The other day when I went to get tickets I walked down Elmwood and took a few pictures but not a lot here they are. I forget what store that seat is in but it is pretty interesting.

Before each Bandits game I try to take at least one picture of Buffalo so here are the pre-bandit game pictures.

Two pictures of my Sis's Kitten that I think came out cool. I had to play around with my camera a little bit for them to come out like this and not sure how I did it exactly. In my first attempt you couldn't really see what was out of windows.

One thing that I do hope that the Dinning out for life will do for me is to get me to go out and eat at more places around my house or at least up on Elmwood. There are so many places I have never tried or it has been so long since I've eaten there. Speaking of that I have no idea if I even have any thing for dinner.
The sabres start the series with the rangers to night. I will be watching it at home and not at the party at the plaza but maybe one of the games I should go to it and take some pictures plus it might be a lot of fun. So I have one more picture to post for the Sabres and the sabres fan and the beer fans.

I hope everyone has a great rest of what is left of the week and I gotta go figure out what to eat.
So then we kinda live near each other. I also have to explain that the houses are where my sis stys at. I also have to correct one thing I said. I thought I had been to Astoria before but I havn't I was thinking of Ambrosia sorry about that.
o0o, McClellan's is about a block away from me, and those houses out your window look very familiar. Maybe not though since a lot of places look identical.
awww. i love it when people post pics like this. I love your pictures. It makes me miss home, but in a good humble way.
by the way, for my birthday, my mom bought me a new sabres sweatshirt. it's pink. and i love it. thought you would think that was funny.
Some time I'll have to try them out. When I usaly go past them they it is when I'm going to the bank so it isn't part of the plan. I'm very picky food wise. I'm not sure what there hours are but often times I go past it and it is closed. Maybe they only do breakfast on Saturday not sure. Another place I allways forget about is Jimmie Macs or what ever it is called now.
Love the solid grounds.....good food