I'm not putting up all my pictures and some of them are of buildings. These sneakers coming up looked really cool not sure how they translate on the web.

Oh yeah I didn't do any of this art but the stuff I bought I thought was pretty cool the same can be said of any pictures of art work I put up. Sorry I don't know the names of the artists.

Those two last pictures are from today near the Allentown That assumes you are still looking at my pictures. Here are some more from today or Sunday or day 2 how ever you want to think about it.

These next two pictures are of these cool looking things made from Beer and Pop cans. I didn't see them the first time around but I was alerted to them from (e:dragonlady7)'s myspace post so for that thank you I found an elephant for my sis there.

These two pictures are about documenting what isn't there and that is MIA. This year it is out at the fair grounds in August the 11th if memory is correct.

To finish up I know there is other stuff I meant to mention but I'm not really sure what it was so here are a few more pictures of art.

I had a fun two days it was really nice to get some exercise. I hope the pictures look good and aren't to boaring. I wish I could have gotten a good picture of all the seagulls flying around but I wasn't fast enough to get a good one so I didn't post any. Oh well the fun is over back to work on Monday.
The thing about the ones from behind the girls where that I was also trying to get them with there head turned so you can see face or mostly sunglasses but it never worked out that way. I may post a few more pictures as Bonus pictures on my next post when ever that is.
I think my favorite is the cookie picture... or maybe the ones that you took of the girls asses!
dammit, i missed allentown?!