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04/12/2007 19:28 #38867

What I want...
Category: sex
Before I get into my post just wanted to Mention the Bandits play friday night and I'm looking forward to seeing The Sabres on TV in the playoffs hope they win the cup. The Bandits will be in the playoffs starting next weekend and they have a game Saturday in Rochester.

So as some of you may have read (e:imk2) wrote a post about what she wants called what I want. So I thought hey maybe I could write one two. But there are a couple things to get out of the way. In a way this post is bullshit. The reason being is that you can have this entire laundry list of things but what really matters is how the two people get along and how the relationship is. The thing is that all that takes over the preferences. So maybe I want someone who likes hockey but then i meet someone who isn't really into Hockey she just thinks the guys are hot gets turned on then blow me and go to bed that would be perfect, so I admit the post kinda makes no sense. Yeah I have a weakness for blonds but some girls look better with brown hair but I just had to give full disclosure On what I was saying. Oh yeah I may use some (e:peeps) as examples hopefully only good ones not sure how this will come out.

First of all a good sense of humor is very important. People who are wound tight or easily offended are really no fun. You have to watch what you say so what is the point. I don't mean that you have to laugh till you piss yourself watching a comedy, but at least be a little lose.

In terms of going out the lady has to like going out to movies, concerts or even sports. That doesn't mean that we have to go to everything togather she should be able to go out and do stuff on her own to. But she also can't be one of those people who has to go out every night. I guess if she can go by herself or with friends that is ok but not if she expects me there. If she is willing to go on a trip somewhere that is a nice added bonus.

In terms of sports I would prefer that she likes them. At the very least she must understand that I'm Into them and that is an important time for me. Preferably she is into them also and hopefully we are into the same ones.

If we like the same music it doesn't really matter. But when we go out it will wind up mattering. Cause if she is a club dance girl and I'm into Rock and there is no in between then we will never see each other. I like rock, metal, Pop, but for me it is more about the band and there sound then the Genre they are in. It would be cool to find a chick who likes Coldplay, Metallica, Rammstein, Billy Joel, Hatebreed, Evenesssance, Rob Zombie, Sum 41, Blink 182 and other bands.

In terms of chick flicks most of them are god awful and most of them I can't stand but a few are funny. I would just be happy if the girl just went to see them with the girl friends and leave me out of. But she has to be able to get into a good stupid Naked Gun, American Pie, or even Not another teen movie kind of movie. The exception to that is if she is into anime or action movies then we are good. If she is into both then we are golden and if she hates chick flicks and wants to see an action movie then go to a Bandits game, it is time to go buy an awesome looking ring with her name inscribed in Klingon.

I like good talkers who can hold a conversation with out being bitchy. It is nice to be around someone who is happy and cheery. But the key is they really have to be this way and not putting on an act. They also have to be able to let me know when something is wrong or they disagree. Sometimes those types of people won't do that and they should.

I know I shouldn't talk about looks but i will a little bit. Looks wise all you need is someone who you find hot or at least not repugnant. But often looks is what gets you to notice people. So here I will use a few peeps as examples. Eyes at first you don't notice and a lot of times you don't notice them and looking at them to long can drive you crazy. That being said alluring eyes and eyes that look mystyrious like (e:theecarey) are very nice. I wish I knew how to say that better. Sorry to stereo type here but those long and thing looking Asian and egyption (i believe) eyes are also amazing. Hair color and Body type really depends on the person and how they look. As long as they aren't so big that is a turn off or so thing that you can see ribs from 20 feet away. I prefer someone in the middle, height I could care less. Boobs I have never seen a pair I didn't like. I know this sounds strange but sometime shape is more important then size. Butt as long as it looks nice in pants that is fine. Skin Color isn't much of a factor really. Some pale white girls are very hot and some dark girls are hot. That being said recently I have been liking the dark whites or latin skin tone. For example the skin tone of say (e:lilho) , (e:ingrid) (if memory serve me right) (e:beast). That light brown kinda dark white color.

In terms of sex (if any one is still reading) I want a lady who knows what she is doing but doesn't come off as sluty, what ever that means. Where the sex is about fun and not an obligation, where we can try new things and old things and be free and not worry if we mention something the other isn't into it doesn't get all weird. Hey if she wants to bring in a cute friend we can try it and see. Not that Um no, I don't think so attitude. That is kinda the same type of person I would like to be with the person who is open minded but may not agree about something but we are still able to get along.

Oh yeah I knew I forgot to mention another thing there are a few (e:peeps) like (e:ladycroft) and (e:Imk2) (and others who I can't think of right now). I think tats and piercings are a nice added bonus and can be very hot. It also says that they are willing to go through pain and sacrafice for something and that is a good quality.

Now that I have vented I feel a little better. If you have read this far I really don't want that much, do I ? Yeah I know I want way to much. In case I wasn't clear: I just want someone who I click with or have that spark with that I can Watch 24 with and go out with to a movie, concert or a sports event and we will have a great time. And if we can have great sex to and get along then that would be perfect.

metalpeter - 04/14/07 15:56
Hey thanks. Sometimes I wonder if something is broken inside me or something. Reason why I say that is I have met a bunch of cool (e:peepettes) and even though they have a lot of great qualities never had that not sure how to call it feeling.
ladycroft - 04/13/07 14:41
i'm always on the look-out for you peter. i know there's someone for you :)

04/11/2007 19:26 #38855

Buffalo Joel
Category: photos
I did go to see Billy Joel last night and had a good time. I will admit there are a few songs that I would have like to heard like And so it goes, leningrad, and at least one song from the River of Dreams CD. But all in all it was a great show. I think my favorite part may have been when he had one of his roadies perform a religous song that we should go home and think about and it was "highway to hell" that was awesome. He also did some old songs I didn't really know. If you want a professional review there is a good one in the Buffalo news. Oh I also forgot to say that I liked that he rocked out with guitar and didn't just stay on the piano.

