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05/13/2007 16:57 #39259

Pictures I should have posted
Category: photos
First of all to any of you mothers out there Happy Mothers day. I also extend this to any of you who are mothers to pets also. Granted they most of the time aren't as much work as kids but that isn't all ways true.

Now on to some pictures. In a previous Journal I mentioned that When I was walking down Bryant I noticed a place that used to be boarded up with out the boards so here are two pictures of that and some flower pictures from that same street.


Down at Buff State they are building a new building, I can't remember what it is exactly but I think it has something to do with a gallery or rockwell hall. I do remember that people where upset because the builders never spoke with the community to get there input. But here a few few pictures of that.


Here are some flower pictures that I have taken as I have walked around my neck of the woods. I will openly admit that Matt takes much better flower pictures then I do. I was just trying to see what I could get and as an overview picture I think they are ok. Some of these pictures are of other things also.


The Kitten there is on Allen as we where getting a mothers day gift at the gallery there. All those hamburgers was on mothers day at Missippi muds. That reminds me has anyone tried Sample yet? I know I have not but I mean to.

The pictures of the action from the bisons game I went to are kinda boaring so I figured maybe put up some of buster and my lunch and that might be kinda fun.
mk - 05/13/07 22:41
Mmmmm I love Mississippi Mudd's! I can't wait to get out there for a walk by the river and some ice cream!!! Thanks for the pics as usual
carolinian - 05/13/07 18:01
I dig the pics. Makes me want to get out of the house and enjoy spring.

05/12/2007 16:00 #39252

New Building vs. Progress
Category: buffalo
First things first I didn't go to the bisons game last night, I just wasn't up for it for some reason. I may go to the plaza thing for the sabres but I think I will watch the game at home.

I was searching online for pictures of Buffalo. In the process I saw some post cards of Buffalo and buildings that are no longer standing and how Buffalo used to look. I don't think I will go there very often but I did join Buffalo Rising. They had comments about the New Tower that is supposed to go up at where the park lane is. There is also a dicusion going on here about it also. Those two caused me to have an idea that I think would help the presvation moviement and also help progress and new buildings be built. It might even help fight of the NIMBY movement. When ever a building is torn down or emploded and however it is gotten rid of. Then there must be pictures and video of it and a history writen for it before it can be demolished. This would also be true of and Victorian Houses as well. This history would then me made into a presentation at the new site. That way when someone goes to a parking lot they can get the history of what was there before. Once a building is built then that history site is built right in on the first floor. For the history part you could also have old photos and maybe even articles about things that happenend there. I think it would be a good idea to expand that to buildings that have been put up allready. Why not even have history tours where people could tour buildings and get the history of what Buffalo used to look like. I think that this would help both the people who want anything that isn't being used torn down and a new all glass building in there and those who don't want anything torn down. It would be a good way to help persevrve the history of Buffalo.

One of the things that caused me to have this idea is the current compromise at the building at 120 delaware. I read an article in the Buffalo News about how they where going to tear down this old theatre but before they did an agreement was reached to remove the historical stuff from the building. I thought that was a great compromise. So if you can delay constrution for a month why not just pass a law and make it part of all demolishion plans. I think it is a lot better then everytime someone tries to bring in a new hotel or anyonther plan there is a law suit. I know there would still be some. I know buildings should try to be saved if they can be used but this would be a back up if they can't be saved.

05/10/2007 18:42 #39228

Bisons Game
Category: sports
It was nice to have a day off from work today, it really was. I went to the Bisons game with my Sis. The bisons wound up losing but I still had a good time. I think I may go again on Friday for the 1st Bash of the year from what the ad said today. I think it might be taking the place of one of the colded/winded/Snowed out opening day game. I havn't made up my mind yet. About 20 minutes to the sabres game. Well it is back to work on friday again.

