I'm sure most people know that Sat and Sun. is the Allentown Art Festival. I believe it officaly starts at 11am both days. I know I will be there trying to find more Art that I like for my apartment and maybe even something for my mothers place who knows. I also wanted to mention that there is that part that was allways known as the "unofical Allentown " part that is on allen and they have vendors and lots of music. I thought I saw one ad for that at Elmwood and North. I'm not sure what bands are playing at what bars but I do know a lot of them play at Nietches. In the gusto in the Buffalo News today they had an interesting article about it being the 50th year of the festival. I didn't think to look and see what bands are playing where or anything like that. I havn't gotten artvoice yet to see what there coverage on it is but maybe I'll check out there website. Well what ever people do I hope you all have a great weekend.
Metalpeter's Journal
My Podcast Link
06/08/2007 17:37 #39582
Allentown Art FestivalCategory: events
06/02/2007 14:53 #39502
Sara's PartyCategory: photos
First of all I have to say sorry that I didn't get all the pictures I should have. When I first got there, There where some people I had never seen (I assume they where couples they looked cute together don't even get me started on that skinny tall Asian girl she was amazing) before. Sometimes it seems weird to take pictures of people you don't know unless they are with people you do know. Then there was a entire part of the party where I did not feel good at all. When that happens it kinda takes your heart out of it. So there where at least two groups of people I never got pictures of. Those of you who where there and see my pictures may know that one group of girls/ladies I'm talking about. In terms of crazzyness I must have missed some of it. I missed the Hookah. That would have been a great way to bond and have a sense of Community. The problem was is that I was all congested so I thought I might have a cold can't be passing that to anyone else. Turns out as I'm just congested with sinus and still sort of have a Headache. Hopefully my luck is better at (e:ladycroft)'s party tonight. OK onto the pictures in no particular order.

Before I forget I did have a good time and I hope everyone else did also. I know some of my pictures could be a little bit better. But I think that everyone looks good in them.

As you luck at these pictures you may notice that there are a few pictures that are two pictures in one. That is a feature I have on my camera. Sometimes those pictures look great and sometimes not so good but hopefully you guys think they look good here.

So As I was writening this something wacky started to happen some pictures showed up twice and I got error messages so this entire picture thing may look very strange in the end. But here are two more party pictures.

Before I forget I did have a good time and I hope everyone else did also. I know some of my pictures could be a little bit better. But I think that everyone looks good in them.

As you luck at these pictures you may notice that there are a few pictures that are two pictures in one. That is a feature I have on my camera. Sometimes those pictures look great and sometimes not so good but hopefully you guys think they look good here.

So As I was writening this something wacky started to happen some pictures showed up twice and I got error messages so this entire picture thing may look very strange in the end. But here are two more party pictures.

06/05/2007 18:14 #39537
Pride Parade 2007Category: photos

In my previous writing I mentioned the above picture, I think it looks pretty cool to me at least. On Sunday I went to the Pride Parade but only the Parade part I walked down Elmwood Ave. until I found a group of people and there was a bunch of them in front of Spot so I thought that was a good place to watch from. I thought I would only take pictures of the parade and not the people watching it. I ran into (e:paul), (e:lilho) and I believe (e:mike) as they walked down Elmwood. I also talked to (e:mrmike) after the parade. In the parade I saw three people all (e:peeps) I knew (e:Zobar) , (e:Dragonlady7) and (e:Liberated) . They will all be in some of the pictures well here they are.

The above picture is from Richmond and Bryant.

The next pictures are of the Queen City Roller Girls. I thought this would be a good place for a break. And a good place to explain that these pictures are in the order that I took them (single uploaded pictures not in a group). The reason for that is since it is a parade you should see floats walkers or people in the order they moved, ok back to pictures.

I do think that having pride in who you are is important. That being said I think that there is a fine line between that and hate. I don't mean in terms of having pride that you are gay. What I mean is that often People use there pride for there own skin color and Nationality as putting or looking down on someone else. It happens all the time. So when ever anyone has pride they need to look at them selves and see if they are where they want to be. My best example is St. Patrick's Day. I think it is great that there is a parade and a lot of people like that you can drink on the street and it becomes a drinking holiday. But there are two negative aspects to it. All the non Irish people act like the Irish and get all drunk, that is a negative sterotype. Part of that Is because of the saying "Everybody Is Irish on St. Patrick's Day". Now that is really racist changing everyone to an Irishmen. All in all I think the Parade is a great idea it is good to have pride in who you are. The blacks have there pride things to, the only one I know about is Juneteenth. Then the polish have Dingus day and now they have a parade. Then there is the pride parade. I think that as long as others can have there Parade why not The Gay Community. Of course there are people who say it is wrong and they do it to flaunt there life style and to push there agenda. But to those people I would say if you don't like it don't go. Just like if you hate Italian Food don't go to the Italian fest or if you think all Irish people are drunken idiots that get into fights then just don't go to the Parade. I Hope that the Pride Parade grows and gets bigger every year. This is only the 2nd time I've been and I'm not sure if I had ever heard of it before last year.
Here are a few pictures that will maybe cause A little bit of Buffalo Pride.

