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08/10/2007 19:29 #40482

MIA Saturday
Category: events
On Saturday I'm going out to the Fair Grounds to see Music Is Art. I know it won't be as good as previous years or at least that is what I assume but I'll still have a good time and take a bunch of pictures. Like previous years most of the bands I don't know there music. But part of it is to go see music I don't know and see other art as well. Last year I bought a couple of awesome pieces of art. I wish that they where having it for two days and in the city but I also understand that, that isn't and wasn't going to be a reality for this year. I hope it can go back to how it should be for next year. I'm sure I'll have a lot of pictures to post on Sunday or monday. The thing that is weird is that I have gotten so much more info (not that I can remember it) at their myspace page. The entertainment I think was listed in Sunday's paper if I remember correctly. In any event It will be a good time and If you are one of those people who don't really dig the fair Saturday is a good day to go and do the Fair and MIA. Also I believe at the Fair Grounds Grandstand the band Foghat performs for free. Ok hope everyone has a great weekend and Go bills!!!!!!!
metalpeter - 08/11/07 14:35
I forgot to say I'm having a good time even though most of the music i don't know. Yeah there has been some good music and dance and has been a lot of fun and there is this cool painting of totems and I bought some stuff to. But there is still a part of me that wishes it was in the city. Wish everyone has a great weekend at what ever activity they are doing (herd there is a bunch of them).
metalpeter - 08/11/07 14:27
the weird thing is that Foghat is supposed to start at 7pm and MIA will still be going on. So I will be at MIA I would think balancing the music so no one at either places hears the others might be tough I glad I'm not the one to do that. Ok so it might not be as tough as I think.
chico - 08/11/07 09:29
Holy shit, FOGHAT. "Slow Ride", "Fool for the City", "I Just Wanna Make Love to You", "Home in My Hand", "Road Fever", "Stone Blue"... I can't even believe it. I LOVE Foghat but can't be there tonight. Lonesome Dave Peverett is long since dead but I guess some of those guys still get out and play. (e:metalpeter), you MUST listen and enjoy on my behalf.

08/04/2007 14:28 #40378

Busy Aug.
Category: events
I'm not sure why but it all ways seems that of the Summer months August is the busiest. First of all this weekend is the Summer X games not that I'm there but I'm watching them. Then Monday I'm Going to RAW at HSBC Arena. Aug 11th is MIA at the Erie County Fair. Also at the fair on the 15th is Freestyle Motor Cross then on that Friday Daughtry and 12 Stones and then Sat. is the Bus Derby. The bus derby isn't only buses smashing each other but that is the reason I'm going. The thing that is nice about the fair is that there is things for everyone. If you don't like the rides then you might like the games, or shows, or animal things or the shopping. That's right the shopping. There are vendors selling all kinds of stuff. Then that next week I'm going to see Margaret Cho on the 21st. I hope she is funny, some of her stuff is ok and then some it if is super funny. A few days later I'm going to the ball park brawl. That is Wrestling Matches following a Bisons game it is fun. Granted a lot of the wrestlers I have never heard of but some of them I have and are fans of. I don't think I'm going to make it see "We will Rock You" I can't figure out a time to go. But who knows maybe I'll get lucky and get up to Toronto again before summer ends.
metalpeter - 08/05/07 11:31
I will admit the first year I went to it I wasn't sure what it was and then when I got there found out it was a bus Demolition Derby. I think they also have other racing in figure 8's. I can't remember how much it is but it includes getting into the fair. Or if you (or anyone not you specficly) is in the fair allready you can get a ticket for anything at the grandstand. I do have pictures on I think my journal somewhere or on my webshots page but not sure how well they translate. It is one of those things that the sound is important in.
jbeatty - 08/05/07 11:24
Wow a bus derby sounds like a really good idea.

07/31/2007 18:34 #40331

Goodyear? Football
Category: events
Today when I got home I saw the goodyear blimp in the sky over the west side so I took a few photos that I will post. Not sure how good they are. I went to their site and went to a couple News sites and none of them mentioned it being here. Does anyone know if it is here for a reason or was it passing through to get to some place else? I know that when it stays in one place there is some reason for it but it was on the move when I saw it. Hopefully if I watch the News tonight maybe they might know. Also did any other (e:peeps) see it.


