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04/25/2007 18:18 #39041

Dinning out and pictures
Category: photos
So last night I wound up going to Boomerang it is on Niagara street and Had a Hot Roast Beef sandwich . I should have got a pasta dish instead. Not that the sandwich was bad but I should have said well done as some of it was red. I didn't finish it all not because it wasn't good, cause it was. But something about the texture on the way it was sliced or something bothered me but this happened the last time I had a Roast Beef Sandwich at HSBC Arena. All in all a good time was had. In terms of (e:Jenks) I have been to Astoria before but it was a long time ago so you will have to wait on mike to give a review, but I have heard it is very good. I haven't been to solid grounds in a long time. Ok here are some food pictures.


The other day when I went to get tickets I walked down Elmwood and took a few pictures but not a lot here they are. I forget what store that seat is in but it is pretty interesting.


Before each Bandits game I try to take at least one picture of Buffalo so here are the pre-bandit game pictures.


Two pictures of my Sis's Kitten that I think came out cool. I had to play around with my camera a little bit for them to come out like this and not sure how I did it exactly. In my first attempt you couldn't really see what was out of windows.


One thing that I do hope that the Dinning out for life will do for me is to get me to go out and eat at more places around my house or at least up on Elmwood. There are so many places I have never tried or it has been so long since I've eaten there. Speaking of that I have no idea if I even have any thing for dinner.

The sabres start the series with the rangers to night. I will be watching it at home and not at the party at the plaza but maybe one of the games I should go to it and take some pictures plus it might be a lot of fun. So I have one more picture to post for the Sabres and the sabres fan and the beer fans.

I hope everyone has a great rest of what is left of the week and I gotta go figure out what to eat.
metalpeter - 04/29/07 11:15
So then we kinda live near each other. I also have to explain that the houses are where my sis stys at. I also have to correct one thing I said. I thought I had been to Astoria before but I havn't I was thinking of Ambrosia sorry about that.
mastermindkg - 04/29/07 10:52
o0o, McClellan's is about a block away from me, and those houses out your window look very familiar. Maybe not though since a lot of places look identical.
deeglam - 04/26/07 23:40
awww. i love it when people post pics like this. I love your pictures. It makes me miss home, but in a good humble way.

by the way, for my birthday, my mom bought me a new sabres sweatshirt. it's pink. and i love it. thought you would think that was funny.
metalpeter - 04/25/07 18:44
Some time I'll have to try them out. When I usaly go past them they it is when I'm going to the bank so it isn't part of the plan. I'm very picky food wise. I'm not sure what there hours are but often times I go past it and it is closed. Maybe they only do breakfast on Saturday not sure. Another place I allways forget about is Jimmie Macs or what ever it is called now.
mrmike - 04/25/07 18:22
Love the solid grounds.....good food

04/24/2007 16:53 #39029

Dinning out for life
Category: food
I will admit that I have never gone to the Dinning out for life dinner before but i believe I'm going out with the family tonight for it some where. I think my mother is actually going out twice for it. From what it looks like on line all the places give 25%. But I kinda doubt that is true I know in the past some places gave more and less then that and some people only counted dinner and not drinks but not sure how it really worked. But if you are thinking about going out, then you might as well go out and have them do something positive with the money. So go out and eat a lot and help people out.
jenks - 04/25/07 12:21
ooh, how is Astoria? I was just at solid grounds the other day, and thought it looked like a place worth checking out. Give us a review!
metalpeter - 04/24/07 18:39
I'm not sure where I'm going to be going with the family. I just hope it is soon cause I'm getting kinda hungry.
mike - 04/24/07 18:19
me and (e:mk) will be at Astoria dining out for life tonihgt. What a better combination than eating and giving to charity at the same time! We all know I like to eat!

04/23/2007 18:56 #39019

Category: tv
I know I've talked about Heroes before. But it comes back on tonight. I will tape it as I watch 24. I did find out that if you miss and episode you can watch them online. I myself think it is a pretty cool show. I think I may tape the Real Wedding Crashers to and see if it is funny. Oh yeah bye the way work on mondays sucks. It seems no matter how you do things you wind up with down time where there isn't much to do. Then later you get orders and there is a lot to do. Or maybe it is just mondays. Hey you know what happens if everyone had monday off...Then Tuesdays would suck. But TV wise Mondays are a great day.

04/22/2007 18:42 #39004

Bandits Advance
Category: lax
I had a good time at the Bandits game today. They started out slow and where quickly down by 4 goals on like only about 5 or 6 shots. But over time they worked back and tied up the game and wound up going ahead of the Minisota Swarm. The Bandits back up goalie did get better as the game went on and the Bandits held the Swarm scoreless in the second half and won with the final score of 14 to 8. On the way home I stopped by New World Records and got a Ticket for Chevelle and finger eleven on May 25th. I have seen Chevelle before and they where pretty good. I had a nice walk back home from there and in one block where Lab Indigo was I believe I saw two Corvettes within the same block. I would have taken a picture to post but I would have been shooting into the sun and with the traffic I didn't think I could get a good shot. One thing I noticed is a lot of dogs where around spot. I also saw a few nice looking ladies out with there dogs. I maybe should have gone to spot a found an ice tea to go but oh well it looked kinda packed. Oh back to the Bandits for a second there next game is Friday night in Rochester. The knighthawks allready beat them twice so it will really be a tough game. I see no way that I can really go but it would be nice to. If the bandits can some how win then I think the championship game would be at home.
metalpeter - 04/23/07 17:18
Yeah I know what you mean. I know I have seen people and not wanted to yell. Who knows what kind of chaos could have broken out if you yelled that. Lately I have been seeing people around who kinda look like other people I know that is kinda strange. I don't want to approach them and then be wrong. Or worse yet what If I'm right and that don't think it is me.
mrmike - 04/22/07 20:01
Saw you from a distance on Elmwood today....tempted to shout out, but I didn't want to intrude on your space. Yelling "Estrip" may have attracted the wrong attention.