metalpeter - 06/06/07 17:46
First of all glad you all who commented like the pictures. I will admit I didn't get a picture of everyone that went by. In terms of the large dog I'm not sure who that was for. With the balloons it is tough to see who it was. I Thought the dog kinda looked like a tough version of Clifford the big red dog. There is a part of me that hopes more people view these pictures. For anyone who is reading this I also have pictures in my previous post from Tamika's (think I spelled that right never sure) and previous to that one some from Sara's.
First of all glad you all who commented like the pictures. I will admit I didn't get a picture of everyone that went by. In terms of the large dog I'm not sure who that was for. With the balloons it is tough to see who it was. I Thought the dog kinda looked like a tough version of Clifford the big red dog. There is a part of me that hopes more people view these pictures. For anyone who is reading this I also have pictures in my previous post from Tamika's (think I spelled that right never sure) and previous to that one some from Sara's.
fellyconnelly - 06/06/07 11:00
excellant photos, thanks!
excellant photos, thanks!
jason - 06/05/07 22:43
You see that giant red animal? Who is that, McGruffles the gay crime dog?
Hahaha. Seriously though awesome photos Peter. We didn't see you otherwise we definitely would have brought down a beer for your enjoyment.
You see that giant red animal? Who is that, McGruffles the gay crime dog?
Hahaha. Seriously though awesome photos Peter. We didn't see you otherwise we definitely would have brought down a beer for your enjoyment.
imk2 - 06/05/07 22:15
those are some of the best pride parade pics ive seen. thanks peter!
those are some of the best pride parade pics ive seen. thanks peter!
metalpeter - 06/05/07 20:08
After your comment I looked at my pictures on this post again and your grill made it into the background of a lot of pictures. Your Grill is a Star. Seriously though when (it may happen some day) advertisers decide to use homes and porchs yours would be perfect just because so many people see it. During football season put up a Bills flag and an add. Or maybe the people who make your grill could have there name on it in gold. Seriously though that is an awesome area to live in right on the strip. Hope you liked the pictures.
After your comment I looked at my pictures on this post again and your grill made it into the background of a lot of pictures. Your Grill is a Star. Seriously though when (it may happen some day) advertisers decide to use homes and porchs yours would be perfect just because so many people see it. During football season put up a Bills flag and an add. Or maybe the people who make your grill could have there name on it in gold. Seriously though that is an awesome area to live in right on the strip. Hope you liked the pictures.
joshua - 06/05/07 19:48
My grill made the cut I see!
My grill made the cut I see!
06/04/2007 18:29 #39527
e:ladycroft's Graduation PartyCategory: photos
Even though I allways read (e:ladycrofts) post for some reason my brain thought it was the going away party, I don't know how I could make a dumb mistake like that. My quick reflection is that I had a good time and was out side for most of it. The party seemed very segregated though. It was like (e:peeps) only outside at the fire and then other people inside or on the porch or dancing. The few times I went down there (not to dance really) it seemed like there where few people there and I couldn't really take a picture of only two people. That being said I had a great time and it was very nice.
Car mentioned in a previous Post.

For those who have been there before you might notice something different. This is one cool piece of art I think.
These picture I know won't be in the exact order but they will give a general sense of the party. When I got them printed they looked pretty cool some of them. There where a few that where really dark but you could still see the people but with my picture viewer you can't so I did a little bit of touch up and they will be here somewhere.

In those fire pictures above I'm not sure how visable the (e:peeps) are I know on my photos in my album they look cool and once I publish this I hope they look cool to, or looked cool since you will have allready seen them when you (or if) you read this.

In case you couldn't tell it is tough to get both a good view of the fire and the people and you kinda have to pick what one you want to see (or atleast with my camera). If you use the flash then when it lights everything up then you can barely see the fire and when you use the fire as the light source (ever changing) then it makes it tough to see the people.