The reason for my original post was to let people know about some sports that are coming up this weekend. I got an email saying that the NFL network will be Carrying A footballl game I believe on Sunday it should be the Hall of Fame game. Also on Thursday night the TV Coverage of the X-Games begings. Sometimes the sports change so I'm not sure what all the events are but watching them is allways fun. If there are any racing fans out there I'm pretty sure they will still be doing rally car. Then they allways have skateboard, BMX and Motocross events of some kind. I'm sure has more info and maybe even may also.
metalpeter - 08/01/07 09:39
In terms of how they work I really don't know expect I think they float. I'm not sure if they use the same pricipials as hot air baloons of the air in them being lighter then the air below them or not. I never did see the news last night but in the Buffalo News picture page it says it was here to go to Prior Avation but the story doesn't get any deeper then that.
libertad - 07/31/07 21:29
Interesting. I am so amazed by blimps, because I have no idea how they work. Who knows what they are doing?
boxerboi - 07/31/07 20:19
I saw it as I was leaving work too.

07/30/2007 19:21 #40316

Carvings at City Hall
Category: photos

Before the square on Thursday I checked out some carvings that they have currently in the circle in front of City Hall. They have some that need support and then there is one that you can guess who it is. I guessed wrong according to the e-mail I got back. Here are the pictures I took.

Well I went to use the multiple upload tool and when I opened up my pictures none of them showed up so something is wrong there.


Well I left firefox and tried in MSN and it is working now so not sure what the problem is really. So here are a few more of Downtown Buffalo.

metalpeter - 07/31/07 17:36
I couldn't remember if the building was being torn down for a new courthouse or if it was for the new building that they guy who owns the Statler wanted to build. But now that you say that I do remember that it is the courthouse. In terms of the history of that building. I know at one time it was a Theatre of some kind and then the building was added onto but for what purpose I don't remember. I do know that they did stop or hold of of tearing it down so they could take some historic stuff out of the building (not sure what exactly).

In terms of the carvings they have been in two spots that I know of. I first saw the Bear I believe in front of WGRZ chanel 2 and I think Frank Lyod Wright was with him. I think I may have put those pictures up. I know I did post when two of the carvings where by Nextar on Elmwood kinda across from KFC and the Gas Station. I don't remember all the details of how they move them other then by truck and that you can pay to have them infront of your business and or inside also. If memory serves you rent them sort of and it is more to have them inside. There is more info at there web site
jim - 07/31/07 09:31
They are tearing it down to build a new court house.
libertad - 07/31/07 09:04
i love those carvingz
tinypliny - 07/30/07 20:27
What was that building that is being torn down and why? Would you happen to know?
tinypliny - 07/30/07 20:25
Some of these look familiar. For eg. the bear. I think I saw them on Elmwood (and on your journal, sometime back) - did they drag them all the way from Elmwood to the downtown square?

07/29/2007 18:09 #40299

Garden Walk
Category: photos

The above link leads to my garden walk pictures on I wish I had time to put them all up. So for now just a sampling of the pictures I took.

This First set is what I took pictures of last it is at the place across from walgreens and is much bigger then it looks I think it is a pretty cool place.


My walk did take me down to Massachutes and around the west side and I had forgoten what the hood was like. There where some amazing houses on orton st. near klenhans and allen.


I hope you guys and gals like the pictures and I hope everyone had a great weekend.
tinypliny - 07/30/07 20:20
Damn, I missed the one opposite walgreens. Looks gorgeous! Thanks for posting them! At least now I know what they look like.
hodown - 07/30/07 15:58
Those are really great pictures. Makes me miss Buffalo. Sniff sniff..
libertad - 07/29/07 22:24
Those are nice. Wish I had time for the garden walk this year. I only went once. I really like that mint colored house (2nd to last)
metalpeter - 07/29/07 20:54
I admit that I don't play golf, I like mini golf so I could use that putting green also. That yard was really big If I rember correctly they had a water gaden of some kind in the front of there back yard. This one house on richmond I think had a a pool and maybe and inground hot tub kinda connected and then the entire area was covered with flowers. There was no way I was going to take a picture of that since there where people in the pool. I wish I could publish them all on here. Well maybe I'll do a part two but if you like flowers enough there is always my webshots page also.
leetee - 07/29/07 18:18
Nice pictures, Peter. Thanks for sharing. Funny about the one with the golf hole... looks like my dad's dream.