I have been meaning to go to Metallica.com to see if there is anything new with them. I found out today that they have started recording in the studio for a new CD. They are also having a short tour of Europe. It would be so awesome to not only go to Europe but to go see Metallica there, but that isn't going to happen. I forget the name of the exact tour but basicly it is called sick of the studio. What got me to go there today is an article I read on yahoo about a couple who wants to name there kid Metallica here is the story. I decided to put it in a box in stead of ""
[box] Couple fights to name baby 'Metallica' 1 hour, 4 minutes ago
STOCKHOLM, Sweden - Metallica may be a cool name for a heavy metal band, but a Swedish couple is struggling to convince officials it is also suitable for a baby girl.
Michael and Karolina Tomaro are locked in a court battle with Swedish authorities, which rejected their application to name their six-month-old child after the legendary rock band.
"It suits her," Karolina Tomaro, 27, said Tuesday of the name. "She's decisive and she knows what she wants."
Although little Metallica has already been baptized, the Swedish National Tax Board refused to register the name, saying it was associated with both the rock group and the word "metal."
Tomaro said the official handling the case also called the name "ugly."
The couple was backed by the County Administrative Court in Goteborg, which ruled on March 13 that there was no reason to block the name. It also noted that there already is a woman in Sweden with Metallica as a middle name.
The tax agency appealed to a higher court, frustrating the family's foreign travel plans.
"We've had to cancel trips and can't get anywhere because we can't get her a passport without an approved name," Tomaro said.
The Part I find strange is that a Government decides if a name is ok or not, if I understand that correctly. In this country we can name our kid Aquafina if we want or I have heard a rumor that there is a little girl out there named after an STD. My understanding is that the mother thought it was a pretty name and didn't know it was an STD. That poor child is going to grow up being made so much fun of and so will her mother. But that being said Bret Hart named one of his kids blade so that is just as bad I guess. I'm just glad we have the freedom to do that in our country.
Metalpeter's Journal
My Podcast Link
04/03/2007 18:48 #38732
MetallicaCategory: news
04/02/2007 19:02 #38721
West SideCategory: photos
here are a few Pictures from my Neck of the woods.

Oh yeah I had a fun time watching Wrestlemania Last night and 24 is on tonight Oh yeah and the Men Division 1 Mens Basketball finals are on tonight. In any event Hope you like the pictures. I don't know if you can tell but those flowers are very small but it is a close up in both pictures.

Oh yeah I had a fun time watching Wrestlemania Last night and 24 is on tonight Oh yeah and the Men Division 1 Mens Basketball finals are on tonight. In any event Hope you like the pictures. I don't know if you can tell but those flowers are very small but it is a close up in both pictures.
museumchick - 04/03/07 03:39
Those flowers are gorgeous:).
Those flowers are gorgeous:).
04/01/2007 12:02 #38708
Bandits ShamroxCategory: photos
So The Bandits Played the Shamrox who are one of the expansion teams and in the begining the Bandits where way ahead but Chicago did start to Make it interesting but in the end they could never catch up and the Bandits won. Before the game I went to Pearl St. and got the pregame buffet.
Here are some pictures from the Bandits game. I decided I would crop them just to cut down on the turf and fans and non important stuff. I did a little messing around. The photo program I used suggested I save them as png plus cause then it isn't a flat picture so I did save some like that but now those ones don't show up. So as a reminder to myself not to do that for (e:strip) again I'm going to leave up the notations Then there are also some non Bandits pictures also.