These last 3 should be the bonus ones or well not really bonus but weird looking altered ones.

It was nice to talk with the (e:peeps) I talked to (I said more then one word to carey). I know I had a good time I hope everyone else did and no one felt out of place. Is is one kinda thing that was kinda awakard looking back on it, but I won't really touch on it here. All I had to do was really say a few words, but it is no big deal. I did meet someone who wasn't an (e:peep) but forgot there name. I had some other point I wanted to say about how the segregation wasn't really anyone's fault just kinda the way it was. I think I won't have time to put up pictures from the pride parade that maybe tuesdays post. But here are two pictures that I forgot to put up from Richmond near my house from a while back. I wish I could have got more of the Yellow Car but my camera didn't take another picture for some reason.

Car mentioned in a previous Post.

For those who have been there before you might notice something different. This is one cool piece of art I think.
Missing Image ;(
These picture I know won't be in the exact order but they will give a general sense of the party. When I got them printed they looked pretty cool some of them. There where a few that where really dark but you could still see the people but with my picture viewer you can't so I did a little bit of touch up and they will be here somewhere.

In those fire pictures above I'm not sure how visable the (e:peeps) are I know on my photos in my album they look cool and once I publish this I hope they look cool to, or looked cool since you will have allready seen them when you (or if) you read this.

In case you couldn't tell it is tough to get both a good view of the fire and the people and you kinda have to pick what one you want to see (or atleast with my camera). If you use the flash then when it lights everything up then you can barely see the fire and when you use the fire as the light source (ever changing) then it makes it tough to see the people.

These last 3 should be the bonus ones or well not really bonus but weird looking altered ones.

It was nice to talk with the (e:peeps) I talked to (I said more then one word to carey). I know I had a good time I hope everyone else did and no one felt out of place. Is is one kinda thing that was kinda awakard looking back on it, but I won't really touch on it here. All I had to do was really say a few words, but it is no big deal. I did meet someone who wasn't an (e:peep) but forgot there name. I had some other point I wanted to say about how the segregation wasn't really anyone's fault just kinda the way it was. I think I won't have time to put up pictures from the pride parade that maybe tuesdays post. But here are two pictures that I forgot to put up from Richmond near my house from a while back. I wish I could have got more of the Yellow Car but my camera didn't take another picture for some reason.

