Sabres win to claim Presidents' Trophy!!! I'm so glad the Sabres won today and will win the award for having the most points in the NHL. I have to admit I missed the Game Because I was at Grind House. The two movies started at noon and I got out about 20 after 3. For those that don't know it is a double feature as one movie. For those that didn't see it I don't want to give anything away. I think I kinda liked the first movie better but it did have some scenes that bothered me a little bit. If you Have not seen it and don't want to know anymore then don't read any further. One part that I thought was cool is how they had previews as part of the movie. I don't mean your normal previews before all movies but ones that where part of the movie itself. The thing I wonder about is that a couple of them where being done by Rob Zombie. I wonder if he will wind up making those movies it would be a cool way to do a spin off or if he has some of those movies allready planed out. In any event I had a good time and in a few minutes I'm off to the Bandits game. Oh yeah I think the sabres play on sunday around one again. Lets go Buffalo, Lets go Buffalo. Hope the rest of the weekend and for those of you who celebrate Dyngus day I hope that is good to.
Metalpeter's Journal
My Podcast Link
04/07/2007 17:36 #38789
Sabres GrindhouseCategory: movies
04/05/2007 19:10 #38761
Bisons Bandits Bday and Easter to So last night I went out with the family to T.G.I fridays for my mothers birthday and had a good time downtown. When we went in it was raining and it was snowing when we came out. Yeah I'm kinda tired of the snow and cold but hopefully it will be over soon. The snow and wind wound up postponing the Bisons opening day game that I have a ticket to. I may try to go to the double header on friday. That reminds me on Saturday The Bandits play the Arizona Sting at home that will be a fun time. If memory serves me right Grindhouse opens up this weekend and I would like to see that also. Oh that reminds me does anyone know why on Cat house the series they don't show dick? Is it just me or does it seem weird or maybe it is just hard ones they don't show. You can see they are having sex and you know they are but the naked guy they kinda of blur it out. It is HBO after all and it has the highest rating you can get on tv. I also think that it is kinda unfair what if someone is watching it and enjoys seeing cock, weather it be a girl or guy. I assume it is cause they don't want to send the guys away from the show so they only want boobs shown. Or Maybe at some point they will sell the unrated DVDs. I have no idea why that came to mind it had nothing to do with what I was talking about. OH I know because I watched Penn and Teller's Bullshit on showtime that was about wal- mart and they have a series about the remaking of Debbie Does Dallas, again Not sure how graffic or non graffic they get. Well if I don't post again Hope everyone has a great weekend.
I think easter is this sunday, hope for those that celebrate it you have a nice one. That reminds me I saw an add for Buffalo's first Dingus Day parade on the back of Artvoice today. I wonder if it will be real small and how many people will show up to see it. Oh boy now that I'm onto easter I guess I gotta talk about South Park and the nude Jesus. First off all I have heard it said that the statue was anotomicly correct. I disagree for it to be that way we would have to know how long Jesus was and no one does. Why is there so much out cry? Arn't there all sorts of artistic statues that are nude. Today I did get to watch South Park and it was so funny. I will admit sometimes it isn't. Last weeks was a cool take off of 24 that was awesome but not really funny. It was a take off on the DaVinci code but St. Peter was a rabbit and there was a seceret society that protected the seceret it all starts out cause stan wants to know what dying eggs has to do with the lord. I know I found it funny. But what I wonder is how the people who got all upset over the DaVinci code would view it. Cause even though it does bash the movie it does also show how often people do things that have nothing to do with being a good Christian, in the name of the lord.
Ok now I hope everyone has a nice holiday or Holidays I should say and has a great weekend.
I think easter is this sunday, hope for those that celebrate it you have a nice one. That reminds me I saw an add for Buffalo's first Dingus Day parade on the back of Artvoice today. I wonder if it will be real small and how many people will show up to see it. Oh boy now that I'm onto easter I guess I gotta talk about South Park and the nude Jesus. First off all I have heard it said that the statue was anotomicly correct. I disagree for it to be that way we would have to know how long Jesus was and no one does. Why is there so much out cry? Arn't there all sorts of artistic statues that are nude. Today I did get to watch South Park and it was so funny. I will admit sometimes it isn't. Last weeks was a cool take off of 24 that was awesome but not really funny. It was a take off on the DaVinci code but St. Peter was a rabbit and there was a seceret society that protected the seceret it all starts out cause stan wants to know what dying eggs has to do with the lord. I know I found it funny. But what I wonder is how the people who got all upset over the DaVinci code would view it. Cause even though it does bash the movie it does also show how often people do things that have nothing to do with being a good Christian, in the name of the lord.
Ok now I hope everyone has a nice holiday or Holidays I should say and has a great weekend.
04/03/2007 18:48 #38732
MetallicaCategory: news
I have been meaning to go to to see if there is anything new with them. I found out today that they have started recording in the studio for a new CD. They are also having a short tour of Europe. It would be so awesome to not only go to Europe but to go see Metallica there, but that isn't going to happen. I forget the name of the exact tour but basicly it is called sick of the studio. What got me to go there today is an article I read on yahoo about a couple who wants to name there kid Metallica here is the story. I decided to put it in a box in stead of ""
[box] Couple fights to name baby 'Metallica' 1 hour, 4 minutes ago
STOCKHOLM, Sweden - Metallica may be a cool name for a heavy metal band, but a Swedish couple is struggling to convince officials it is also suitable for a baby girl.
Michael and Karolina Tomaro are locked in a court battle with Swedish authorities, which rejected their application to name their six-month-old child after the legendary rock band.
"It suits her," Karolina Tomaro, 27, said Tuesday of the name. "She's decisive and she knows what she wants."
Although little Metallica has already been baptized, the Swedish National Tax Board refused to register the name, saying it was associated with both the rock group and the word "metal."
Tomaro said the official handling the case also called the name "ugly."
The couple was backed by the County Administrative Court in Goteborg, which ruled on March 13 that there was no reason to block the name. It also noted that there already is a woman in Sweden with Metallica as a middle name.
The tax agency appealed to a higher court, frustrating the family's foreign travel plans.
"We've had to cancel trips and can't get anywhere because we can't get her a passport without an approved name," Tomaro said.
The Part I find strange is that a Government decides if a name is ok or not, if I understand that correctly. In this country we can name our kid Aquafina if we want or I have heard a rumor that there is a little girl out there named after an STD. My understanding is that the mother thought it was a pretty name and didn't know it was an STD. That poor child is going to grow up being made so much fun of and so will her mother. But that being said Bret Hart named one of his kids blade so that is just as bad I guess. I'm just glad we have the freedom to do that in our country.
[box] Couple fights to name baby 'Metallica' 1 hour, 4 minutes ago
STOCKHOLM, Sweden - Metallica may be a cool name for a heavy metal band, but a Swedish couple is struggling to convince officials it is also suitable for a baby girl.
Michael and Karolina Tomaro are locked in a court battle with Swedish authorities, which rejected their application to name their six-month-old child after the legendary rock band.
"It suits her," Karolina Tomaro, 27, said Tuesday of the name. "She's decisive and she knows what she wants."
Although little Metallica has already been baptized, the Swedish National Tax Board refused to register the name, saying it was associated with both the rock group and the word "metal."
Tomaro said the official handling the case also called the name "ugly."
The couple was backed by the County Administrative Court in Goteborg, which ruled on March 13 that there was no reason to block the name. It also noted that there already is a woman in Sweden with Metallica as a middle name.
The tax agency appealed to a higher court, frustrating the family's foreign travel plans.
"We've had to cancel trips and can't get anywhere because we can't get her a passport without an approved name," Tomaro said.
The Part I find strange is that a Government decides if a name is ok or not, if I understand that correctly. In this country we can name our kid Aquafina if we want or I have heard a rumor that there is a little girl out there named after an STD. My understanding is that the mother thought it was a pretty name and didn't know it was an STD. That poor child is going to grow up being made so much fun of and so will her mother. But that being said Bret Hart named one of his kids blade so that is just as bad I guess. I'm just glad we have the freedom to do that in our country.
mrmike - 04/04/07 15:35
My mom-in-law was a social worker for the schools and ran into a child who was named "Placenta." Apparently, there are no limits.
My mom-in-law was a social worker for the schools and ran into a child who was named "Placenta." Apparently, there are no limits.
04/02/2007 19:02 #38721
West SideCategory: photos
here are a few Pictures from my Neck of the woods.

