Is it normal to think any guy you talk to for more than two minutes is a romantic prospect? I seem to be on my best behavior and trying hard to be extra witty when confronted with a half decent guy. Then they are typically taken, even the not so great looking ones! Even some guys I'd think, well this guy is too social awkward to have anyone. Pfft. Doesn't it seem like everyone else is an a relationship precisely when you're single? Sometimes I think its just me, but then wonder why certain sleaze bags are drawn like magnets. Ok, so maybe sleaze bags are drawn to anyone and everyone. So yeah, in conclusion, its me.
I'm finally done with classes!!! Have two finals next week and that's that. I start working at the Red Cross on the 14th now instead of this Monday. So another week without a paycheck... I need to cancel HBO or something. They always give the same tiring shit. Hey, do any of you know how to get illegal cable? Someone told me you just snap the filter off and there you go. But most likely its not that easy.
I gave my dog a bath today because when I came in from school, my apartment reeked of dog and I guess I didn't realize because I was basking in it all this time. I'm gonna try to bathe her twice a month. (I almost said "date her"- see where my head is? jeez)
I feel physically and emotionally drained. I need to relax-
hmm, hookah is no fun alone. But I think I'll do some tonight. Orange is my fav flavor.
Mastermindkg's Journal
My Podcast Link
05/04/2007 21:22 #39157
GreenCategory: fool
05/02/2007 15:47 #39130
ProcrastinitisCategory: school
So I went to Walgreen's today to buy a hand held vacuum for the dog hair all over. I hate seeing my old managers and answering questions of why I left without insulting them. How was I supposed to say I got sick of the managers riding their GED high horse and extra $1.25 an hour. Anyway, the vacuum sucks, like its so horrible I feel like returning it. But refuse to return so, guess thats a little cognitive dissonance for ya.
Yay! Just got a call from the Red Cross on Delaware, I start working there next week. Its only part time because I'm talking summer courses, but it beats Walgreen's.
I am taking this Advanced Writing course and the teacher doesn't check any of the work until the end when you have to hand in the final portfolio with all the essays. There are 5 essays, I did the first one and when the class realized he didn't check them and told us to save it, we didn't do any of the rest. Of course, now I am screwed because I have 4 essays to complete by Friday. I work well under pressure, so if I take my time outlining and carefully planning what I will say, I can spew out an essay every 25-40 minutes or so. (They only have to be 2-3 pages). He's an easy grader though, so I hear. One of those "Everyone gets an A for effort" professors. I wish I would have started sooner.
Next week is finals week. I'm not really stressed about it but I just want it all to be done so I can take my couple of weeks off before going back.
I was going to join the Buffalo Athletic Club, I called and asked for prices and they scheduled me for an appointment. I guess thats how expensive they are... too expensive to lose a sale without giving you a sales pitch first. I asked at school though and the gym is open all summer, and I'm already paying for the service so I might as well use the school gym.
I was telling (e:girlon8wheels) earlier how great swimming is for the body. After a week of swimming for about an hour or two, I got more toned than going to the gym for 2 weeks. Also, swimming is good for controlled breathing. So when I started swimming more often, I was able to stay on a treadmill for longer period of time before decreasing the speed, haha. I haven't done much of it lately though, so I hope the school pool will be open this summer. If not, do any of you know of a public or private pool in the area?
Why are all these sitcoms having Thanksgiving episodes around this time?
Yay! Just got a call from the Red Cross on Delaware, I start working there next week. Its only part time because I'm talking summer courses, but it beats Walgreen's.
I am taking this Advanced Writing course and the teacher doesn't check any of the work until the end when you have to hand in the final portfolio with all the essays. There are 5 essays, I did the first one and when the class realized he didn't check them and told us to save it, we didn't do any of the rest. Of course, now I am screwed because I have 4 essays to complete by Friday. I work well under pressure, so if I take my time outlining and carefully planning what I will say, I can spew out an essay every 25-40 minutes or so. (They only have to be 2-3 pages). He's an easy grader though, so I hear. One of those "Everyone gets an A for effort" professors. I wish I would have started sooner.
Next week is finals week. I'm not really stressed about it but I just want it all to be done so I can take my couple of weeks off before going back.
I was going to join the Buffalo Athletic Club, I called and asked for prices and they scheduled me for an appointment. I guess thats how expensive they are... too expensive to lose a sale without giving you a sales pitch first. I asked at school though and the gym is open all summer, and I'm already paying for the service so I might as well use the school gym.
I was telling (e:girlon8wheels) earlier how great swimming is for the body. After a week of swimming for about an hour or two, I got more toned than going to the gym for 2 weeks. Also, swimming is good for controlled breathing. So when I started swimming more often, I was able to stay on a treadmill for longer period of time before decreasing the speed, haha. I haven't done much of it lately though, so I hope the school pool will be open this summer. If not, do any of you know of a public or private pool in the area?
Why are all these sitcoms having Thanksgiving episodes around this time?
mrmike - 05/02/07 17:31
The Holiday Inn on Delaware sells pool members from memorial day through Labor
The Holiday Inn on Delaware sells pool members from memorial day through Labor
04/30/2007 23:56 #39113
Out & AboutCategory: adventure
So today (because I suddenly had nothing to do) I decided to do what (e:joshua,39105) said and enjoy the day. I got Roxy ready and took her to that small grass area on Richmond and North. I was almost to the bank on Main st. when I realized I forgot my ATM. So we walked back. That was my biggest adventure today. But- I took pictures!

