The above link leads to my garden walk pictures on webshots.com I wish I had time to put them all up. So for now just a sampling of the pictures I took.
This First set is what I took pictures of last it is at the place across from walgreens and is much bigger then it looks I think it is a pretty cool place.

My walk did take me down to Massachutes and around the west side and I had forgoten what the hood was like. There where some amazing houses on orton st. near klenhans and allen.

I hope you guys and gals like the pictures and I hope everyone had a great weekend.
Damn, I missed the one opposite walgreens. Looks gorgeous! Thanks for posting them! At least now I know what they look like.
Those are really great pictures. Makes me miss Buffalo. Sniff sniff..
Those are nice. Wish I had time for the garden walk this year. I only went once. I really like that mint colored house (2nd to last)
I admit that I don't play golf, I like mini golf so I could use that putting green also. That yard was really big If I rember correctly they had a water gaden of some kind in the front of there back yard. This one house on richmond I think had a a pool and maybe and inground hot tub kinda connected and then the entire area was covered with flowers. There was no way I was going to take a picture of that since there where people in the pool. I wish I could publish them all on here. Well maybe I'll do a part two but if you like flowers enough there is always my webshots page also.
Nice pictures, Peter. Thanks for sharing. Funny about the one with the golf hole... looks like my dad's dream.