I"m not sure why Birds and Rabbits where in the same building, the only thing I can think of is that it is because they where all caged.

Interesting Horses (to me atleast)

this next set of pictures is from 2 different days. There was a new thing where you could pet a sting ray, my sister touched one but there was no way I was going to. Those aren't the only animals they had there but they where the main attraction.

I Don't think it was there the entire time of the fair but I'm not sure on Friday i noticed a place called Nickel City Exotics. I have to admit paying the dollar it cost to see all the animals was worth it, what a deal. Some of them where really active and it was just fun to watch them run around.

It is at this point that I think I will include animals that are in the Parade that they have at about 5pm. I just wish I was Quick enough to grab a picture of the birds they release at the start of the parade. They won't all be parade animals but they will be included.

I'm not sure how well you can see it or not but on those last two shots that is a butterfly I wish I was quick enough to catch it flying. There may be a part 2 to this of pictures from the fair itself and not just the animals we shall see. I hope everyone had a great weekend.
Watching the lemur run around was fun. I didn't get a picture that showed really the underside of there hands or paws not sure what you call that but it is all black and looks really cool. For any of the animals you could touch there where all kinds of signs about making sure to clean your hands after touching them and I think they had washing stuff at most of the places. Someone else told me the stingrays had the part that stings you removed but not sure if I believe that. There was a sign that said at your own risk and there was a no touch area. Someone else told me that since they and hand feed when they see your hand that is why they come see you. So I guess that means they are safe. Again I'm not sure, that is why I didn't pet them but they do look pretty cool. I know there are different kinds of them but don't know enough about them. Glad you liked the pictures.
Pet the sting ray? did they have piranhas to cuddle with too?? Love all the animal pics. The ring tail lemur is neat to look at :)
The animals are the best part of the fair, with the exception of maybe funnelcakes.
Your Welcome, glad you like them. The lemur (blanked on the name of it) was pretty interesting to watch run all over the place in its cage. I know it sounds silly but one thing I liked about it and the little monkey is that they both would climb on their cages meaning it was part of where they lived, so it at least seems that they imbrace it not like they feal traped (not an animal expert just how it seems to me). Also for some reason when I posted I thought the Butterfly pictures where the last two but they aern't.
Wow... lots of animal pictures! Very nice! I love the lemurs, and the gold and blue mccaw pictures. And, of course, the bunnies. And the horses and cows. Wait, i love all the animal pictures. Thanks for sharing them.