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06/30/2007 17:37 #39867

Osbourne , Virgin
Category: events
I got to the square early on Thursday so I decided to take a few pictures. I saw that they where Knocking Down that building across from the Statler Towers so I took some pictures of that also. I know that the flower pictures aren't as good as (e:mathews)'s but I just don't have that type of picture vision but I hope they look good at least.


For some reason I can't remember the name of the openning band. I liked them, what ever they where called. I was on the left side of the grass and was surpised by how many people where cheering them like they new who they where and that a few people put chairs right up by the stage. I did like the fact that there where only two bands. One advantage of that is that both bands can play for longer. In terms of Osborne I think I new 3 of her songs. I thought she was very good. The one thing that kinda surprised me was that she didn't save "one of us" for the encore. With her going a little bit passed 9pm and my left leg was tired I just went home and didn't try to see Jeff Martin.


Friday night I lost my Bar virginity twice or I should say in two different ways I guess. Somebody I know was playing at the Tudor Lounge. It is next to Laughlins that many years ago was The Sancturay (I wish I would have gotten to see that Vampire sex I heard was there). I had a good time I belive the band was called the Marvels. I would call there music blues. I had a very good time. The Bartender was a nice distraction also she was very tan with a great rack and very pretty. She had that same kind of look that you see in a lot of porn stars. I'm not saying she was one but there is that certain look that some of them go for.

On my way home I went to Allen St. Hardware. Yes I lost my Allen St. Bar virginity. I admit there have been times I was going to go see a band or performance at Niethches but I would allways miss it somehow. They have a nice (i guess) jazz band with a keyboardest and what looks like a sax, hey it is a brass wind insturement is all I know. I had a nice melow time in there and would go back. The only thing is it seems kinda small. I saw people at tables so do they serve food in there? Of course there where some lovely ladies in there. This one girl had a neat looking tattoo but not really sure if I would have asked her about it would that be rude or not. I do have to admit that I didn't lose my Allen St. Hardware virginity though I was in there once years ago when it was a hardware store. As much as I do want to go back there is one thing that makes me not want to. I saw online that late last night someone who lives on York (my street) had a pistol pulled on them at symphony circle that is right how I walked home I'm guessing a few hours before that.

I hope everyone has a great rest of there weekend. Oh I almost forgot I saw the new Die Hard movie and liked it a lot. The one thing I wonder is there was no nudity and enough violance to give it a PG-13, I wonder if it would have been possible to get an R and how much more violance they would have, had to have. I thought Kevin Smith did a good job in his roll and really liked the entire thing.
metalpeter - 07/01/07 11:32
The statue step I would think would be the best place to see a show from. I have never made it there. I would think that other then sitting on such a hard surface unless you stood the entire time it would also be the safest place. I only mention the safety part becasue of the crowd surfing that sometimes happens. I also believe the Jackdaw/Drop Kick Murhphys show may get a little crazzy.

I thought Die Hard was very good hope you get out to see it soon. I will check out the link you provided when I'm not listening to a webcast. Before diehard they had a preview for Hitman. I have never played the video game and they didn't say it was based of the game but it looks like a nice violant movie, I wonder if it even has a plot.
theecarey - 06/30/07 21:35
Will Hoge was the first performer.

From where you were, you wouldnt have seen the Air Band I wrote about. The guy (then later guys) were on the right side, next to the stage. We sat up on the statue/steps area, and therefor saw everything.

Die Hard was good? glad to hear. Still need to get out to see it. For another cheesy action flick, I saw the trailer to new movie, "Shoot 'em Up".

06/27/2007 17:56 #39831

Joan Martin
On thursday I'm going to the square. I admit I only know that one Joan Osborne song. I just hope if it rains that it does it in the morning and not during the show. That same night at Towne Ballroom is Jeff Martin formly of the Tea Party and Klear is opening up for him. Not sure if there is another opener or not. I gotta look up what time that show is cause maybe after Osbourne I would be able to catch some of the Jeff Martin show if he isn't on stage yet. We shall see what happens.
theecarey - 06/27/07 22:07
OOh, I dig Joan Osborne. I have that one cd (what is it?).. and I havent been keeping up with her at all over the years. But that one cd (gah, whats it called??) I have was good. I should dust it off and take a listen before I go tomorrow.

maybe catch ya there!