Here are some pictures from the Bandits game. I decided I would crop them just to cut down on the turf and fans and non important stuff. I did a little messing around. The photo program I used suggested I save them as png plus cause then it isn't a flat picture so I did save some like that but now those ones don't show up. So as a reminder to myself not to do that for (e:strip) again I'm going to leave up the notations Then there are also some non Bandits pictures also.
Missing Image ;(

Missing Image ;(

Missing Image ;(
Missing Image ;(
Missing Image ;(

Missing Image ;(
Missing Image ;(

03/30/2007 19:10 #38698
BoatCategory: dream
Firstly my lame ass should be going out but I won't be, I'm a little tired and there has been a lot of work this week to tire me out. Jackdaw is at the Mohawk at 10 and there is some event that sounds cool at Diablo. I will admit that the few times I remember my dreams they go by so quick I can never remember them but this morning I had one that I can't remember all of. I was on what seemed like one of those house boats from (e:pauls) pictures of SF and it was very huge. I think it might have even been two together. There where all these young (old enough to be legal and drink) ladies in Bikinis all over the boat and I couldn't find my way off the boat so I kept having to ask how to get to the exit door I did find my way out. But the part I can't remember anymore is if I stepped out onto sand or a boardwalk and I remember I saw someone I knew but can't remember who it was. The dream seemed to go on for some time. So I wake up look at the TV and there is an ad I mean infomercial for the new girls gone wild video it is the one with some members from the real world on it as hosts and has some name. So I'm guessing some of that got into my mind and the trying to find a way out was me trying to wake up and go to work but who knows.
metalpeter - 03/31/07 15:05
The sense that I get is that is was someone I know not sure if it was an (e:peep) or a member of my family, but I'm guessing if it was someone famous I would remember.
The sense that I get is that is was someone I know not sure if it was an (e:peep) or a member of my family, but I'm guessing if it was someone famous I would remember.
imk2 - 03/31/07 07:25
2 Pac!
2 Pac!
chico - 03/30/07 23:54
I think we should help fill in the blank in this story (i.e., the person metalpeter saw but couldn't remember)... I vote for Gary Coleman.
I think we should help fill in the blank in this story (i.e., the person metalpeter saw but couldn't remember)... I vote for Gary Coleman.
03/29/2007 19:06 #38684
Buffalo Chapter BLSCategory: concerts
Last night I went to see Black Label Society and had a great time. They where really good and really loud. It should be interesting to see when my one ear fixes itself and dosn't ring anymore. I forget the name of the opening band somethin like santuary or something like that they were pretty good to. The only thing is that it was hard to Here what Zakk was singing . I'm not sure if it was where I was standing that the drums where so loud. But to me his vocals and guitar kinda blended togather. I could here is voice but couldn't make out a lot of what he was saying, I wonder if I was the only one. Oh yeah one other cool thing is that I got to see some of the Hockey game before the concert then in between bands I got to see the end of the game. The Devils got that last second goal and could have tied it but feel short. On a side note I'm not a Devils fan, yeah I used to be for about a month years ago. But they do have a pretty cool Jersey and a pretty good goalie. Oh yeah back to my point one of the Members of BLS Wore a Sabres Jersey for Part of the show. It was the old one with the old symbol (not the blue and gold) of the buffalo. It was #81 it looked like it said Satan. If he where ever traded to the devils I would buy a home and away Jersey and wear it to every Metal or Hard rock show I could. That would be one hot seller. I know it is said like Sh in shit and Tan but still it is spelled Satan and on a Devils Jersey that would be preaty dam cool. Oh yeah back to BLS they did a nice tribute to "Dim Bag" it really was nice. I never take my camera to Town Ballroom because of the pat downs and not really sure if they are allowed I did see some people taking photos so Maybe I should have taken it, oh well.
On a different note:
Saturday Night I have a bandits game to go to so that should be fun vs. the Shamrox and I'm thinking maybe Friday go see Jackdaw but most likely I will just stay home but who knows. There is also some art show fashion show at Diablo that might be interesting not sure about that on friday. Then Sunday I will watch Wrestlemania Yeah it is expensive but it should be a great time. So I wish everyone a early happy weekend.
On a different note:
Saturday Night I have a bandits game to go to so that should be fun vs. the Shamrox and I'm thinking maybe Friday go see Jackdaw but most likely I will just stay home but who knows. There is also some art show fashion show at Diablo that might be interesting not sure about that on friday. Then Sunday I will watch Wrestlemania Yeah it is expensive but it should be a great time. So I wish everyone a early happy weekend.
My mom-in-law was a social worker for the schools and ran into a child who was named "Placenta." Apparently, there are no limits.