theecarey - 06/04/07 22:02
Indeed, it was nice chatting with you :)
Indeed, it was nice chatting with you :)
metalpeter - 06/04/07 18:58
One thing I forgot to say is that I think her name was Amy (sorry bad with remembering names) was at the 2nd fire and I believe isn't an (e:peep) oh and that screaming alien (not that I have any idea who the artist is or what it means or any thing) tattoo is preaty good. I hope that (e:mrmike) is the only one who dosn't like his picture. I know somepeople don't like how they look in pictures.
One thing I forgot to say is that I think her name was Amy (sorry bad with remembering names) was at the 2nd fire and I believe isn't an (e:peep) oh and that screaming alien (not that I have any idea who the artist is or what it means or any thing) tattoo is preaty good. I hope that (e:mrmike) is the only one who dosn't like his picture. I know somepeople don't like how they look in pictures.
mrmike - 06/04/07 18:43
Damn, I look like a swallowed a bowling ball. I know I ain't got a six pack, but that sorta looks like I'm packing a full case
Damn, I look like a swallowed a bowling ball. I know I ain't got a six pack, but that sorta looks like I'm packing a full case
metalpeter - 06/04/07 18:35
So I know I should't have the first comment on my own journal but damit the gun picture didn't show up. I guess I'll have to put it in with the pride pictues. I did have a good time at the parade the day after the party but more about that later. Hope everyone had a good time and likes the pictures.
So I know I should't have the first comment on my own journal but damit the gun picture didn't show up. I guess I'll have to put it in with the pride pictues. I did have a good time at the parade the day after the party but more about that later. Hope everyone had a good time and likes the pictures.
05/31/2007 19:12 #39483
Meny Sides of MeCategory: philosophy
First of all If I have posted about this before then I'm sorry for sort of doing it again I know I have mentioned part of this before in comments. But before I get to that I had a green Mint Shrek shake at McDonalds today it was good, but not sure for how long they will have it now into the meaning full stuff.
I'm sure that how I feel isn't an only me thing, I'm sure there are lots of people who kinda feel like there are lots of Them. What I mean by that is that you act differently in different places and don't even think about it it just Happens.
I can't go into great detail about work. But basicly we joke around as we work as kinda a way to pass the day. It isn't mean (most of the time) it is just for fun. A lot of it is one liners. Some people do a few practical jokes. But I don't for two reasons. 1) that can get out of hand and turn ugly very easy. 2) More importantly we have work to do and can't be doing stuff that slows other people down [we have enough fucking off as it is](work mode is on) or interfears with them doing work. The thing is though at work I'm a lot more out going and have that one liner ablity that is really not a usefull talent anywhere else. It would be great if I could turn that on at a party and incorporate that some how.
Then there is the Sports Me: I will say this is more at the arena then on TV. Or maybe the TV since it is just me is more mellowed out or less loud. On the way to and from the Arena I'm just relaxed and trying to get there or get home. But once I'm there it is like I am pumped up allready and yelling and cheering and pounding on the glass and taking pictures and super pumped.
Concert Me: Is a little bit different Yes I am pumped and excited to see and listen to the band. But that has to do with If I'm into the music or not and that really drives me by how much I'm into each band. But between sets All I do is look around and have trouble waiting. But I also do that some during the show to. Part of that is knowing what is going on around you and watching the pit. If you are on the floor or ground you really got to make sure cause you don't want to be surprised when a crowd surfer lands on you. But often when looking at the stage there are some cutie pies, Hot Babes or what ever term you want to use and that can be a distriction. I know that I could never go see a Football game at a strip club cause there would be no way to follow either thing going on.
The Party me: Yeah I am social; If there are people I know. I will talk to people but should really do it more and talk with more people. The people who I do talk to I do enjoy talking with them. But what seems to happen sometimes is what I call the Cafeteria aspect. That is when you hear two conversations going on at the same time and are kinda between them but not in either of them. Or sometimes you might hear part of one of them and part of another one so there is no way interact with either one. Yes I can be very out going and say some prettty outragous things but I can't seeem to get this side of me to come out. Maybe it is that I go in with the wrong state of mind. Maybe I think that a party is a way to relax and I should think of it as a way to break out of the box. But If I clould have thought that way then I would have made it to those parites that I told a certain (e:peepp) I would be at. Yeah I still regret that I cound't make it to those. Hopefully I can let a little bit of the wildness that is in me out with out going over board.
The home me: I'm very ladi back and also very lazy. Oh did I mention messy to. That with the lazy ness and the not caring attitude makes a place that non of you peeps want to see. Home I eat watch tv sleep and watch movies oh yeah and the shower when I feel dirty. So at home I'm basicly a cat I guess. The exception to that is if I'm watching sports or something very exciting like 24.
I do know that there is a central part of me that runs through alll of thses somewhare but what that is and where it is I'm not really sure. I am me after all what ever that is. At some point I need to start to merge some of the mes and hopefully get all the god stuff togather. Oh yeah my spelling sucks and it doesn't help that this computer is crawling so I'm sorry for all the typos. I guess that is it for now hope to see everyone at the next to parties and maybe I can break out of my silent reserved self we shall see.
I'm sure that how I feel isn't an only me thing, I'm sure there are lots of people who kinda feel like there are lots of Them. What I mean by that is that you act differently in different places and don't even think about it it just Happens.