06/25/2007 19:29 #39804

Asain Sunday?
Category: tv
So Yesterday on DVD I watched the Peking Acrobats. I got it at "The Fair" last summer. The stunts they do are pretty cool. Some of it is diving through hops, doing tricks on chairs and all kinds of different acts. You can hear Chinese music playing and there are band credits but you never see them. The music got me thinking I think it would be a cool idea to play Traditional Chinese music as hard rock or even Metal, I have no idea how it would be done but it could be pretty cool. Maybe it could be some type of mash up. The next thing I watched was "The Protector " that was a neat Martial arts movie. I like that it went it a different way. Those who are into fighting sports know of a fighting type called Maui Thai. I have seen a few fights on a reality show and it looks pretty brutal to me. The basic of the story is that Kings get power from elephants. Ok not a big elephant fan but that is a pretty interesting idea. So there are these protectors who protect the elephants because of there one weakness. As in a lot of Kung Fu movies the bad guys are never rightous and greedy and aren't even close to being good. They wind up taking the elephants so the protector goes to get his elephants back. There is a lot of fighting. One thing I found cool was that when bones break you here the snap and almost maybe even a crackle. I won't give away the ending for anyone who hasn't seen it. But one thing I will say is that it does look like some of it was really shot in Thailand with Asian elephants the one elephant kinda has a look like he is sad but maybe that has something to do with his coloring. The big elephant has tusks often you don't see that.

There is so much good and interesting TV on Sunday night it can't all be watched. Tonight I'll catch up on Entourage and Flight of the Con-chords. I have allways been a Fan of the Series the Dead Zone it is pretty cool and it seems like they are taking the show in another direction and I like that direction it is going in. I will admit that I'm not sure about "John from Cincinatti". I like the show but it is weird and takes some time to warm up to. The positives it is about surfing and has a great cast; Luke Perry, Ed O'neil, Rebeca De Mora, and a few other actors I have seen before but who's names I don't know. Then on Showtime there is a series called Medowlands. It is a suburb but it seems as if everyone there is in some kind of witness protection. But it is very dark and people have secerts and one lady is sleeping around. What I find interesting also is I assume it is in America but I think that is wrong because it sounds like everyone is British. I'm sure over time more will be found out. I should do a little research on my own and find out.

06/18/2007 17:26 #39719

Ramble on things to come
Category: events
Why am I inside when it is gorgeous out. Oh yeah cause I don't know where to hang out, out side I guess. I'm looking forward to Seeing Bill Maher on friday. I have seen some of his comedy and I think it is funny, so I hope it is a great night. I wish I could report on all the amazing concerts and shows coming to this area but that would be impossible you pretty much have to read the Gusto, Artvoice and other papers to see everything that is going on, on a weekly basis. This just covers Buffalo then you have Rochester (assuming you drive) and Toronto. If a band you like isn't coming to Buffalo then they maybe going to the place at Canada's Wonderland. I also thought that I should mention that I think in August the CNE or as it is now called The EX is in Toronto I believe I haven't been to that in a long time, I should really look that up. I have no idea if they are still playing but Toronto has a MLS soccer team who plays at a Soccer only stadium. I believe that stadum is on the CNE grounds. I have no idea what I'm doing for the 4th of July if anything Maybe I'll just go see "The Transformers". Also in August is Americas Fair and that has I think 3 events in the grand stand I want to see. But the next concert for me is Thursday "The Violent Fems". Yeah so I don't know any of there music but maybe I'll just take pictures of the crowd. June 28th Jeff Martin of From the Tea Party is coming back I would like to see him again but I gotta remember to get tickets. I think in Aug. Margaret Cho is coming to Kleinhans. I have seen her on TV and sometimes she is very funny so that is another thing to check into. One thing that i like about Buffalo is that there is so much to do. The one problem is that some TV shows like the Dead Zone start up and other shows and if they are shows you like it is hard to see them when there is so much fun stuff to do. I know another sort of boaring post. But when you wake up early for work you can't be going out drinking till you puke on a hot chick.

06/23/2007 15:35 #39786

The Fems
Category: photos
On Thursday I had a good time at the square. I enjoyed all 3 bands The opening band was called The Rev and the Headliners where the Violent Fems. I thought the fems where very good even with only like knowing one of there songs. I ran into (e:chico) there and we talked for a few. Again when I run into someone the camera doesn't take pictures cause you are just thinking about talking. Here are some pictures that kinda reflect the scene. I didn't get any the middle band who was pretty good also, I guess you have to be to win a Juno award.

This first picture was a tester from my house since the multiple upload wasn't working but now it is.
That is the Rath Building before the show and nice flower shots also.

I few pictures of The Rev (firefox and (e:strip) are acting starnge today everything just got huge)

Now some pictures of the scene.


The violent fems hit the stage.

I have this thing for tattoos assuming they are good ones on girls. I couldn't see what the symbol was but I believe it said Fuck Love.

Well I hope the entire post is here since I had to restore backup cause my stupid sister wants to play game and put the cat on me and the cats feet are all over the keyboard. In any event I had a good time on Thursday. Oh yeah and Bill Maher was funny last night. A lot of his jokes I had heard before but still very funny. Oh yeah on a side note if you can't go out to drink than walking past bars can be kinda depressing, I learned that on Thursday. But i did check out someone I knew who was playing at OPM so that was fun.
3 pictures I missed. in the conffussion:

imk2 - 06/25/07 22:14
''my stupid sister wants to play''

that's so cute. it's funny that you would still talk about you sister like that. I never had any siblings' so I have no idea about the dynamics of a brother and sister relationship but it still seems endearing to me to see you get frustrated with her.