Oh yeah I had a fun time watching Wrestlemania Last night and 24 is on tonight Oh yeah and the Men Division 1 Mens Basketball finals are on tonight. In any event Hope you like the pictures. I don't know if you can tell but those flowers are very small but it is a close up in both pictures.

Oh yeah I had a fun time watching Wrestlemania Last night and 24 is on tonight Oh yeah and the Men Division 1 Mens Basketball finals are on tonight. In any event Hope you like the pictures. I don't know if you can tell but those flowers are very small but it is a close up in both pictures.
museumchick - 04/03/07 03:39
Those flowers are gorgeous:).
Those flowers are gorgeous:).
04/01/2007 12:02 #38708
Bandits ShamroxCategory: photos
So The Bandits Played the Shamrox who are one of the expansion teams and in the begining the Bandits where way ahead but Chicago did start to Make it interesting but in the end they could never catch up and the Bandits won. Before the game I went to Pearl St. and got the pregame buffet.
Here are some pictures from the Bandits game. I decided I would crop them just to cut down on the turf and fans and non important stuff. I did a little messing around. The photo program I used suggested I save them as png plus cause then it isn't a flat picture so I did save some like that but now those ones don't show up. So as a reminder to myself not to do that for (e:strip) again I'm going to leave up the notations Then there are also some non Bandits pictures also.

Here are some pictures from the Bandits game. I decided I would crop them just to cut down on the turf and fans and non important stuff. I did a little messing around. The photo program I used suggested I save them as png plus cause then it isn't a flat picture so I did save some like that but now those ones don't show up. So as a reminder to myself not to do that for (e:strip) again I'm going to leave up the notations Then there are also some non Bandits pictures also.
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Missing Image ;(

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Missing Image ;(
Missing Image ;(

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Missing Image ;(

There isn't a break between them. There is what looks like a break if you where at a real double feature at a drive in but it is previews and I think one ad but it is all part of the movie. I will admit I watching the first Zombie kinda movie for a bit and it hits me wait there is a second movie coming on. But to me the time went by pretty fast. On a side note some of the actors on in both movies and there is one thing that I noticed that I won't mention here that I found odd about one of those characters. I don't know if it was done on purpose or if it was a flub.
On a side Note Happy Easter everyone . I was thinking about putting up a few pictures of hot ladies in easter bunny outfits but decided not to. But Mr. Mike (depending how you read it) does have a funny statement in chat "Happy Easter, peeps. Enjoy a peep in any sense today." Sounds to me like he is encouraging some fun behaivors (smile). Oh Yeah Bandits won and the Sopranos are on Tonight.
is there a break between the two? I don't know if I can sit in a theater for 3 1/2 hrs!!