties and maybe I can break out of my silent reserved self we shall see.
more than half of the ople at the party aren't in any pics???? i guess maybe you felt wierd taking pictures of people you don't know?
thanks for posting the pictures, i'm glad we have someone who we can count on to take pictures.
Thanks for taking pictures peter, don't worry felly, we will have another one.
looks like a great party i missed!