05/09/2007 18:58 #39213

Walk on acident
Category: walk
Yesterday I forgot to post about the walk that I took that I wasn't planning on. I was on the #2 bus heading for work and I Missed my stop by a long way. I wound up I little bit past Transit and french. I work maybe about 3 blocks from union so my walk was about the length of from Transit to union. But it was relaxing and it was nice to be out in the fresh air. That area is kinda strange. I was on one side of Transit and there was a sign that said Elma. I look across the street and it says lancaster. So then I get to a sign and I'm in Chektowaga (or however you spell it). That being said that Burger King on the corner has a Depew address, that i still don't understand. So as I walk down French rd. There is another sign for Chektowaga But I'm confussed because that where I thought I was I wonder if there is a town and village status around there, I'm not really sure. But as I'm walking the sun is kinda behind me and to the right benind my shoulder. But as I walk sord of to my left and is front of me is the moon. It allways seems kinda strange when you can fully see the moon and most of the sun at the same time. It is kinda like why are they both out or something like that. I wish I could explain it better. But the funny part is I think the day before I said something about How I have to get more exercise or something like that So it wound up being a nice time that I didn't plan on. Of course I was late to work and would have rather ben on time but atleast I enjoyed the long walk. Walks that you don't plan on are allways so much longer. I don't want to jinx the wheather but I'm going to the bisons game on thursday. With my luck it will snow and a bunch of games will get cancelled like when I tried to go to the home opener. If the wheater stays nice I might go to the party at the Plaza for the sabres game, not sure about that yet: that is very wheather depedent.

05/05/2007 17:27 #39166

Cinco Spiderman
Category: movies
First of all what a lovely day outside it was today. Hope everyone does something fun for Cinco De Mayo. I will be leaving shortly to go to see some stand up comedy at the Town Ballroom (doors 7pm). On my way to see Spiderman 3 (very good) I could smell food from over a block away from Solid grounds I assumed it was them and it smelled very good. But as I'm walking down Brynt I look to my left (hopefully two pictures coming soon) and there is this building and the board are off the front window. Some of you might say so what, who cares. Well sometimes I would say the same thing. But it used to be a resturant years ago. Then they had a fire and boarded everything up and the claim was they where going to reopen. I can't say they will reopen but boards being gone and being able to sord of see stuff inside from across the street.

Spiderman 3 was very good. I went to the 11:35am show at the regal on Elmwood. I knew the basic story so there wasn't any big surprise. I admit I didn't have the best crowd it seemed like there was a lot of talking. Or maybe it was just that the Movie wasn't loud enough. There where a couple strange parts in the movie but they did help tell the story. I will admit it wasn't as good as I thought it would be but it was still very good. But some of that might have been that I think it should have been a little bit louder. The one thing that I liked with out giving anything away is that in the opening credits they showed some of the back story. I also think Topher Grace (that 7o's show) is a great fit to play his character. I also like that they have the theme of revenge and how it can cloud what you do. Again with out giving anything away I like the character devolpement, that the hero is not all good and the villian is all evil I like that it wasn't true in this film. One thing I've liked about all the spidey films is that it seems that they have the perfect actor for each part. I wish I could get into the debate of how things change from the comic to the movie. I won't do that for two reasons. 1) One I don't remember the details well enough. 2) It is a different medium and so to compare them isn't really fair. When doing a movie the viewers often never read the comic so you will change things that they might enjoy more. Plus there is a time factor in a movie you can't make it four hours long. So all in all I had a good time and it was worth the $7.
metalpeter - 05/06/07 08:41
One thing I forgot to say was that there where two really neat things at the Theater. The first one is a life sized Silver Surfer. It would be really cool if it was riged so you could ride the board with him and they could charge you and give the money to charity. I'm sure it is only cardboard and would never hold a person. Also in the same roped off section is the simpsons couch. Here again would be a cool photo op since there is an open spot on the couch. I like my idea of letting people take pictures on it. The Buzz it would cause for the movie would be so intense.