I decided to crop a few pictures and put them up from the show here they are. I wasn't sure how many to do but I thought 4 was good.


Here are a few pictures I took before the concert.

On my way Home today.

I think after this post I will change my user picture but not sure to what we shall see.
carolinian - 04/12/07 22:23
I sooo wanted to see that show. Leave it to me to be an idiot and forget that it was happening.

04/09/2007 19:33 #38823

Category: photos
I decided not to put up Bandits Pictures. I may also get into my what I want post as my next post. Tuesday is Billy Joel and it should be a blast. So hope you like the pictures everyone.

Some pictures from around Buffalo

A few pictures of My Sis's kitten in action

ladycroft - 04/09/07 20:18
you know peter, i seriously think you might be the guru of buffalo. every journal entry you're talking about the latest concert, festival, trail, bar, outdoor event...whatever it is - you're there!

04/07/2007 17:36 #38789

Sabres Grindhouse
Category: movies
Sabres win to claim Presidents' Trophy!!! I'm so glad the Sabres won today and will win the award for having the most points in the NHL. I have to admit I missed the Game Because I was at Grind House. The two movies started at noon and I got out about 20 after 3. For those that don't know it is a double feature as one movie. For those that didn't see it I don't want to give anything away. I think I kinda liked the first movie better but it did have some scenes that bothered me a little bit. If you Have not seen it and don't want to know anymore then don't read any further. One part that I thought was cool is how they had previews as part of the movie. I don't mean your normal previews before all movies but ones that where part of the movie itself. The thing I wonder about is that a couple of them where being done by Rob Zombie. I wonder if he will wind up making those movies it would be a cool way to do a spin off or if he has some of those movies allready planed out. In any event I had a good time and in a few minutes I'm off to the Bandits game. Oh yeah I think the sabres play on sunday around one again. Lets go Buffalo, Lets go Buffalo. Hope the rest of the weekend and for those of you who celebrate Dyngus day I hope that is good to.
metalpeter - 04/08/07 10:42
There isn't a break between them. There is what looks like a break if you where at a real double feature at a drive in but it is previews and I think one ad but it is all part of the movie. I will admit I watching the first Zombie kinda movie for a bit and it hits me wait there is a second movie coming on. But to me the time went by pretty fast. On a side note some of the actors on in both movies and there is one thing that I noticed that I won't mention here that I found odd about one of those characters. I don't know if it was done on purpose or if it was a flub.

On a side Note Happy Easter everyone . I was thinking about putting up a few pictures of hot ladies in easter bunny outfits but decided not to. But Mr. Mike (depending how you read it) does have a funny statement in chat "Happy Easter, peeps. Enjoy a peep in any sense today." Sounds to me like he is encouraging some fun behaivors (smile). Oh Yeah Bandits won and the Sopranos are on Tonight.
tiburon1724 - 04/07/07 21:15
is there a break between the two? I don't know if I can sit in a theater for 3 1/2 hrs!!

04/05/2007 19:10 #38761

Bisons Bandits Bday and Easter to
So last night I went out with the family to T.G.I fridays for my mothers birthday and had a good time downtown. When we went in it was raining and it was snowing when we came out. Yeah I'm kinda tired of the snow and cold but hopefully it will be over soon. The snow and wind wound up postponing the Bisons opening day game that I have a ticket to. I may try to go to the double header on friday. That reminds me on Saturday The Bandits play the Arizona Sting at home that will be a fun time. If memory serves me right Grindhouse opens up this weekend and I would like to see that also. Oh that reminds me does anyone know why on Cat house the series they don't show dick? Is it just me or does it seem weird or maybe it is just hard ones they don't show. You can see they are having sex and you know they are but the naked guy they kinda of blur it out. It is HBO after all and it has the highest rating you can get on tv. I also think that it is kinda unfair what if someone is watching it and enjoys seeing cock, weather it be a girl or guy. I assume it is cause they don't want to send the guys away from the show so they only want boobs shown. Or Maybe at some point they will sell the unrated DVDs. I have no idea why that came to mind it had nothing to do with what I was talking about. OH I know because I watched Penn and Teller's Bullshit on showtime that was about wal- mart and they have a series about the remaking of Debbie Does Dallas, again Not sure how graffic or non graffic they get. Well if I don't post again Hope everyone has a great weekend.

I think easter is this sunday, hope for those that celebrate it you have a nice one. That reminds me I saw an add for Buffalo's first Dingus Day parade on the back of Artvoice today. I wonder if it will be real small and how many people will show up to see it. Oh boy now that I'm onto easter I guess I gotta talk about South Park and the nude Jesus. First off all I have heard it said that the statue was anotomicly correct. I disagree for it to be that way we would have to know how long Jesus was and no one does. Why is there so much out cry? Arn't there all sorts of artistic statues that are nude. Today I did get to watch South Park and it was so funny. I will admit sometimes it isn't. Last weeks was a cool take off of 24 that was awesome but not really funny. It was a take off on the DaVinci code but St. Peter was a rabbit and there was a seceret society that protected the seceret it all starts out cause stan wants to know what dying eggs has to do with the lord. I know I found it funny. But what I wonder is how the people who got all upset over the DaVinci code would view it. Cause even though it does bash the movie it does also show how often people do things that have nothing to do with being a good Christian, in the name of the lord.

Ok now I hope everyone has a nice holiday or Holidays I should say and has a great weekend.