04/21/2007 16:36 #38989

Happy Pissed
Category: anger
Firstly why I'm Happy
1) I saw Pathfinder and enjoyed it. If you like violence and sword fights and that type of thing you may like it.

2) The Sabres won last night and are onto round 2 now.

Why I'm upset. I listened to the sabres game then watched it and before I could even have a dinner I woke up with a bad sinus (I think) headache. I did take stuff and it went away kind of I have a little bit of it now still.

On my way back from the movies I decided to go to Latina's instead of Rite Aide I figured I could get some food with the stuff I needed. But before I got there I went to New World Records but they didn't have the tickets I was looking for or at least not yet. That was no big deal I got to check out a few hotties on the strip. Man there where a lot of people out now that the weather is nice. So I get to Latinas I look around all over the place and they are all out of AA batteries in every spot. So I look for DO. so I won't have B.O. but all they have is the ladies stuff. So I look at Hair Gel they have one kind and it isn't what I'm looking for so I get it anyways. I go over to frozen stuff and the banquet dinners are wiped out so I figure screw it I'll get what I want some other time. If you do ever shop there don't go on sat. Afternoon they are allways wiped out. So I leave and put my basket back and as I walk out the door I should have kept walking but I feel. That is right my 6th sense kicks in. I didn't hear any one or smell anyone I could feel them (It doesn't work all the time but sometimes it does) behind me. So this Jackoff says are you ok or allright forget what one it was so I say yes. Now the big management guy never says anything. Curly hair ass hole boy as he will called called says I wasn't born Yesterday so I show him what are in my pockets. He says some stupid thing about how not to come back and it is private property. Man I was pissed fuck him I never steal anything, that is very insulting. I go there and return bottles, buy food and some times beer, well not really beer that Mike's hard Lemonade. What got me even more pissed is I should have yelled at him that I'm fucking insulted that I'm not one of those ass holes that steals and about how all the stuff I wanted was empty. On my way home I thought about going back and asking for that guy. Who the fuck is he to say I can't shop at his store, fuck him.

Now that I listened to some "Sick of it All" I feel better. Not that I can understand it all but still, It is a nice stress remover. Ah I guess I gotta go buy some stuff. Yeah to the weather now if the wind would just go away.
metalpeter - 04/22/07 08:57
The thing that I think got me the most upset. Is knowing that when the guy asked me are you allright I should have Said " No everything, I came in here to buy is wiped out" I should have remembered not to go in a saturday the place allways has empty shelves and there are a bunch of managers just standing around (I Assume that the greenish color shirts are Management). I assume that most stores are kinda the same and they have some kind of "SHRINK" program where they teach you to spot shoplifters. I Assume they do get a lot of them there. However unless you see someone take something or do a movement to conceal stuff you can't just accuse people. Now if I or anyone else went in there and when ever I was in the store stuff disapeared that would be different. I'm not saying I shop there enough to be a regular but I'm sure some of the cashiers might remember me. What this guy fails to understand is people go into stores all the time and if they don't see what they want they leave. Different people shop differently. I bet they where watching me as soon as I walked in well if they where really paying attention they would have seen me put back the one thing I picked up. And How am I supposed to stuff frozen dinners down my pants. I guess I kinda know what it feals like to be followed around a store.

The thing is I like them because unlike tops and wegmens it is really all or mostly neighboorhood people and they are close. They where open on the oct. surprise. I'm thinking maybe I will see what happens if I write something up or maybe just print out my blog and walk in by the bottles and tell someone to hand to to a manager. Or maybe I'll just say fuck them. I'm a pretty honest guy and allways try to be, and the fact that the guy said I was there to steal and he knew it is insulting, it really is.
james - 04/21/07 19:37
I never liked them. Their produce is never watered, never soaked, not stored properly, perpetually in a state of rot. It is disgusting. They are always almost entirly out of something that every grocery store has. Wilson Farms has more staples than they do.

Oddly, they have a small store in Niagara Falls that is awesome. Full of Italian specialties. But get me that contact info and I will write a letter "Concerning the big curly haired ass hole"
paul - 04/21/07 17:44
In fact, should all write them a letter. I will find out their contact information and post about it later, I have to go help (e:lilho) move now.
paul - 04/21/07 17:39
Holy crap you should post a link to this journal everywhere, that will teach Latina's on Elmwood a lesson about customer service. I will never shop at Latina's on Elmwood again now that I know how they treat people.
ladycroft - 04/21/07 17:30
dude, i'd write them a letter!