For some reason I can't remember the name of the openning band. I liked them, what ever they where called. I was on the left side of the grass and was surpised by how many people where cheering them like they new who they where and that a few people put chairs right up by the stage. I did like the fact that there where only two bands. One advantage of that is that both bands can play for longer. In terms of Osborne I think I new 3 of her songs. I thought she was very good. The one thing that kinda surprised me was that she didn't save "one of us" for the encore. With her going a little bit passed 9pm and my left leg was tired I just went home and didn't try to see Jeff Martin.

Friday night I lost my Bar virginity twice or I should say in two different ways I guess. Somebody I know was playing at the Tudor Lounge. It is next to Laughlins that many years ago was The Sancturay (I wish I would have gotten to see that Vampire sex I heard was there). I had a good time I belive the band was called the Marvels. I would call there music blues. I had a very good time. The Bartender was a nice distraction also she was very tan with a great rack and very pretty. She had that same kind of look that you see in a lot of porn stars. I'm not saying she was one but there is that certain look that some of them go for.
On my way home I went to Allen St. Hardware. Yes I lost my Allen St. Bar virginity. I admit there have been times I was going to go see a band or performance at Niethches but I would allways miss it somehow. They have a nice (i guess) jazz band with a keyboardest and what looks like a sax, hey it is a brass wind insturement is all I know. I had a nice melow time in there and would go back. The only thing is it seems kinda small. I saw people at tables so do they serve food in there? Of course there where some lovely ladies in there. This one girl had a neat looking tattoo but not really sure if I would have asked her about it would that be rude or not. I do have to admit that I didn't lose my Allen St. Hardware virginity though I was in there once years ago when it was a hardware store. As much as I do want to go back there is one thing that makes me not want to. I saw online that late last night someone who lives on York (my street) had a pistol pulled on them at symphony circle that is right how I walked home I'm guessing a few hours before that.
I hope everyone has a great rest of there weekend. Oh I almost forgot I saw the new Die Hard movie and liked it a lot. The one thing I wonder is there was no nudity and enough violance to give it a PG-13, I wonder if it would have been possible to get an R and how much more violance they would have, had to have. I thought Kevin Smith did a good job in his roll and really liked the entire thing.
The statue step I would think would be the best place to see a show from. I have never made it there. I would think that other then sitting on such a hard surface unless you stood the entire time it would also be the safest place. I only mention the safety part becasue of the crowd surfing that sometimes happens. I also believe the Jackdaw/Drop Kick Murhphys show may get a little crazzy.
I thought Die Hard was very good hope you get out to see it soon. I will check out the link you provided when I'm not listening to a webcast. Before diehard they had a preview for Hitman. I have never played the video game and they didn't say it was based of the game but it looks like a nice violant movie, I wonder if it even has a plot.
Will Hoge was the first performer.
From where you were, you wouldnt have seen the Air Band I wrote about. The guy (then later guys) were on the right side, next to the stage. We sat up on the statue/steps area, and therefor saw everything.
Die Hard was good? glad to hear. Still need to get out to see it. For another cheesy action flick, I saw the trailer to new movie, "Shoot 'em Up".