These are two of my favorite buildings around here.

Since you guys post pics of your fancy square plates of art or calorie rich burgers, below was my dinner for tonight.
50 calories a tbsp x 2 tbsps a cracker x infinite crackers= 50x2xinfinity=expanding waistline^2

These are two of my favorite buildings around here.

Since you guys post pics of your fancy square plates of art or calorie rich burgers, below was my dinner for tonight.
50 calories a tbsp x 2 tbsps a cracker x infinite crackers= 50x2xinfinity=expanding waistline^2

fairyastara - 05/09/07 20:05
Thank's for the warm welcome, sorry you feel the need to leave unkind remarks.
Thank's for the warm welcome, sorry you feel the need to leave unkind remarks.
jason - 05/01/07 15:39
Wow, that's still more of a meal than what I usually eat.
Wow, that's still more of a meal than what I usually eat.
mastermindkg - 05/01/07 10:57
Please no more torture! haha. Grill? Unless I'm right next to you taking the picture about to eat then- I dont wanna see!! The only reason my pots look worn is because I do dishes ever other week and the gunk stayed on so long I end up scraping the pot. haha.
Very cool Paul, I think the Butler Mansion looks a lot better than what they had before. Was that a picture you took or did you find it somewhere? Because my camera did such a shitty job compared to how it could look. Hopefully I don't go into real estate with it.
If you love seeing pictures of food, especially food that doesn't cost very much or take very long to make then, I'll post some!
Man, I need a homecooked meal.
Please no more torture! haha. Grill? Unless I'm right next to you taking the picture about to eat then- I dont wanna see!! The only reason my pots look worn is because I do dishes ever other week and the gunk stayed on so long I end up scraping the pot. haha.
Very cool Paul, I think the Butler Mansion looks a lot better than what they had before. Was that a picture you took or did you find it somewhere? Because my camera did such a shitty job compared to how it could look. Hopefully I don't go into real estate with it.
If you love seeing pictures of food, especially food that doesn't cost very much or take very long to make then, I'll post some!
Man, I need a homecooked meal.
joshua - 05/01/07 10:21
Ha - one of these days I'm going to take pictures of whats on my grill.
Ha - one of these days I'm going to take pictures of whats on my grill.
paul - 05/01/07 09:23
I love you food pics. They are like the complete opposite of my 3000 calorie ones. I always wonder why more people don't post about the food they eat. I think it is fun to look back and see.
The butler mansion is right near our house. I wrote about it and what used to be there back in February. :::link:::
I love you food pics. They are like the complete opposite of my 3000 calorie ones. I always wonder why more people don't post about the food they eat. I think it is fun to look back and see.
The butler mansion is right near our house. I wrote about it and what used to be there back in February. :::link:::
04/30/2007 13:50 #39104
Yet againCategory: fool
After being canceled on four times in the past week, yet again, I am sitting around waiting for this guy I met last weekend. We were supposed to hang out last Sunday, then we were on for Monday, Then I got a "definitely Wednesday night"- and definitely not! The next day (Thursday) we made plans for today around 2pm. I haven't spoken to him since then and now 20 mins to 2, no answer, not online and just- i dunno.
I feel dumb for even expecting him to show up. It's not like he's avoiding me, because he does speak to me pretty often. But who knows. Maybe he forgot, or just doesn't care. Hopefully there won't be another post about me waiting for him. I'm not used to being canceled on (mostly because no one ever makes plans with me) and I hate chasing after someone who seems to have more important things.
Who knows, maybe he''ll show up, we'll go out and have a great time
...and then I wake up.
I feel dumb for even expecting him to show up. It's not like he's avoiding me, because he does speak to me pretty often. But who knows. Maybe he forgot, or just doesn't care. Hopefully there won't be another post about me waiting for him. I'm not used to being canceled on (mostly because no one ever makes plans with me) and I hate chasing after someone who seems to have more important things.
Who knows, maybe he''ll show up, we'll go out and have a great time
...and then I wake up.
mastermindkg - 05/01/07 12:58
I suppose you're right, Jason. But it still sucks.
I suppose you're right, Jason. But it still sucks.
jason - 04/30/07 14:33
You see, the angler cannot simply jerk the line excitedly, letting the fish know how much he wants to catch her. No, she always resists and fights, wanting things to be on her terms. This is bad technique.
The better way is to pull hard sometimes, and then other times let the line loose to give her space. This lets her know she is wanted but also lets her know he is independent of her completely, and is not a pushover.
This breaks down her resistance, and makes it easier to get his hands on her. Women want a strong man, someone who knows how to take control of a situation when he needs to. This works more often than not.
Hang in there, and don't sweat it - flakes come in all flavors. Having someone who wants you is worth the patience.
You see, the angler cannot simply jerk the line excitedly, letting the fish know how much he wants to catch her. No, she always resists and fights, wanting things to be on her terms. This is bad technique.
The better way is to pull hard sometimes, and then other times let the line loose to give her space. This lets her know she is wanted but also lets her know he is independent of her completely, and is not a pushover.
This breaks down her resistance, and makes it easier to get his hands on her. Women want a strong man, someone who knows how to take control of a situation when he needs to. This works more often than not.
Hang in there, and don't sweat it - flakes come in all flavors. Having someone who wants you is worth the patience.
04/29/2007 21:10 #39095
Roxy and stuffCategory: dog
I moved to the neigborhood in January and after a failed relationship (second one this year), I decided to get a dog. I got Roxy (Originally named Gretched) from the SPCA. She's a two and a total sweetheart. She keeps me company and always sits at my feet. I just adore her. At least now I have an excuse to leave the house for walks. She's pretty playful with other dogs as well. Everyone says to go to Delaware Park to have her socialized with other dogs but it's too far off. She gets tons of attention, which she loves. I'm lucky she came house trained.
Here are some pics! She is Siberian Husky/Golden Retriever

