The Bandits did wind up winning the game last night and I had a good time and I shall put up some pictures from the game in random order but first here are the pictures of Downtown Buffalo I took before the game (also on my webshots page). Two of the pictures are of the new R2-D2 mailboxes .

I will admit that it would have been nice if the sabres and bandits would have won But I know that is unrealistic sometimes. But I had a good time here are some shots of the game and some of the Bandettes also.

Well I got a few error messages so Not sure what that is about but hopefully these pictures are a good asortment
Now that I look at that it does say fucktooth the way his jersey is wrinkled but I believe the way it is said is Bucktooth. In terms of being a Maple Leafs fan they often bother me and the same thing with Rock fans. There is often something obnoxious about the way they root on there team often. I'm not saying all there fans are like that. I myself am a Blue Jays fan myself. Don't get me wrong it is still fun to see a Leafs game. But I don't want anyone to think that is my team or any thing.
And just what would be so wrong with being thought of as a Leafs fan?? ;)
@ jenks: LOL!
Is that player's name Fucktooth?!