I can't go into great detail about work. But basicly we joke around as we work as kinda a way to pass the day. It isn't mean (most of the time) it is just for fun. A lot of it is one liners. Some people do a few practical jokes. But I don't for two reasons. 1) that can get out of hand and turn ugly very easy. 2) More importantly we have work to do and can't be doing stuff that slows other people down [we have enough fucking off as it is](work mode is on) or interfears with them doing work. The thing is though at work I'm a lot more out going and have that one liner ablity that is really not a usefull talent anywhere else. It would be great if I could turn that on at a party and incorporate that some how.
Then there is the Sports Me: I will say this is more at the arena then on TV. Or maybe the TV since it is just me is more mellowed out or less loud. On the way to and from the Arena I'm just relaxed and trying to get there or get home. But once I'm there it is like I am pumped up allready and yelling and cheering and pounding on the glass and taking pictures and super pumped.
Concert Me: Is a little bit different Yes I am pumped and excited to see and listen to the band. But that has to do with If I'm into the music or not and that really drives me by how much I'm into each band. But between sets All I do is look around and have trouble waiting. But I also do that some during the show to. Part of that is knowing what is going on around you and watching the pit. If you are on the floor or ground you really got to make sure cause you don't want to be surprised when a crowd surfer lands on you. But often when looking at the stage there are some cutie pies, Hot Babes or what ever term you want to use and that can be a distriction. I know that I could never go see a Football game at a strip club cause there would be no way to follow either thing going on.
The Party me: Yeah I am social; If there are people I know. I will talk to people but should really do it more and talk with more people. The people who I do talk to I do enjoy talking with them. But what seems to happen sometimes is what I call the Cafeteria aspect. That is when you hear two conversations going on at the same time and are kinda between them but not in either of them. Or sometimes you might hear part of one of them and part of another one so there is no way interact with either one. Yes I can be very out going and say some prettty outragous things but I can't seeem to get this side of me to come out. Maybe it is that I go in with the wrong state of mind. Maybe I think that a party is a way to relax and I should think of it as a way to break out of the box. But If I clould have thought that way then I would have made it to those parites that I told a certain (e:peepp) I would be at. Yeah I still regret that I cound't make it to those. Hopefully I can let a little bit of the wildness that is in me out with out going over board.
The home me: I'm very ladi back and also very lazy. Oh did I mention messy to. That with the lazy ness and the not caring attitude makes a place that non of you peeps want to see. Home I eat watch tv sleep and watch movies oh yeah and the shower when I feel dirty. So at home I'm basicly a cat I guess. The exception to that is if I'm watching sports or something very exciting like 24.
I do know that there is a central part of me that runs through alll of thses somewhare but what that is and where it is I'm not really sure. I am me after all what ever that is. At some point I need to start to merge some of the mes and hopefully get all the god stuff togather. Oh yeah my spelling sucks and it doesn't help that this computer is crawling so I'm sorry for all the typos. I guess that is it for now hope to see everyone at the next to parties and maybe I can break out of my silent reserved self we shall see.
fellyconnelly - 06/02/07 18:08
okay now i have to get one.
okay now i have to get one.
theecarey - 06/02/07 17:51
(e:jason) I was thinking that it had a bit of Shamrock going on. Kind of a chocolate mint green sludge..
(e:jason) I was thinking that it had a bit of Shamrock going on. Kind of a chocolate mint green sludge..
metalpeter - 06/01/07 18:31
I didn't get a good look at the shake I drank it through the straw but now looking back I would have liked to seen the color of it. It kinda tastes like a shamrock shake but it isn't the same taste. Oh if any one is reading this and going to the party tonight at the 24 and or (e:ladycrofts) on saturday don't forget to bring your camera. Yes I will be taking pictures but the more people who are taking pictures the better and the representation of the party is better on the site. Everyones Party experince is different and different peoples pictures will reflect that.
I didn't get a good look at the shake I drank it through the straw but now looking back I would have liked to seen the color of it. It kinda tastes like a shamrock shake but it isn't the same taste. Oh if any one is reading this and going to the party tonight at the 24 and or (e:ladycrofts) on saturday don't forget to bring your camera. Yes I will be taking pictures but the more people who are taking pictures the better and the representation of the party is better on the site. Everyones Party experince is different and different peoples pictures will reflect that.
jason - 06/01/07 08:41
Mint Shrek shake? Is that a close relative of the shamrock shake?
Mint Shrek shake? Is that a close relative of the shamrock shake?
theecarey - 05/31/07 23:20
I hear ya. Sure we all have a bit of a central theme to our individuality, yet different people, different situations and environments,etc, bring out various parts of us at those times. Do and be whatever feels most comfortable for you at that moment.
I had a "Swamp Sludge" milkshake last night. I intended to grab a chocolate shake, then saw Swamp Sludge on the menu. Not making any connection to Shrek at the time, I thought to myself, "hmm, gotta get me some of that sludge".
Minty goodness- but not sure if I would get it again. Did you take a look at it? its really green. Swamp green, actually ;)
I hear ya. Sure we all have a bit of a central theme to our individuality, yet different people, different situations and environments,etc, bring out various parts of us at those times. Do and be whatever feels most comfortable for you at that moment.
I had a "Swamp Sludge" milkshake last night. I intended to grab a chocolate shake, then saw Swamp Sludge on the menu. Not making any connection to Shrek at the time, I thought to myself, "hmm, gotta get me some of that sludge".
Minty goodness- but not sure if I would get it again. Did you take a look at it? its really green. Swamp green, actually ;)
more than half of the ople at the party aren't in any pics???? i guess maybe you felt wierd taking pictures of people you don't know?
thanks for posting the pictures, i'm glad we have someone who we can count on to take pictures.
Thanks for taking pictures peter, don't worry felly, we will have another one.
looks like a great party i missed!