Here are some pics! She is Siberian Husky/Golden Retriever

That's a good idea I guess, if you're a carefree type of girl. My problem is I can't manage to keep a guy. If I try to be carefree, it won't last very long. Then it becomes like a total shocker, and maybe that's how the problems start- in my case. :(
WAIT- I think I read that wrong, Jason. I see what you mean. It IS very true that girls need to be reassured in their relationships. If we are with a guy who doesn't get much attention from the ladies, then it's not as much. I HATE dating really cute guys, not because of them, but because I drive myself crazy thinking that someone thinner and prettier will come along and whisk him away.
Having a girl who adores you means not caring what other girls think of you. You don't need to impress them - you already have some sugar waiting at home! So why not adopt a carefree attitude towards life? It's easy to be happy that way.
It just happens to be that girls like guys who adopt this attitude from time to time. I don't know why. Maybe because they stress out about every little thing and need that calming effect. Whatever the explanation, it works.
I think I get what you mean MetalPeter. I just wish it were easier, less circles, more straight forward. Also, for whatever reason, its good for a girl to know she is desired, single or straight, whether she likes you or not. Girls subconsciously try to get guys to like them, either to turn them down or just tell others about it. The more desired a girl is, the more of a favor she'll be doing YOU if you date her. Weird, eh?
Onto the HBO thing I can understand if you aren't into there movies but they do have a lot of great series (not that I'm into all of them) The Wire, Sopranos, Real sex and a lot of of documentaries in that show up every so often, Entourage.
I have found that the ladies who I have meet in curtain circumstances are more open and talk a lot more and give you more attention if they are taken. I wonder if the same thing is true with us guys. I think maybe it has something to do with the fact that flirting or dating advice or sex talk or just normal conversations are easier since there are no hangups. OR if the person says something they don't have to worry because looking like a fool doesn't matter to someone you aren't interested in. I know what I mean but don't know if it is coming across clearly.
just about everyone here is single too.
Yeah, I think you're right James. The only show on there I like is Big Love- and now that I have Netflix, I could care less about those crappy movies that are on for a month.
(e:jim) and I do not have cable, basic or otherwise. But we do keep up on a few shows that we really like including a few HBO series. Oh yes, tis a pirate's life for me. We watched Rome almost entirly through piracy and are finishing up Deadwood that way. Even if you like the innumerable CSI spinoffs you can pirate them. So if you have internet access (you do) then you can kiss calbe TV goodbye.
si, i have orange apple, strawberry and mango
orange? now im all curious!